Gyc Beyond



From personal interactions with many of the speakers who present on stage during the GYC conference, we recognize the wealth of wisdom, biblical knowledge, and experience that is collectively available. With this in mind, we sat down with various individuals during the Arise conference and recorded our discussions. We are now giving you the opportunity to listen in to these and other conversations by making them available in a podcast format. It is our hope that these conversations will propel you into active, effective service for Christ.


  • GYC Beyond 23 - How to Live Dangerously for God


    In this podcast, Pr Gary Blanchard encourages young people to live dangerously for God. He provides practical advice on how to hear and respond to the callings of the Holy Spirit and how to find the balance between taking risks in ministry while being wise and counting the cost. Gary shares frankly from his own experience as a young person as well as from his years of work in ministry. As the world youth director, he provides relevant and up-to-date information on opportunities that are available for young people to become rightly trained and to live a life in active, aggressive and unstoppable ministry for Christ. Show Notes:

  • GYC Beyond 22 - Sexual Identity & Adventism


    Christianity hasn’t historically talked about same-sex attraction much. But in this generation, same-sex attraction has become a much more public issue. Perhaps you’ve got questions related to a gay family member, friend, or yourself. How does being an Adventist impact sexual identity? How can you reach out to a friend who is struggling in this area or bring your own struggle to Jesus? In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast Esther Louw and members of Coming Out Ministries unravel some of these sensitive questions in an open and honest dialogue.

  • GYC Beyond 21 - How to Create a Social Media Ministry


    If you’ve ever wanted to get started with sharing the gospel through social media, this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast is for you. Join Esther Louw and Justin Khoe as they discuss the practical details of building a following, creating content, and, ultimately, making a difference to those you engage with.

  • GYC Beyond 20 - How to be involved in Total Member Involvement


    What do Adventist world radio and Total Member Involvement have in common? The answer is: a lot more than you think! Total Member Involvement, also known as TMI, is an initiative by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to encourage evangelistic participation and action from a grassroots level. Adventist World Radio is a piece of the puzzle that makes up the bigger picture. To discover exactly how, join the conversation with Esther Louw and Kyle Allen.

  • GYC Beyond 19 - How to Overcome an Ice Cream Addiction


    Sin tends to be addictive. If you don’t believe me, just try and stop falling for your greatest weakness. Some of us are addicted to gossiping about others, some of us are addicted to alcohol or pornography, and some of us are addicted to ice-cream. Join Esther Louw and Pastor Doug Batchelor in this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast. Pastor Doug opens up about his long-term addiction with ice-cream and the lessons he learned that enabled him to finally overcome.

  • GYC Beyond 18 - The Heart of Ministry


    Ministry and leadership forever changes the relationship that we have with God. Often, being involved in leadership creates challenges which force us to dig our roots deeper in the word. But what happens when people let you down or your ministry doesn’t turn out the way you thought it would?  In this episode of the GYC Beyond podcast, Michelle Doucoumes and Esther Louw have a heart-to-heart conversation about the ups and downs of ministry and how to keep Christ at the center.

  • GYC Beyond 17 - How to Overcome Temptation


    The gospel is a unique solution in a sin-filled world to a problem that is as old as time. Ever since Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, humanity has been caught in a struggle between good and evil. Unfortunately, choosing Christ isn’t quite as simple as we would like it to be. Each of us come to Jesus with unhelpful habits that we’ve cultivated and minds that have a bent towards sin. Perhaps you’ve been wondering: what are the nuts and bolts of overcoming temptation? Is it possible? Does God want us to be perfect? In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast Esther Louw discusses these questions with Andy Im. Andy is currently the Communications Director at Michigan Conference and is on the board of directors for GYC.

  • GYC Beyond 16 - Why You Should Volunter for GYC


    Every movement is made up of people - and GYC is no different! Year after year thousands of young people come together to attend the GYC Conference but it’s behind the scenes where the action really takes place! The backbone of organizations like GYC is made up of volunteers. Without the quiet, unseen work of these volunteers throughout the year, the yearly conference would never happen. In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast Esther Louw interviews Carl Brugger, a long-term GYC volunteer with a passion for using his talents to serve Jesus.

  • GYC Beyond 15 - How to Get Involved in Medical Missionary Work


    In Testimonies to the Church Volume 8 page 77, Ellen White wrote: “The medical missionary work is to be to the work of the church as the right arm to the body.” She went on to state that “The medical missionary work is the gospel in practice.” Clearly, medical missionary work is important, but what is it and what are some practical ways you and I can get involved? Join Esther Louw in this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast as she discusses these questions and more with Dr. Lela Lewis.

  • GYC Beyond 14 - The Power of Sharing Your Faith


    There is a quote in the book, Maranatha, that says: “There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart and lives a life wholly consecrated to God.” Sometimes, it's tempting to feel like our efforts to win souls aren’t making a difference. Or, perhaps, we think that the small things we do don’t really matter that much. In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast Esther Louw interviews Tara Vang as she shares a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness and ability to use even the smallest things to make an eternal impact. Tara is the vice president of evangelism for GYC and also serves as the GLOW Project Manager at the Pacific Union Conference.

  • GYC Beyond 13 - How to Use Media and Art for God


    Martin Luther once said that music is next to theology in its importance to the church. However, throughout history, the church has not always been welcoming of the arts. As Christians and Seventh-day Adventists, what place do the arts have in the church? How can they be utilized to glorify God?  In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast, Esther Louw interviews Neale Schofield to address some of these questions. Neale is currently the Manager of Hope Channel New Zealand as well as the previous CEO of Adventist Media Network in Australia.

  • GYC Beyond 12 - How to Reach Out to Refugees & Immigrants


    According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, there are currently over 22 million refugees around the world. Of course, this number doesn’t include the many individuals who simply migrate to a new country for other considerations. Many refugees and immigrants come to America and other developed countries every year. As Adventist Christians, how can we reach out to these people groups and make a difference? In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast, Esther Louw discusses this challenge with David Skau. A young person with a passion for mission, both overseas and in America, David Skau is currently working for the organization, Reach the World Next Door. Listen in to discover ways you can reach out to refugees and immigrants in your local community.

  • GYC Beyond 11 - How to Experience Revival and Reformation


    Ellen White famously said: “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.” In the last decade, revival and reformation has become a catch-phrase in Adventist circles. Many feel the need for this process to take place. But how do we go about experiencing revival and reformation as the new reality in our lives? In this episode, Janet and Jerry Page join Esther Louw to share about their passion for pursuing a Spirit-filled life. Jerry Page is the secretary fo the General Conference Ministerial Association and ministers to the world church in conjunction with his wife Janet, who is the associate ministerial secretary for Shepherdess International and Prayer Ministries.

  • GYC Beyond 10 - Why You Should Be Involved in Your Local Church


    This week, Esther Louw and Pastor Moise Ratsara have an engaging conversation about how and why young people should be involved in local church endeavors. While not everyone is called to become a missionary overseas, Pastor Ratsara believes every Christian is called to participate in the gospel commission. Pastor Ratsara grew up as a missionary kid in Africa before completing his theology degree at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee. Currently a pastor in Michigan Conference as well as the president of GYC, Moise Ratsara shares with us from personal experience.

  • GYC Beyond 09 - Why Christianity?


    In this episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast, Esther Louw and Dr. Anthony Bosman discuss the biblical claims of Christianity and their relevance for young people today. Perhaps you’ve asked yourself, is there one truth, many truths, or no truth? What evidence exists to support an absolute truth in Jesus Christ and how can we share our faith in that truth with others? Dr. Bosman is an assistant professor of mathematics at Andrews University and a recent graduate of Rice University as well as Stanford. Join us as we explore the philosophical claims of biblical religion.

  • GYC Beyond 08 - Discovering Our Christian Heritage


    This week, join Esther Louw and Adam Ramdin as they delve into the history of the Protestant Reformation and discover it’s meaning and relevance for our lives today. Adam Ramdin currently serves as the North England Conference Youth Director as well as the director of PEACE, an evangelism training school. Adam is passionate about Christian history and has become known for his involvement with Lineage Journey, a video documentary series covering the Protestant Reformation.

  • GYC Beyond 07 - How to Teach an Interesting Sabbath School Lesson


    This episode of the GYC Beyond Podcast features Esther Louw and Shauna Chung in conversation with Justin Kim. Justin Kim is the Editor of Collegiate Quarterly and Assistant Director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He has previously served as a missionary, pastor, and director of the Public Campus Ministry Department in Michigan and is a co-founder of the GYC movement. In this podcast episode, Justin Kim answers some big questions about how to teach Sabbath School, the components that make up an ideal Sabbath School class, and methods you can implement in your local church that can turn your Sabbath School class into a vibrant outreach endeavor.

  • GYC Beyond 06 - How to Have a Vibrant Devotional Life


    In this week’s podcast episode, Esther Louw and Shauna Chung discuss with Natasha Dysinger methods that each of us can implement to improve the quality of our devotions. Natasha is down-to-earth as she talks about her own personal struggles through the years, as well as unique solutions that she and others have implemented to put God first despite busy schedules or lack of motivation. Have your devotions become habitual and lacklustre? Or are you struggling to simply turn devotions into a habit? Regardless of how long you have been a Christian, there is something for everyone in this interesting discussion.

  • GYC Beyond 05 - How to Have a Powerful Life of Prayer


    Our next episode features Gem Castor and Shauna Chung as they discuss the power of prayer and how to put that power to practice. Gem Castor is an itinerant missionary from the Philippines who travels the world leading out united prayer sessions and seminars. Inspired by the life of George Mueller he has spent the last seven years relying entirely on the Lord's providence to provide for his needs and mission ventures. Listen in on this engaging conversation.

  • GYC Beyond 04 - Leadership and Time Management


    This week’s episode features Shauna Chung and Esther Louw in conversation with Amy Ratsara. Together, they discuss the relationship between being an effective leader and knowing how to effectively manage time. Amy shares a number of practical ideas that have benefitted her life and ministry both in the past, during her tenure on the GYC Executive Committee, and in the present as a busy wife, mom, and practicing lawyer. Listen in and don’t forget to keep a pen and paper nearby to note those ideas you may want to pursue.

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