Moody Presents

2022-11-19 CSI: Christ Said I AM the Good Shepherd Part 2



It's time for Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.  If you’ve just joined us, we’ve been learning all about the claims of Christ these past several weeks.  The “I AM” statements that Jesus made about Himself, found in the book of John, are so revealing about His character but even more importantly how we are to live in light of these phrases.  There is so much to unpack and so much to learn.   Last week Dr. Jobe began a messaged called Investigating the Claims of Christ:  I AM the Good Shepherd.  We learned so far that sheep know the shepherd’s voice and follow him, you also learned about Pastor Mark losing track of his wife Dee in a store and it was her unique and recognizable voice that Mark knew instantly.  The same should be true of our relationship with Jesus?  We have a calling to know the voice of God, to listen to it, and follow.  Let’s join Pastor Mark for part two of CSI:  Christ Said I AM, investigating t