Elevation Trail





  • Justice Rookies – Gary and Tim: Covid-19 Hurting Freedom or Convenience?


    You can also listen to our podcasts on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast… Visit our website: www.justicerookies.com Watch the video of this show here on our YouTube channel. Ten Junk Miles, for reasons no one understands, interviewed Tim and here’s that show.

  • Covid-19 and First Responders: Will I Get Arrested for Going Out?


    Gary and Tim also recorded video of this conversation. See it HERE. Gary’s other, more professional (albeit far less popular), podcast and site: https://www.experiencexdesign.com/

  • Justice Rookies with Gary and Tim


          Sorry for the delay between shows. I was personally swamped with the academy and the related build up of testing up to and culminating in the state POST certification exam last week. And Gary was constructing a chicken coop. Hopefully, we should be able to be a bit more consistent moving forward. […]

  • The Effect of Negativity Bias on Our Motives – Race Directing Example


    Thanks for joining us again for another inward glance (read: perverted stare) at our collective emotions related to negativity bias and how it impacts our current views on situations. In this show we discuss Gary’s reality check on his own motivations for putting on races he previously enjoyed, his lawnmower, and Tim’s progression and thoughts […]

  • Evolving Perspectives On Living As An Athlete


    Two shows over a two week period. We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to discuss Gary’s assault on the age group championship in the 8 mile race on Mackinac Island! Hope you enjoy the show. Please leave us a comment and if you have any ideas or things you’d like us to cover in upcoming […]

  • Three Years Later – Still Alive with a New Show!


    Well, Gary and Tim are back with new shows. We’re a little rusty, so it may take a couple (dozen) shows to get polished and into our groove but we needed to start somewhere and that’s with this show. Today, we discuss what we’ve been up to the last three years, what we are doing […]

  • Young Blood in Ultrarunning


    Most 19 year olds are more concerned with finding people to buy beer for them than finding the next ultra to run. On this edition of Elevation Trail, Gary talks with Patrick Caron, a New England kid who would rather be on the trails than go to a party. We’ll find out why he has chosen […]

  • Helen & Stef Wyman Interview


    Helen and Stef Wyman are advocates of cycling, cyclocross, and gender equality in sport. Her list of achievements is impressive, with a Third Place at the World Championships, two European CX championship titles, 9 British national championships, and numerous race wins in World Cup events. More impressive is her work on bringing cyclocross to the […]

  • Leadman, Mike Aish, Retirement,Ultras, Mountain Biking, Future.


    What a pleasure having Mike Aish back on the Elevation Trail Show! One of our favorite guests. We dive into his gritty Leadville 100 mile run, stunning 100 mile mountain bike race, thoughts on doping, and his future, which looks like it will include Gary and I managing Mike’s entry into the Worlds Masters Games […]

  • Olympics, Leadville, guns, & “The Champ”


    Thanks for joining us today on Elevation Trail. We talk about the Olympics, mountain biking, Leadman/Leadville races, interview with “The Champ” oh, and handguns.

  • Trail Tips and “The Champ”


    Back again for some riveting conversation. Today Gary and Tim discuss trail tips, self perception of performance and results, and how to line up at races.  

  • Life, Motivation,& Sports


    After a six month vacation from producing a show, Gary and Tim return to Elevation Trail with an update on things and delve a bit into what motivates people to do or not do activities in their lives. Really, it’s just another conversation about life in general. Direct link: https://elevationtrail.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/july-26.mp3

  • Jam Rags(?) with Rebecca Fahringer


    Oh, crap, clean up the studio, we have a guest! Join us on Elevation Trail as we hang out with “faux” Pro cyclist, Rebecca ‘Becca’ Fahringer. We talk about women in sports, women showering, and naked women advertisements. Fun show and learning experience, in general. mp3 file  

  • When to Retire


    Some people quit a sport for no apparent reason and others linger in their sport well beyond their prime. We discuss that topic along with everything from motocross racing to injuries from doing good deeds. We also announce the winners of the hat/beanie giveaways. Share with your friends (if you don’t like them and want […]

  • Holiday Special Show – Lance Armstrong in Ultrarunning


    Ho Ho Ho, whatever. Welcome to our annual holiday special Elevation Trail show. So many topics, so little time. Today we rant about holiday trips, Donald Trump spring water, which is specially filtered through his hair, Lance Armstrong in ultrarunning, global climate change, and much more. Many people have supplies and plans in place in […]

  • Past or Future or Whatever


    It’s that time of year when nostalgic thoughts creep into our minds. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of room in our minds, so we need to discuss our strange thoughts in public. Welcome to one of our normal, random conversations. Reading material for next week’s show: Craigslist Direct link to .mp3: Past or Future or […]

  • Alisha Edmiston – Finding Yourself


    Join us here on Elevation Trail as we chat with Alisha Edmiston, former pro cyclist, elite runner, and object (one of) of Gary’s stalking activities. It turned into a fascinating show of figuring out who we are, what makes us happy, and how we see ourselves. Oh, and we chat about my gym’s mens locker […]

  • Josh Gordon of Sports Conflict Institute


    Thanks for tuning into Elevation Trail today as we welcome our guest, Josh Gordon of Sports Conflict Institute (sportsconflict.org). We talk about risk management, conflict resolution, doping, athlete personalities, and Gary’s weight loss program. #feedgary Hope you enjoy the show and big thanks to Josh for joining us.  

  • Lyndon Poskitt from Races To Places Interview


    Stats so far on the journey: Days since trip started almost 500. Distance covered on  Basil (motorcycle): 72,126km / 44,897miles Countries travelled: 34 Borders crossed: 40 International Races: 4 Number of haircuts: 3 Lyndon Poskitt from Races To Places takes time out of his 100,000 mile, 50 country three year journey around the world to sit […]

  • Garry Millburn Interview – Conquering Near Fatal Accident


    World class cyclist, Garry Millburn, joins us today on Elevation Trail. He’s currently on a world tour with his new wife, Fiona, visiting beautiful areas while racing bikes. Four years ago he was involved in a head on collision with a car that nearly took his life and left him with a couple years of […]

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