Pikes Peak Christian Church Sermon Podcast



Its about helping more people more often say Yes to God. God is speaking to us all the time, whispering and coaxing us to follow His lead and trust Him more. Living as a believer is learning to discern the voice of the Lord and being obedient to whatever He says. Some people hear that voice urging them to give God a try. Then they sense the call to give their lives to Christ. That voice continues to speak with greater regularity and boldness as Jesus leads us into the life He designed for us. As He once said, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)


  • Ephesians: This is the New Me

    13/05/2018 Duración: 27min

    5-13-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde speaks on how when we are made in the newness of Christ, we are called to have a likeness of Jesus. So what does that look like?

  • Ephesians: Wardrobe Change

    06/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    5-6-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde wants us to change how we dress. Spiritually that is. When we see Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have a new self that we are meant to put on, and this is what Darrin is talking about this week.

  • Ephesians: Spiritual Adulting

    29/04/2018 Duración: 31min

    4-29-18 - Family Discipleship Pastor Sam Silveous talks about what maturity in the faith looks like and the importance of making sure we are 'adulting' in our spiritual walk, growing and becoming more mature. We are naturally meant to 'adult' in this world as we grow older - things like getting a job/career, getting married, raising a family, buying a house, etc. These types of things ring true in our faith as well - raising up spiritual disciples, growing up in our faith, tapping into our spiritual gifts and using those, etc. Welcome to Spiritual Adulting.

  • Ephesians: Church Uni-Versity

    22/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    4-22-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde rolls right out of last week in taking the teaching that we got from the previous 3 chapters of Ephesians and now applying them, this time in how the church needs to be about unity and gifts. We each have something to contribute to the church, and the gift we have can be a great gift indeed if used for God.

  • Ephesians: Protect the Unity

    15/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    4-15-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde dives back in the book of Ephesians after taking a couple months off, this time starting us in the second half of book. This is the 'so what' section of the book, and Paul begins this by talking about unity in the church.

  • Cut to the Core

    08/04/2018 Duración: 38min

    4-8-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde goes over what we value at PPCC and what in scripture drives the spirit of our church.

  • Once And For All: The Resurrection

    01/04/2018 Duración: 29min

    4-1-18 - Easter is here! Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde brings us to the cross and shows how the resurrection can be personal. Going through the 24th chapter of Luke we take a look at how Jesus can help you open your eyes and heart to so many amazing things!

  • Once And For All: Part 1

    25/03/2018 Duración: 29min

    3-25-18 - Intern, now Pastor, Tanner Woolf speaks to us on Palm Sunday about the importance of Jesus going to the cross. While this is something commonly heard around this time of year, Tanner does a great job of going through the importance of Atonement and Sacrifice and what that means in our lives, bringing newness to this topic.

  • Far More Abundantly: Money Questions

    18/03/2018 Duración: 39min

    3-18-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde and Family Discipleship Pastor Sam Silveous take a unique approach to the pulpit this week as they sit down and have a discussion/lesson on different questions people have asked when it comes to money/giving. This is a great sermon to have many of your wonderings answered.

  • Far More Abundantly: Bigger Than Tithing

    11/03/2018 Duración: 34min

    3-11-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde wants you to know the joys of having a generous spirit. It is something that can start with experiencing the blessing of giving God a tithe, seeing what He can do in your life through His blessings, and wanting to share blessings with others as well. To have such joy in your life is something that goes far beyond the area of finances, it is something that permeates your life. Found out with that looks like in this week's sermon.

  • Far More Abundantly: Faithful Stewards

    04/03/2018 Duración: 37min

    3-4-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde looks at ways that we can be counter-cultural in our thought process and actions when it comes to finances.

  • Far More Abundantly: Avoiding the Path of Fools

    25/02/2018 Duración: 36min

    2-25-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde kicks off a new series talking about the blessing we see through tithing. This is something that God even says to test him on. This week we look at the different mindsets between the wise and the fool.

  • Ephesians: Big Prayer, Big God

    18/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    2-18-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde gets through the last part of chapter 3 in Ephesians, looking at the last couple verses in the prayer of Paul. Do we have the courage of pray big? Do we even count it as needing courage? What would happen if we prayed big prayers?

  • Ephesians: Busting at the Seams

    11/02/2018 Duración: 31min

    2-11-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde shares how to increase your capacity through prayer - by means of purpose and practice.

  • Ephesians: All The More Reason

    04/02/2018 Duración: 36min

    2-4-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde gets to the last portion of Ephesians chapter 3, and this is such an important topic that he will be here for the 2 weeks as well. The important topic is - Prayer! Paul shows us through this chapter, this book, other writings, and even his life just how important prayer is and the power that it can hold. This is something to get excited about and press into.

  • Ephesians: Bigger Than You Think

    28/01/2018 Duración: 28min

    1-28-18 - Family Discipleship Pastor Sam Silveous continues through the third chapter of Ephesians, looking at the amazing thing that God has set up for us and how so much of what we see in scriptures is even better than how we read it when we don't stop to think of the wonderment of God.

  • Ephesians: Get the Word Out

    21/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    1-21-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde looks at the writings of Paul at the start of Ephesians chapter 3, seeing that Paul is really showing that you can be a light for Jesus wherever you are. This is especially seen in this passage since Paul is both writing from prison and doubling down by actually writing about how the gospel is for all people, no matter who they are or where they come from.

  • Ephesians: From Far to So Very Near

    14/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    1-14-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde finishes up chapter 2 of Ephesians look at what we get to be a part of and have membership in because of significance that Christ played for all, regardless of race, gender, or what your previous ties were to.

  • Ephesians - From Wreck to Reconciled

    07/01/2018 Duración: 28min

    1-7-18 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde begins the new year by going back - back to our in depth look at the book of Ephesians. This is a sermon about looking back, looking back in a couple ways. We need to look back at where we have been as well as what Jesus has done. When we put the two of those together, looking forward has some awesome potential.

  • Just What the Doctor Ordered

    31/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    12-31-17 - Adult Discipleship Pastor Sam Silveous gets us ready for the new year talking about what the best thing is that we can do - listen; not just listen to him or Darrin, but listen to the voice of God. He goes over the importance of this and how to do it.

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