Moody Presents




Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.  Happy Thanksgiving weekend!  Here at Moody Presents it is our hope and prayer that you are encouraging family members and giving thanks to God.  As we ponder thankfulness for all of God’s provision its time for us to give thanks for Jesus and his powerful claimsn which Jesus made while He lived on earth, I Am the Resurrection and the Life.   You see, we are continuoing our CSI study.  What does CSI stand for?  Not the TV show, instead, Christ Said I AM.  Let’s continue to investigate the clams of Christ and tie this all in to the timing of God and new beginnings.  Here’s Pastor Mark Jobe on the Thanksgiving weekend edition of Moody Presents.See for privacy information.