Abundant Intuitive Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:31
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Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think. Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom. Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good.


  • Weekly Energy Check-In for Week of 6/16/2019

    18/06/2019 Duración: 04min

    What comes first? The trust or the omens, signs and messages? This week's energy check-in will shed some light on that answer! https://www.kathrynmussell.com/

  • Weekly Energy Check in for Week of 6/9/2019

    10/06/2019 Duración: 12min

    Weekly Energy Check-in for Week of 6/9/2019 Still playing the victim to your circumstances- or to the massive upshot in energy frequencies on the planet right now? Feeling like you're powerless against them? Then prepare to be really uncomfortable this week unless you move with this current swell of energy instead of against it. How do you do that? Listen to today's podcast, of course!   Need some help becoming the Master of your Reality? Limited spots are open now in my Spiritual Mentorship program. Apply for your spot HERE

  • What is Sacred DNA

    08/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    What is Sacred DNA

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for Week of 6/2/2019

    04/06/2019 Duración: 18min

    The vibration of the Earth is upgrading. The Schumann Resonance of the planet is receiving more intense energy fluctuations than ever before. The Universe is inviting you to play with the duality of your spiritual/human experience. This means working with what can at first feel like very disruptive energies, instead of against them. Time for a reframing and redefining of what this earthly experience can offer you during these times of potent and powerful energy boosts. https://www.kathrynmussell.com

  • It's not resistance that's keeping you in a manifesting slump.

    03/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    “What the heck is going on? I don’t have any more resistance to let go of so why am I not manifesting what I want??!!” Hint: it’s not resistance. Today's podcast will help you move out of your manifesting slump. Blessings!!

  • Weekly Energy Check-in for Week of 5/26/2019

    26/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    Weekly Energy Check-in for Week of 5/26/2019 This week is about presence and clarity. Calling back all parts of self to bolster your power and boundary protection is paramount. That wink or nudge you’ve been waiting for from the cosmos? It’s here. No more hedging bets, fence-sitting, wallflowering (yes I made that up- you’re welcome...) or second-guessing. In a word, the energy this week is like “WHOOSH!”

  • Weekly Energy Check-in: Week of 5/19/2019

    19/05/2019 Duración: 38min

    Weekly Energy Check-in: Week of 5/19/2019 As this intense Full Blue Flower Moon is on the wane, it’s time for consolidation— not necessarily decluttering— although it can include that. I’ll explain more in today’s Weekly Energy Check-in. Want to know how I get my “intuitive snapshot” of what’s going on with the energies every week? Some folks have been asking about how I do it. It’s actually quite simple. I’ll share on today’s talk how I tune in to the frequencies of the moment and how you can do it too! Also, stick around until the end! I've got all of my paid programs and workshops on sale until 5/27 for the ME-morial Week Sale! Time to celebrate and honor the old you and start creating a new you with some of my highly transformative programs-- $25 - $100 off all my stuff like Reinvent Yourself Workshop, Sacred DNA Activation and Restructuring, my signature online program Crack Your Happiness Code, the Wealth Consciousness Collective (starting Wednesday 5/22) and MORE! ****20% of profits from sales are go

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for Week of 5/12/2019

    12/05/2019 Duración: 15min

    Lots of fire Energy this week! Time to take action, clean up old energies and replenish. In today’s Energy Check-in, I share some tips on how to ride the waves of energy fluctuations this week.

  • Crack your Happiness Code: Create and Sustain Joy No Matter What

    11/05/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    Strap in kids! Today's podcast is a long one. But you won't want to miss it if you are someone that struggles to find your joy! Practicing the art of happiness is a skill. Yes, it's a practice. Yes, it's an art. Yes, it is also a skill. So many of us are so over-sensitized to the triggers that take away from our experience of feeling happy, that we have gotten away from the PRACTICE of being happy. The frustration of just trying to create joy has become so great that we don't even know how to do it or worse, we stop trying to achieve it at all. Really, it's a practice and a PROCESS of clearing away and building back up. It involves prioritizing the implementation of steps and a commitment to self to take full responsibility for CREATING and SUSTAINING your own happiness. Underneath all the layers of beliefs about who you THINK you are, you are not really your thoughts. Underneath all the emotions that you feel are defining you, you are not really your feelings. Underneath all the ways you are behaving t

  • Weekly Energy Check-In: Week of May 5, 2019

    06/05/2019 Duración: 22min

    The Weekly Energy Check-In for May 5, 2019. Good news!! The arc of your downward "growth curve" is ending in the next week or so. You may not have been feeling like anything has been coming in or even going away but that's only a point of view from a limited scope of ego perception. And what's been going on has been seriously messing with your sense of linear time! This will always make you feel off your nut. Things are moving back into balance after purging some major energy patterns that have been on auto-pilot for a loooong time. This may account for why you don't feel like you've been moving ahead but you feel pretty damn uncomfortable at the same time. Rest easier now, the volatile energy is moving out and an upward growth curve is about to start it's ascent.

  • Weekly Energy Check-In: Week of 4/28/2019

    28/04/2019 Duración: 20min

    Weekly Energy Check-in for the Week of April 28. Theme this week: The Dead Zone before the Breakthrough Want your weekly dose of intuitive guidance sent right to your inbox? Join my email list with the link below to get your weekly energy report, links to new guided meditations and access to my one-stop resource hub for all of my free and paid programs. https://www.kathrynmussell.com/  

  • Hack your old programming and change your life for good

    27/04/2019 Duración: 57min

    Hack your old programming and change your life for good. You know that feeling? When everything just feels easy, smooth, sorted, and in place? Think it’s just a fluke. It’s not. You can make it your new normal. Learn the 3 major steps to override the program that's been running your life and design a new one.   Want to know more about my Become the Creatrix signature program? Click HERE

  • Become the Infinite: Inner Journey

    25/04/2019 Duración: 40min

    **Recorded live on 4/25 on my Facebook Business Page, Kathryn Mussell Conscious Creatrix. Become the Infinite: Inner Journey to view Creation from the Perspective of the Infinite You. This guided journey will merge your physical being with pure Creation. This is an excellent daily tool that will help you to connect with pure Source Consciousness to release, to create, or to simply feel One with All. This energy is the foundation for the work we do in my signature Become the Creatrix program. The next LIVE round is starting May 2, 2019. Doors are closing soon! Full details and link to join is HERE Did you enjoy this meditation? You will love the Womb and the Tomb Activation. This is an incredibly powerful activation that helps you to understand and work with your inherent divinity in order to create your reality through the power of your will.   Access the guided meditation on my podcast here: https://bit.ly/2GGIgGt

  • What is the core negative emotion driving your life?

    26/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    What is the core negative emotion that has been the driving force in your life until now? Lack, blame, resentment, fear, worry, hatred, suffering, grief, guilt, shame, unworthiness? This negative core emotion has shaped you in more ways than you may be aware of and has created your worldview. You perceive your reality through the lens of this core emotion. It is the by-product of your past experiences. Because you have memorized this emotion so well, it is what keeps you in a place of struggle as you attempt to create a new destiny and reality for yourself. You may be feeling like you've tried affirmations, positive thinking, manifesting courses, energy activations of all kinds and NOTHING HELPS. If you've tried these ways to shift out of lack, anger, frustration, hatred, blame, judgement, fear, suffering, worry, guilt or blame but you don't feel any different, then check out the video I recorded today. I'll help you identify your core negative emotion and why it's so important to clear it. Check out my VIP

  • Reinventing Ourselves as Women is no Longer Just an Option, It's an Imperative

    15/03/2019 Duración: 41min

    Reinventing ourselves as women is no longer just an option, it’s an imperative. In this video I'm talking about: ~ women are actually really good at reinventing themselves, but for the wrong reasons ~ how many times have had to shift roles or learn something new in your life because you HAD TO- What if you could reinvent yourself and transform your entire personal reality because you WANTED TO? ~ as women, we must learn how to become masters of reinvention. ~ we can no longer be afraid of what feels TOO BIG. A greater expression of self will only and ever feel too big if we are playing TOO SMALL.

  • Healing your Inner Child with Mother Creatrix

    04/03/2019 Duración: 47min

    Healing your Inner Child with Mother Creatrix Not receiving the love, care, attention and support that you needed at a very young age keeps your inner child stuck in the trauma of that experience. This can affect your creativity, your ability to conceive fresh new ideas, your sense of overall control, as well as your ability to fully perceive yourself as whole and complete. Mostly it keeps us in a survival state where we perceive our world through a lens of fear- fear of rejection, fear of not being supported (by anything or anyone!) and fear of losing control. Mostly, we are living in a perpetual, completely misplaced fear that we have done something so wrong that it made us NOT DESERVE our Mother's love. Let me share with you a simple, yet powerful method to heal and release trauma in your inner child so that you can move forward in your life with grace and pleasure, while accessing the fullness of your creativity, divine inspiration and inner light. The links mentioned can be found here: Connecting in

  • The Biggest Ascension Symptom right now ~ Personality Crisis

    17/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    Personality Crisis is an Ascension Symptom affecting so many. How do you make peace with this inner conflict?

  • When your world isn't any bigger than your problem, you lack the creativity you need to find the solution.

    07/02/2019 Duración: 50min

    When you don’t allow your world to get any bigger than your problem, you lack the creativity you need to find the solution. You need to stop BEING the problem in order to find the solution. #becomethecreatrix Stop buying into the false nobility that to suffer and struggle in order to have what you want is divine- that it proves you're worthy or you have value, moxy, depth of character, lady balls, determination, or strength. Because that's simply false. It's simply not true UNLESS you BELIEVE and ACT LIKE it's true. And when you continue to act like that's true, you reinforce your old way of being. You give limitation and lack a safe container- a nice warm body to sleep in. You can continue to "manage" your life from the crisis state- where one day bleeds into the next without any change and then before you know it, a few years have gone by and you're still right here, reading another post just like this one.... OR... you can learn to thrive and expand in the creative state, where stepping into greater desi

  • Reinvent Yourself Workshop Day 3 of 3

    02/02/2019 Duración: 46min

    Today I reveal the next important step in reinventing the self and what it takes to consistently experience ever-increasing levels of your human awakening journey with ease and flow. #becomethecreatrix

  • Reinvent Yourself Workshop Day #2

    02/02/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    In today's live talk, we go on a powerful journey where we connect with Mother Creatrix energy (pure cosmic consciousness) to clear the core emotion that is keeping you rooted in your past. I share with you the 2 powerful components that you must implement in order to create the new you. I also share two tools that help you to gain clarity on WHO is the highest ideal version of you and WHY it is so important for you to reinvent yourself as this new you. **Journey to the Alternate Self Trance Meditation can be found here:  http://traffic.libsyn.com/abundantintuitive/Journey_to_the_Alternate_Self_Trance_Meditation.mp3 **7 Levels Deep- find your deeper "WHY" exercise can be found here: http://www.7levelsdeep.com/

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