Ladies Talkin’ Leafs

Talkin' Tough Times in Leaf Land



Things unfortunately have not gotten any better for the Leafs since our last episode.  Their record is 4-4-1 after the loss to the L.A. Kings, which oddly enough was the same record they had last season at the end of October. No doubt there's lots to dissect as we try to make sense of the teams stagnant start. While LeafsNation laments all the things that are going wrong, we did manage to find some bright spots to discuss in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Considering how nervous the goaltending situation made us at the start of the month, Ilya Samsonov has really taken the puck and skated away with it. Can’t even imagine where we would be right now if our goaltending was still a problem! The aforementioned goalie also makes his first appearance on the LTL Highlight Reel, sharing the spotlight with a stellar goal, and our one "W" in the win column. Here's to hoping that he continues to hold the fort, giving his teammates the support they need to dig their way out of this funk. Finally, in the Third