One Thousand Hertz

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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It begins with tone. This blog is about my life in sound. Let's calibrate.


  • Nine Lives


    I know that it's been a while since posting but sometimes life gets in the way- family stuff, work stuff (or lack there of), stuff stuff.I decided on posting "Nine Lives" for a few reasons. 1) After an overnight trip to Las Vegas to take care of my mom I returned home to find the cat nearly comatose. I made an appointment at the vets to put her down but on the day of the visit E.V. perked up and found that she wasn't exactly "dead yet".  A few weeks later necessitated another visit and possible injection. But again she wasn't exactly "dead yet". Nine Lives? Yeah.2) My mother has been given a chance for several lives after surviving cancer.  I think it was more than luck that we discovered the cancer so early and though she had to make hard choices she made the correct ones.3) "Nine Lives" features the last radio recording of my dear friend Leona Jacobs White. She wasn't as fortunate as my mom in finding her cancer at an early stage and died back in 2001. Leona lived more than nine lives and her spir

  • In Spirit


    Mortality has been on my mind lately. Parents getting older. Memories of friends who died too soon. So many commercials about increasing insurance so that funeral costs are down for survivors. There seems to be a sense a dread around death. A fear of the unknown- the idea of not knowing what's on the other side when we die. Yet few ponder what existence there is prior to birth.Religion plays a large part in how we consider death. Some believe there is a heaven. Others believe the paradise with virgins waiting (where they come from, I don't know). And there is the one where you get your own planet!!! Still there are those who believe redemption in ones life is the ultimate salvation.  And if Karma is what you hold true, we return in a seemingly endless loop until we achieve pure grace.Of course there are those who see the grave as the final exit- nothing more.For me? That's a discussion for another time."In Spirit" focus in not on death but the idea of living ones life and how accepting the inevitable bri

  • Breakdown


    I believe we all at one time or another reach a point when thinks just shutdown. It could be financial or emotional or physical- something happens and for a moment there is a BREAKDOWN.This blog and podcast is about an actress who reaches a point in her career where she concludes that all that rewards aren't enough to provide fulfillment. Click on the above title or visit iTunes (One Thousand Hertz) to listen .I thought that this would be a good piece to post the day of Obama's jobs speech.  It seems that many in this country are reaching the point of a breakdown. Opportunities that were thought to always be around aren't. Yeah, the constitution does say we have the right to the pursuit of happiness but doesn't mention that we have the right to happiness. Let's face it, whatever is said by Obama and done by the nation's leaders it will not be a cure all. Really, if it helps some people many more will remain to struggle on.In the pursuit of happiness there are no guarantees.  I think that we can hav

  • About Face(Book)


    I had just turned 50. I don't know what is it about birthdays, especially benchmark birthdays (21, 30, 40 etc) but there is somehow an expectation for that birthday. My 50 had me reflecting about old friends and wondering where they were and what they were doing. So I joined Facebook.Simply joining Facebook reconnected me with friends from high school and college- people I realized were very important to making me the person I was at 50.  Looking at my friends list I noticed that the common thread- though they are diverse in their beliefs, race, sex, sexual orientations, social status- the common thread was that all these folks are good people. This is may be my opinion but I believe others would agree if they knew them as I do.Good ordinary people with families, doing the day to day the best way they can. They are all surviving challenges the world throws at them. Good People.So this a long way of saying that a bunch of my high school friends and I got together to go to a Dodger's game last night. Last

  • Empress Niger


    "Empress Niger" is an old piece I originally wrote for a couple of friends/students when I was a Forensics coach in Los Angeles. When I first started doing radio plays I naturally went to old material as a source for the productions- just to get my feet wet as it were.The original inspiration were two very talented people who could pull off the characters and bring out the sense of loneliness and hope at the center of the piece.I was lucky enough to find two more talented people to meet the task and really launch Pagliacci's Fools.It's kinda funny that I am posting this particular piece. This was written right out of college and I had a sense of hope in the future great things were to come. And now- well- I just turned 52 and I am living that future but it's not exactly what I had hoped for back then. The future is uncertain but I think one must continue forward. Looking back doesn't give you much insight. Just a stiff neck.

  • Collections


    No way of getting around it- it's tax time again. So here is a one of the first shows recorded for Pagliacci's Fools- "Collections".  We were all new to the live recordings and for some folks it was the first time doing a radio play. But it was fun and a great learning experience.Listen to the show either by clicking on the title above or on Itunes.Enjoy.

  • Hissing


    The mind can play tricks on one. Shadows can become phantoms. Raindrops on the roof- drum beats signaling the thunder to cry out.A writer finds himself in Reno, Nevada. In Reno a quarter- a mere 25 cents- leads to an evening of whispers, taunts and a slight madness.  Is he playing the machine or is he being played? You decide.Listen on iTunes or by clicking on the title above.

  • The Adventures of Yes Man and Eunuch Boy in "The Diabolical Divas"


    Yes Man and Eunuch Boy have had some formidable foes but more devious than Pussy Willow and her daughters Katrina/Kitrina.Katrina/Kitrina, the world's only Siamese twin opera singers, are giving a concert in The City. But while arias fill the air a plot to steal Cleopatra's Leopard is set into motion. Cleopatra's Leopard gives the bearer the power to control minds and bodies. Pussy Willow wants Cleopatra's Leopard and she wants it NOW. Only our duo can save the City- THE WORLD!!!   Listen to the podcast on iTunes or by clicking on the title above.See if Pussy Willow will succeed in this puuurrrfect crime.

  • A Christmas Memory


    "A Christmas Memory" is one of my favorite holiday stories. Written by Truman Capote, the story is of a unique friendship between a boy and his childlike older cousin.  At this time of year it is not uncommon to reflect back on happier times and comparing them to the life we live now.  Some memories are good- simple joys, fine foods, smiles and laughter Some memories bring a sense of sadness because some part of the memories are no longer with us. Still, it is a time to celebrate (even if you don't celebrate the holidays).  Celebrate life. Celebrate the little things. Celebrate the memories.Listen to "A Christmas Memory" by clicking on the title above or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes One Thousand Hertz.Happy New Year to all.

  • Instant Radio


    I know it's been a while since I last posted but I've been in the middle of a big move from Oakland to Los Angeles. Here's some advice: when renting a truck don't believe the specs when they say a 10' truck is perfect for a 1 bedroom.  It's like the measurements on your coffee maker carafe: it may have been true in the past but not now. Let's just say I'm glad it's over.Moving to L.A. means I've left my radio position and am looking for another.  In tribute to my 20 years at KPFA in Berkeley I am presenting "Instant Radio" written and directed by Bill Chessman. It's a full day of radio programming in 30 minutes which I think is becoming a reality at KPFA (not bitter- not bitter). Click on the title to listen or download on iTunes.This is a new adventure for me. Here's to some great memories.

  • Remembrance


    Day of the Dead. I've always enjoyed the Day of the Dead. The idea of honoring loved ones who had died seemed right in some way. Not forgotten but always present.This has become more apparent as I have gotten older. I am of a generation that was hit hard by death due to the AIDS pandemic. My experiences with friends dying prepared me for what I have recently gone through in being a caregiver for my parents although I didn't know this at the time."Remembrance" is about how we honor our dead. How we fight to keep the memories of them from fading away. It's about saying this this person- this life was important.  It's a celebration a life through the transition of death. So this blog posting and podcast is dedicated to friends and family who have died and my way of saying to you that it's O.K. to mourn the passing of a loved one but don't forget to celebrate them as well. Live your life as a celebration of who they were- who they are. You can get this and other podcast on iTunes (One Thousand Hertz) or list

  • "The War That Never Was"- Alan Lipton Part 2


    This is the second post of the Alan Lipton series. I have to say, I am very impressed with Alan. I think that he is very talented but I didn't know how far his passion for creativity went. I recently went to hear him perform (sing) in Berkeley. Despite it being fairly hot, in BERKELEY, and the usual Berkeley characters milling about AND the scheduled BART trains shaking the outside venue, Alan played and sang with passion and conviction. I enjoyed myself."The War That Never Was" was the first piece the Fools did with Alan. The script seemed more cinematic than something for radio so it was a challenge to make it work for radio. I think we did.Click on the title of the post to listen or download it on iTunes.

  • "Death and Taxidermy"- Alan Lipton Part Uno


    Alan Lipton is a writer/musician/character living in the San Francisco Bay Area. We met when I was doing Pagliacci's Fools. He was a writer. I was looking for writers. Perfect fit.One day in brought me this short piece, "Death and Taxidermy". I fell in love with the piece right away and wanted to record it. Instead of doing it in a live setting I thought it would work best as a pre-recorded piece. There was this actor that I wanted to work with, Brent Rose, who was working with the Shotgun Players at the time. Brent came in the studio, performing both parts and hit it out of the park.Brent is now in New York, working as an actor. Check out how talented this guy is by going to his blog "50 Characters in 50 Weeks" You will be impressed.This is part one of a two part podcast featuring the work of Alan Lipton. Keep an eye out for his piece "The War That Never Was". Click on the above title to listen to "Death and Taxidermy".

  • Razor's Edge


    Kim Nicolini. That's a name you should have heard of before now.  Kim Nicolini is one of the most talented individuals I know. A mother, poet, artist, photographer- a Renaissance Woman. You should know her name and her work.Kim and I worked together in Concord California back in the early 1990s. Rarely do I get involved with co-workers passions but for some reason I felt there was something about Kim I wanted to experience. One day she invited me to come to one of her poetry readings in Vallejo California. I still remember that evening. Kim's poetry was intense, raw, unapologetic- it bled. I bought two of her books of poetry and wanted to get her on tape. I created a show featuring her and her poetry and the result is "Razor's Edge".  You can discover more about this uniquely gifted woman on her website  But first, experience this woman's passion by listening to the podcast either by clicking on the above title or through iTunes (One Thousand Hertz).Hey Kim-



    woyzeck. Woyzeck.  WOYZECK. There's something about this play that has stayed with me for over thirty years. I first read the play in 1979 when I was a student in England. There's something haunting and sad about this play. I can't shake it.Perhaps it's because it was written by Georg Buchner who died at the age of 23. Perhaps it's because the manuscript has the air of mystery around it. You see, although Georg Buchner had finished the play, a series of 29 scenes, there is no guide in which the scenes should be placed. The result is that the play changes slightly depending on the vision of the director. Whatever the reason, I amazed that a man so young had such insight.Here is my vision- Woyzeck:performed and mixed live in front of an audience.A direct link is:

  • I'm Going Back Home


    I went to my first Family Reunion in 1996. I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure what to expect. Growing up  an only child living on the west coast, I knew very little about my fraternal family members who make the Mid-West and South their homes.Arriving in St. Louis on that hot August afternoon I was greeted with smiles of curiosity. Everyone knew my Dad- in was legendary- and they knew of me but few had actually met the "son from California". Having dreadlocks and a laid back attitude made me a stand out right away. But I was welcomed and I had a since of belonging. I brought a tape recorder with me and created a show that is the basis of this podcast.I just returned from the 2010 Family Reunion. It's been about 10 years since my last one in Jackson Mississippi. No longer sporting dreadlocks, a little grey- I was welcomed back- the prodigal "son from California".I don't know what it is about families. There is no "perfect families" like those seen in on television of the 50's, 60's and early 70's

  • The Mystery of the Missing Links


    Strange things have been happening in Carmel California.  Private detective Max Slade is on the job. Max must find the husband of a Monterey Peninsula socialite while at the same time avoid being hooked by the sexy vixen Trixie Deluxx. Can Max find the "wayward" husband? Will he escape the love trap set for him by Trixie? Find out as Max Slade uncovers "The Mystery of the Missing Links". What's that smell? Could it be the scent of "Black Orchid"?

  • Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein": A Review


    The Mel Brooks new musical "Young Frankenstein" is currently playing at the Golden Gate Theater in San Francisco as part of its national tour. This is the second collaboration between Brooks and director/choreographer Susan Stroman after the hit "The Producers".

  • The Potion


    It's said to be careful for what you wish for because you might just get it. Let's face it- we all wish/ pray/chant/mediate for a new job or a fine romance or more money (mmmm-more money) but there is a certain responsibility that comes with getting what we desire."The Potion" looks at one woman's desire and how she copes with what the consequences. "The Potion"- a little magic- a little fantasy- a lot of fun.