Bloom Church Podcast

Holy Spirit - Week 3



Who Is the Holy Spirit?   What is This Person Like?   The Day of Pentecost   Pentecost   Pentecostal   Pentecost   How many of us are glad that we invited Jesus into our lives, but afraid of a relationship with the Holy Spirit?   2 Types of Definitions for Pentecostal: Cultural & Biblical   The Holy Spirit is not limited to a group, a denomination, or associated with a form of legalism   Biblical Definition of Pentecostal: Someone who understands and appreciates the fulfillment of the Jewish Feast of Pentecost   A true relationship with the Holy Spirit isn’t weird; it’s necessary   “and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener, standby) to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth…” John 14:16-17 AMP   A life without the Holy Spirit leaves so many benefits & blessings left on the table   The Day of Pentecost   “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a soun