First Umc | Mcallen Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 5:45:18
  • Mas informaciones



First United Methodist Church, McAllen sermons


  • LOVE


    Love:Jesus said love would define us- our love for God and for others. Jesus said the world would pick us out because we were so loving. The love the Bible talks about isn't an emotion, but a choice. It's not earned, it's a gift. First...

  • Happiness


    Happy is a biblical word! Let's reclaim it proudly. Psalm 1, the theme-setting psalm for the whole psalter begins with happiness and how to have it 1) NOT hanging around with sinners 2) delighting in God's law 2) roots into God's soil=...

  • A New Family


    While we celebrate "mothers" today, we are reminded by the Scripture this week that we are made family in God. Jesus again provides us the example in word and deed as he deals with his own family. In God's family, we are gifted with...

  • Isaiah 40:31


    How we try to compensate for weakness (coffee, energy drinks, IVs for sick nurses). Versus God's invitation to spread our empty hands and let him change our emptiness into strength. The story of how eagles use the wind to rise into the air and...

  • Now What?


    John 20:19-22 Jesus is risen! The tomb is empty! what? Jesus appears to the disciples and gives them three things: peace...a mission...and the Spirit. The Risen Christ is our hope and our salvation...but that's just the beginning of...

  • "But ... "


    The world made new, story of the scribe and how every letter is a person. Shared stories of lives changing

  • Hot and Cold


    Katy Perry sings a song about being hot and cold, yes and no, in and out, up and down. Boy is that ever the story of humanity. And Holy Week gives us a glimpse of how changeable, how unstable we are. Palm Sunday is a glroy day, a "hot" day...

  • Healing


    Kay Perry sings a song about being hot and cold, yes and no, in and out, up and down. Boy is that ever the story of humanity. And Holy Week gives us a glimpse of how changeable, how unstable we are. Palm Sunday is a glroy day, a "hot" day...

  • Broken Cisterns


    God says we have a choice in this life- broken cisterns, the things that we can make to provide for ourselves, or springs of living water, the abundant, uncessing life he can provide for us.

  • Sacrificing the Sacred


    What do we hold sacred in our lives? What are the non-negotiables or nearly non-negotiables in our lives? The Scriptures today remind us that sometimes we have to let go of what is sacred--what is 'right'--in order to do what is good.

  • Baptism


    "you don't know what I've done." I've heard that so often and it breaks my heart. The Jordan River was the place of salvation, first a new start and promised land, and with Jesus, a second chance at life and transformation...

  • Comfortable Yet?


    Sometimes we simply get too comfortable--comfortable in our routines, comfortable in our work and worship...comfortable with Jesus. Sometimes we need something to shake us out of our comfort so we can see and hear Jesus...and live out his call in our...

  • In the Spirit of Jesus


    As God uses speech at Creation, Jesus comes to 'speak' good news...freedom, sight, God's favor. The power of words is undeniable. As "Jesus people" how are we using the power of words?

  • Overcoming Temptation


    Onion dip as my temptation. Steps to overcoming- 1) realize where you are weak, 2) idenify triggers 3) get support from your church family 4) get support from God

  • Becoming a Peacemaker


    We are not just recipents of peace, we are makers of it. We do it with our lips, as we speak words of peace, as we forgive and pray for each other, with our eyes and ears when we take time to notice others, and our hands, when we do what we can to...

  • Peace in Relationships


    Shalom is not just within us, or between us and God, it can and should be between us and other people. Here we learn how Jesus teaches us to resolve conflicts1) take initiative 2) go directly to the person 3) go out of our way to be reconcilled.

  • Imagine That...


    Jesus calls us to question our priorities and seek a deeper peace in life. That begins by getting things in order, first things first. When we begin our day, our week, our month with God first, things begin to line up. "...Seek first God's...

  • Peace in Babylon


    Jeremiah spoke to the exiles, living in tents in filthy Babylon. But the hope wasn't a return home, but the call to build homes, plant gardens and pray for the place they hated. To put down roots. Sometimes our peace comes, not from escaping a...

  • Peace in Storms


    The Jewish people feared deep water. And storms on water- utterly terrifying. So Jesus' nap during such a seismos is a powerful picture of the peace God wants to give us. We find it when 1) look at Jesus, not the storm and 2) remember his power

  • What Is It & How to Find It


    Peace, shalom, is God's gift to us. It is so full- body, soul, mind and relationships. Psalm 27 shows that we find that peace when we bleieve that we'll see God's goodness here in the land of the living and we wait, with hope, for Jesus.

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