Gracepointe Church Douglas, Ga



GracePointe Church Douglas, GA


  • Traction - Audio

    29/11/2009 Duración: 2673h00s

    We live in a world where things at times seem unjust. The wicked seem to be prospering and the righteous suffering. It's hard to keep doing good when it seems to be in vain. The worship leader Asaph had this same problem in Psalm 73. He came to some conclusions that might help you get some traction if you find yourself slipping away.

  • Thanksliving - Audio

    22/11/2009 Duración: 2273h00s

    Thanksgiving is just one day that we focus on giving thanks. What would happen, though, if we lived thankfully everyday. What if we moved thanksgiving from a time of year to all the time.

  • R U Convinced That Nothing Can Separate You From the Love of God? - Audio

    15/11/2009 Duración: 2542h00s

    Are You Convinced that nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus? If you were how would that change your life? What difference would it make?

  • R U Convinced That The Bible Is God's Word? - Audio

    08/11/2009 Duración: 2170h00s

    Are you convinced that the Bible is the Word of God?

  • R U Convinced that Giving is Better Than Receiving? - Audio

    01/11/2009 Duración: 2170h00s

    In a farewell address to the Ephesian church, the apostle Paul urges the believers to remember Jesus words that "it is more blessed to give than to receive." If it was important enough for Paul to urge the Ephesians to remember, then surely it is also an important word for us. But are we truly convinced that it is more blessed to give than to receive? And if we were convinced that is true, how would it change the way we live?

  • R U Convinced That Salvation is By Grace? - Audio

    25/10/2009 Duración: 2754h00s

    If I were truly convinced that salvation was by grace what would I do? How would I live? Would my life look any different that it does today?

  • R U Convinced That Hell Is Real? - Audio

    18/10/2009 Duración: 2338h00s

    Sometimes we say that we believe in certain things, but the reality is that we don't actually demonstrate that belief by the way that we live. We act on what we truly believe. They are our convictions. So consider what you believe about life after death. What do you believe about eternity and what difference does it make in your life on a day to day basis?

  • Song of Songs Chapter 8 - Audio

    11/10/2009 Duración: 3041h00s

    God desires for us to experience His joy in the marriage relationship. He wants us to have the passion and romance that we desire deep in out hearts. If we are committed to one another in love and faithfulness, we can keep the flame alive. We can turn a spark into an inferno by His grace. Trust His Word and obey it and you will find His blessing is there.

  • Song of Songs Chapter 7 - Audio

    04/10/2009 Duración: 2478h00s

    What season is your marriage in? Is it spring, summer, winter, or fall? Where do you want it to be? Marriage takes work. It takes planning and intentionality. By God's grace, your marriage can be more romantic than even the day or your wedding.

  • Song of Songs Chapter 6 - Audio

    29/09/2009 Duración: 2626h00s

    Reconciliation is vital to any marriage. Hearts get broken and bruised. The grace of Christ enters our marriage when we lay down our accounts and release our spouses from their debts.

  • Song of Songs Chapter 5 - Audio

    20/09/2009 Duración: 2985h00s

    Marriage starts off with a period of time that is wonderful. It is like spring time with newness in the air. Then things settle down and conflict arises. So how do you deal with conflict in marriage? The temptation will be for each person to look at where their spouse falls short. But each husband and wife needs to first evaluate their own words and actions. If we are honest with ourselves, we can take steps to having healthy and holy marriages.

  • Song of Songs Chapter 4 - Audio

    13/09/2009 Duración: 2733h00s

    Sexual intimacy within marriage is not just physical. It is profoundly spiritual. The fourth chapter of the Song of Songs is powerful. It gives us some clear insight to how a husband and wife should love one another. The physical act is only part of sex. It is a holy expression and celebration of God's gift to married people.

  • The Real Boss - Audio

    06/09/2009 Duración: 1938h00s

    As Christians, we should seek to go past easy living and break patterns that bring shame upon our Lord. Some of the work we do indiviually and corporately reflects negatively on Jesus Christ. What would happen in our lives if we believed that God's glory was at stake in all of the things we do at work, in the church, at school and in our homes?

  • Song of Songs Chapter 3 - Audio

    30/08/2009 Duración: 2841h00s

    Dating and weddings have changed since the days of Solomon, but men and women are essentially the same. The principles that make good marriages work never change. There is a certain gravity and seriousness to the marital relationship. The wedding vows we make should be taken very seriously. They are vows that are taken not only between you and your spouse, but between the two of you and the God of the universe. Therefore, we should follow through with our promises.

  • Song of Songs Chapter 2 - Audio

    23/08/2009 Duración: 2096h00s

    It has been said that in marriage, the four horseman of the apocalypse are sin, age, forgetfulness and laziness. When they descend upon you, they can kill the romance. This means that you and your spouse will have to choose to be faithful. Some things that you can do to stave off these horsemen are to focus on the inner qualities of your spouse and to nurture, edify, and praise them. Spend time recalling the things you admire in your spouse. Do this frequently. What were some of the special moments that you shared over the years? What can you do to create more moments like this with your spouse?

  • Song of Songs Chapter 1 - Audio

    16/08/2009 Duración: 3054h00s

    One of the most mysterious books of the Bible is the Song of Songs. God has given this book as direction and guidance for handling love, attraction, romance, sex, and marriage. Love songs come from the mouth and touch the heart. This song is centuries old, but has enormous power to get to the heart of modern day issues. If you want more romance, more passion, more intimacy and more devotion, then commit yourself this day to apply what you learn from this Song. It can save your marriage.

  • Introduction to the Song of Songs - Audio

    09/08/2009 Duración: 2862h00s

    God created people. He invented sex. He made and officiated the first marriage. No one knows more about relationships than He does. He knows more than Howard Stern, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Phil, and Oprah. His instruction and guidance is invaluable. If applied, it can save your marriage and make it all that you have longed for.

  • Immersed - Audio

    02/08/2009 Duración: 2801h00s

    The subject of Baptism is one that has divided believers down through the centuries. It is a very important and impactful subject for the lives of all that follow Christ.

  • Strapped - Audio

    26/07/2009 Duración: 2740h00s

    The gospels and the New Testament letters of the Apostle Paul are pretty clear that if you and I choose to follow Jesus, we are going to have to sacrifice some things. For most of us, though, the priority of Christ has not cost us anything. We are often unwilling to give up certain things in order to follow Jesus. What is holding you back from going full out in following Jesus?

  • Freedom - Audio

    05/07/2009 Duración: 2469h00s

    Freedom has always come at a cost. Somebody usually pays a price and often blood is shed in exchange for liberty. Jesus Christ paid a price by spilling His blood on the cross for the freedom of each one of us who will believe in Him. We celebrate this and look for it to spur us on in God's great grace.

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