Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed



Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 18 | Prayer

    03/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the eighteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the vital role of prayer in the spiritual maturation process. Drawing from Acts 2:42, Duane explains the different types of prayers and their significance in a believer's life. He stresses that understanding and practicing various forms of prayer can significantly enhance one's spiritual journey and relationship with God.Duane shares his struggles with prayer during his early spiritual journey with personal anecdotes to illustrate how a lack of proper teaching on prayer led to years of unproductive prayers. This reflection emphasizes the importance of learning to pray effectively, just as Jesus and John the Baptist taught the disciples.Prayer is a particular activity that requires varying approaches depending on the situation. Some believers face difficulty receiving answers to their prayers because they are unaware of the different types of prayers suitable for different circumstances. Having insufficient knowledge about these variat

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 17 | Four Food Groups

    31/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the seventeenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane explores the processes that help believers evolve from converts to disciples. He uses the early church model from Acts 2:42 as a foundation. He emphasizes the importance of consistent engagement in four spiritual practices: the Apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers.The Apostles' doctrine highlights the essential teaching that grounds believers in their faith. Understanding these doctrines is crucial for preventing doctrinal errors and building a robust spiritual life. The New Testament's transformative power explains and fulfills the Old Testament, providing clarity and direction for contemporary Christian living.Next is fellowship, which is essential for spiritual growth. Fellowship in the Christian context goes beyond mere socializing; it involves creating deep, meaningful relationships that support and enhance one's spiritual journey. This social intimacy, termed "Konania" in Greek, is about developing real connectio

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 16 | Growth Track

    30/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the sixteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the process of spiritual growth and the essential steps and practices that guide believers from early stages to mature discipleship. He highlights the deliberate nature of spiritual growth, which requires intentional efforts and practices similar to physical, mental, and social development.Spiritual maturity, like physical growth, does not happen by accident but requires a balanced diet of spiritual practices that are encapsulated in Acts 2:42. These practices are as follows:1. Apostles' Doctrine: Understanding the New Testament's revelation of grace, which sheds light on the Old Testament law, is crucial for preventing doctrinal errors and building a solid faith.2. Fellowship: Engaging in meaningful relationships with other believers is essential for personal, social, and spiritual development.3. Breaking of Bread: This practice, including both communion and shared meals, symbolizes unity and shared life among believers. It is vital fo

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 15 | Fellowship

    29/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the fifteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses how believers can progress from spiritual infancy to mature discipleship in Christ. He highlights the importance of consistently engaging in four foundational spiritual activities, which he compares to essential food groups in a balanced spiritual diet. These activities are based on Acts 2:42 and include the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. The significance of the apostles' doctrine provides the theological framework necessary for understanding and living out New Testament truths. This doctrine is vital for believers to accurately interpret and apply biblical principles in their lives. Christians risk falling prey to misconceptions and false teachings without a solid grasp of apostolic teachings.Fellowship is the second component, and it is crucial for spiritual growth. Duane compares spiritual growth to natural maturity, explaining how just as marriage and family life can accelerate personal maturity in th

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 14 | Apostle's Doctrine

    28/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the fourteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes practical steps for personal development and helping others grow spiritually. He draws heavily on the early church practices outlined in Acts 2:42, where the community of believers engaged in four fundamental activities that fostered their spiritual development.Four "spiritual food groups" are essential for personal spiritual growth and the health and growth of the church community. These practices include the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers—each contributing uniquely to the believer's spiritual journey.1. Apostles' Doctrine: This refers to the apostles' teachings, which are crucial for understanding and applying New Testament truths. Duane stresses the importance of grounding in the apostles' doctrine to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the Scriptures, notably how the New Testament clarifies and fulfills the Old Testament.2. Fellowship: The value of fellowship sharpens believers and keeps them g

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 13 | Spiritual Diet

    27/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the thirteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the importance of a balanced spiritual diet that helps believers transition from spiritual infancy to maturity. This diet contains crucial components that help believers evolve from mere converts to disciplined disciples of Christ.The four spiritual food groups based on Acts 2:42, which the early church followed steadfastly to grow spiritually. These groups are the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. The early believers strengthened their faith and deepened their communal bonds by engaging in these practices.The first food group, the apostles' doctrine, pertains to the apostles' teachings, focusing on the New Testament. It explains the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament's types and shadows. Understanding the apostles' doctrine is crucial for believers to correctly interpret biblical principles and avoid confusion that might arise from misinterpreting the Old Testament.Fellowship, the sec

  • Grace & Faith UK 2024 | Session 2

    25/05/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    This message expounds on the paradox of the Christian life, emphasizing the contrast between who we are in the flesh and who we are in Christ. Drawing from Isaiah 51:1, Duane reminds us to "look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the hole of the pit from which you were dug."Without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5), have nothing (1 Corinthians 4:6-7), and know nothing (1 Corinthians 8:2). However, in Christ, we have everything – we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), blessed with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3), and possessing the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reminds us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sin but by our new life in Christ. We are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must live accordingly, putting off the deeds of the flesh. Duane challenges us to recognize our total dependence on God and to walk in the newness of life He has given us, remembering "the pit" from which we were dug and

  • Grace & Faith UK 2024 | Session 1

    24/05/2024 Duración: 01h34s

    This powerful message reveals the profound truth of our identity in Christ. Drawing from Romans 6, Duane highlights that through Jesus' death on the cross, our old sinful nature in Adam has been crucified, and we are now dead to sin. Just as Christ was resurrected, we have been raised to walk in newness of life, freed from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:4-7).We are no longer slaves to sin because the one who has died has been freed from sin (Romans 6:7). Our old self has been put to death, and we have been made alive in Christ, becoming a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are now the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21), and our lives are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3).The message encourages believers to reckon themselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). We are urged to set our minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1-2). Duane encourages us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sins or struggles but by o

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 12 | Culture

    24/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the twelfth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the critical need for discernment and maturity in the Christian faith. He particularly highlights the dangers of spiritual immaturity in discerning good and evil. These biblical principles and real-world applications are necessary for believers to understand and navigate the complexities of modern society.Every believer must make the essential transition from spiritual infancy, where one is primarily nourished by the 'milk' of basic Christian doctrines, to a more robust and mature faith characterized by the 'meat' of deeper, more complex teachings. While new believers start with fundamental understandings of faith, true spiritual growth involves advancing to a more advanced stage where they can handle and discern more profound truths.A significant part of this growth process involves recognizing the influence of the cultural and spiritual warfare surrounding believers. Society often mimics the biblical account of eating from the Tree of

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 11 | Milk

    23/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the eleventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane explores the importance of moving from spiritual immaturity to maturity. He emphasizes the critical role of discernment in articulating how discernment is not only about recognizing what is from God and what isn't but also about understanding deeper spiritual truths and applying them to daily life.Spiritual maturity is characterized by a believer's capacity to move beyond the basic principles of their faith ("milk") and grasp deeper, more complex concepts ("meat"). Milk refers to the basic teachings of Christianity, which are necessary for new believers to build a foundation in their faith. Meanwhile, meat refers to more profound and substantial teachings that challenge and grow a Christian's faith, enabling them to handle complex spiritual and moral issues effectively.A significant aspect of maturity is the ability to discern good from evil. Many believers struggle because they remain at a basic level of spiritual understanding, only consuming mi

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 10 | Discernment

    22/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the tenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane highlights the importance of discernment in spiritual maturity. He explains that spiritual growth is more than attending church or gaining knowledge; it also involves the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil—which are the hallmarks of a mature believer.Discernment is an essential element of spiritual development that is frequently disregarded. Many tend to focus on the basics of faith or the mechanics of church life. However, discernment requires a deeper level of wisdom that allows believers to navigate life's complexities effectively. It's a crucial skill because, like young children, immature believers often struggle to make sound judgments, especially in situations that require a nuanced understanding of spirituality and morality.Duane uses examples from daily life to illustrate the need for discernment. Just as parents make decisions for their young children, spiritual leaders, and mature Christians must guide less matur

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 9 | Transformation

    21/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In episode nine of his series, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane focuses on the journey that Christians undertake from spiritual infancy to maturity. This journey is transformative and involves much more than gaining knowledge or performing religious duties. Christians are called to become true image bearers of Christ, reflecting His love and grace in every aspect of life.The shift from being a "convert" to becoming a "disciple" is marked by a deepening relationship with God and a commitment to live out Christian values. This involves growing from immaturity to maturity. Entering the Kingdom of God is only the beginning; the real challenge and goal is to grow within the kingdom. This means embracing and embodying the attributes of Christ.The discussion revolves around the concepts of spiritual "milk" and "meat." These terms differentiate between elementary and more complex doctrines of Christianity. Milk represents basic teachings necessary for new believers to understand their faith, while meat involves de

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 8 | Forgiven

    20/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the eighth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the differences between spiritual maturity and immaturity. He focuses on the biblical analogy of milk and solid food, as described in 1 Corinthians 3. This metaphor explains the journey from basic, foundational teachings (milk) to more profound, actionable insights (solid food) that embody true spiritual maturity.Transitioning from spiritual infancy to maturity is essential for a fulfilling Christian life. The reference to "milk" represents the elementary principles of Christianity, such as fundamental truths about Jesus, God's love, and our identity as believers. These fundamental truths are crucial for new believers to understand and embrace as they lay the groundwork for their faith.While these basics are necessary, they are just the beginning. Actual spiritual growth, or "eating solid food," means applying these foundational truths in real life. Maturity involves moving beyond knowing that God loves us to actively loving God and others

  • Children in the Hands of Warriors | Part 2

    19/05/2024 Duración: 47min

    The message speaks to the importance of raising children in a way that prepares them to thrive in adulthood. Duane uses a scriptural analogy from Psalm 127:3-5, comparing children to arrows in the hands of a warrior. Just as an arrow has different components (feathers, shaft, and arrowhead), Duane highlights three stages of parenting and their significance.The feathers (ages 0-10) represent laying the foundational principles of life, such as moral clarity, absolute truth in Jesus, and faith (Psalm 127:4). The shaft (ages 10-20) is the time for teaching wisdom and preparing them for marriage, careers, and handling responsibilities (Proverbs 1:8, Ephesians 6:4). The arrowhead represents the target or purpose of raising children, which is to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39). Using the example of Abraham (Genesis 18:17-19), Duane emphasizes the need to command children to keep the ways of the Lord, do righteousness and justice, and pass down God's promises generationally. The speaker warns against the

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 7 | Spiritual Gifts

    17/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the seventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of Christian maturity and urges believers to grow into the likeness of Christ in every aspect of their lives. Spiritual maturity is not only about obtaining salvation and securing a place in heaven but also about living out heavenly principles here on earth. This means demonstrating behaviors that align with being citizens of heaven rather than reflecting our old, sinful natures.In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul speaks about putting away childish things when becoming a man. This metaphor describes the journey from spiritual childhood to adulthood, highlighting that maturity involves more than aging or having spiritual gifts. Possessing spiritual gifts does not necessarily equate to maturity, as gifts can be misused if character and love do not accompany them.The true measure of spiritual maturity is characterized by love and the correct use of God's gifts. It's possible for believers to operate in gifts of the Spirit a

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 6 | Carnal

    16/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the sixth episode, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of personal growth and helping others. Spiritual maturity is not just about an individual's growth but also involves creating an environment where everyone can mature, particularly within the church community.Many believers who think they have achieved maturity still show signs of immaturity, such as judging or looking down on less mature individuals. True maturity involves recognizing these immature tendencies and actively working to overcome them.In 1 Corinthians, Paul draws a distinction between spiritual and carnal believers. Paul characterizes carnal believers as those who are still like "babes in Christ," lacking the ability to grasp more profound spiritual teachings. On the other hand, mature Christians can adapt their messages based on the spiritual readiness of their audience, which helps to prevent unnecessary conflict and division.One key sign of immaturity is the tendency to create divisions within the church based

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 5 | Wisdom

    15/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the fifth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the concepts of wisdom, spiritual immaturity, and maturity. He focuses on how believers can grow from simple converts to mature disciples of Christ by providing a roadmap for their spiritual development based on biblical teachings.Wisdom is crucial for personal growth in the life of a believer. It involves knowledge and applying God's word in everyday situations. Wisdom is necessary to discern right from wrong and make decisions that align with God's will.Duane describes spiritual immaturity as a stage in which believers are learning the basic principles of faith. He likens new believers to children who are just beginning to understand the world around them. In this stage, individuals may struggle with fundamental concepts such as faith, grace, and redemption. Spiritual immaturity is not a negative phase but a necessary step in growth. However, staying in this phase for too long can lead to stagnation and vulnerability to false doctrines.Ma

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 4 | Christ

    14/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the fourth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses how to nurture our spiritual development individually and within the community of believers. As Christians, our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ, reflecting His character and virtues in our everyday lives.Romans Chapter 8 focuses on God's plan for believers to become more like Christ. This transformation is not only for personal growth but also to reflect Christ's virtues in our relationships with others. God wants all of us to embody His attributes and carry His glory, which was His original intention in creation but was disrupted by sin. However, Christ can reconcile and restore us to our intended purpose.Duane also talks about the process of spiritual maturation using the metaphor of newborn babies who must desire the pure milk of the Word to grow (1 Peter 2:2). This growth involves more than just increasing in knowledge; it's about transforming our mindsets and behaviors to align more closely with God's will. The 'rene

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 3 | Image-Bearers

    13/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the third episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff discusses spiritual growth from a Christian perspective. He emphasizes that spiritual growth is more about internal transformation than external conformity. Duane also discusses the importance of believers being image-bearers of Christ and explores the concepts of predestination and God's will in Christians' lives.Christians often have questions about God's will for their lives, such as career choices or personal decisions. While these decisions are essential, they are secondary compared to God's primary will, which is for believers to be transformed into the image of Christ. This transformation involves how believers reflect Christ's image in every aspect of their lives.The concept of predestination is often misunderstood. Predestination in the biblical context refers not to a predetermined fate of salvation or condemnation but to God's plan for believers to conform to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This idea is foundational to understa

  • Children in the Hands of Warriors | Part 1

    12/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    This message speaks to the importance of raising children according to biblical principles and the challenges parents face in a culture that is increasingly hostile towards Biblical values. Children are a gift from God, and the Bible compares them to arrows in the hands of a warrior (Psalm 127:3-5), suggesting that parents are warriors engaged in a spiritual battle for their children. This message outlines three stages of parenting: the training stage (0-10 years), the teaching stage (10-20 years), and the transition stage (20+ years), and how parents are meant to relate to their children during each of these phases of life. Using the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son from Luke 15, Duane encourages parents to remain steadfast in their faith and values, even when their children go astray. The father in the parable of the prodigal son stayed true to his principles while waiting for his son to "come to his senses" (Luke 15:17). Some of our children may rebel against their upbringing

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