First Umc | Mcallen Sermons



First United Methodist Church, McAllen sermons


  • New Names, New Dreams


    Jesus comes into our lives to change our character. Jesus doesn’t demand or expect that we’re anything more than interested in order to come to him—he knows us long before we come to him. And, if we will but come to him...walk with him...we will see...

  • Empty Hands - Christmas Eve Worship Service


    The wise man in my old nativity who lost his gift. Who the wisemen were, why they came (outsiders, pagans, foreigners), who the shepherds were, why they came (edges of society, dirty, looked down on). What we bring isn't the point. It's that...

  • Lessons & Carols 4th Advent Sunday


    What a treat to be able to enjoy the sound of Christmas through scripture and carols!

  • For Thine Is The Kingdom


    The end of the Lords's prayer is a doxology, a word of praise to God, added by believers. It's a way to close the prayer and open their eyes to the world, with praise of God. We, too, can find ways to add doxology to our lives.

  • Forgive Us Our Trespasses


    How to get rid of our fist. Monkey trap, letting go of hatred so we can be free.

  • Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil


    We ask for bread for today, forgiveness for yesterday, and leading for tomorrow. Jesus' model prayer covers our lives--past, present, and future. Jesus recognizes the reality of evil but rejects the inevitability of it. There is another...

  • Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread


    Asking for what we need, learning to share what we have, manna.

  • Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done


    Praying for God's Kingdom to come means remembering that this is something Jesus began. We know the outcome now- God wins, but the game is still being played. And like the 12th man in football, when we pray this prayer, we are asking God to put...

  • Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name;


    The Our draws us into community with each other, Father reminds us we are family, we pray with our brothers and sisters, hallowed reminds us of God's power, which we invite to work in our lives

  • All Saints


    We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, the people who finish their race are still involved, cheering us on. We can be encouraged when we're weary that we're not running alone. All we love are cheering for us. And Jesus is before...

  • Church Family


    So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters. For he said to God, “I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your...

  • MONEY Stewardship


    Money: Bringing tithe into storehouse, testing God (the only place God says this), not robbing God, but giving first and joyfully

  • Stewardship - TIME


    Time: Being a good steward of the time God has given, spending it on what matters, avoiding that which is fleeting. Jesus saying focus on God and others.

  • GRACE: Sanctifying


    Our lives are a work in process. Not our process; God's process. And, God's process is a process of making us more and more in God's image. God begins with us where we are...and moves us closer and closer to God's vision for us.

  • GRACE: Justifying


    God waits for us to turn around, but can't make us respond. Justifying is what happens when you finally turn/repent, can be sudden or gradual, but it is open to everyone, not just "elect"

  • Grace: Prevenient


    The grace that goes before us, calling us to return even before we are aware of God. God loves you before you are cleaned up, while you are still lost and a mess, God is the one who starts the relationship, calling out to you.

  • The Well-Dressed Christian


    Okay, time to talk about how we dress.

  • Finding God at The Pulga


    Can we find God at the Pulga (the Flea Market)?

  • Finding God at T-Ball


    TBall- Why do 5 and 6 year olds play this game? To beat other 5/6 year olds? Or to learn how to play this game, to be on a team, to learn their parents are rooting for them? The stated goal is the second, but many parents pick (perhaps not even...

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