Pikes Peak Christian Church Sermon Podcast



Its about helping more people more often say Yes to God. God is speaking to us all the time, whispering and coaxing us to follow His lead and trust Him more. Living as a believer is learning to discern the voice of the Lord and being obedient to whatever He says. Some people hear that voice urging them to give God a try. Then they sense the call to give their lives to Christ. That voice continues to speak with greater regularity and boldness as Jesus leads us into the life He designed for us. As He once said, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)


  • Vision Sunday 2017

    10/12/2017 Duración: 34min

    12-10-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde is ready for next year, and that is with 2017 being a great year for PPCC! Darrin looks forward to what is in store for our church and takes us through highlights of 2017.

  • Why Family Discipleship

    03/12/2017 Duración: 29min

    12-3-17 - Family Discipleship Pastor Sam Silveous takes a break from the book of Ephesians and talks about a key thing many of us start to think about even more than usual this time of year - Family. Family is key to growth, and that goes both in the home and at church.

  • Ephesians: His Artistic Expression

    26/11/2017 Duración: 32min

    11-26-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde gets to the last verse of Ephesians Chapter 2 this week, and we only focus on that verse. It is a powerful one that many of us need to be reminded of. We need to be aware of the wonder and awe that is behind our being and making, and that is something that continues on beyond us being formed in the womb. We are continually being formed and are a wonder - well into adulthood.

  • Ephesians: 100% God

    19/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    11-19-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde reminds us that as much as we like to be able to accomplish things by ourselves, there are many things that are beyond our reach. This is is especially true when it comes to things of God and the power and knowledge that he possesses.

  • Ephesians: Then God Stepped In

    12/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    11-12-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde looks at the next few verses at the beginning of Ephesians 2, and this time we look at a small word with a big meaning - But. In our lives, we often here the word 'but' as something that goes at the end of a compliment, making what was just said prior negated. This is what happens in this message, but instead it is a positive 'But'!

  • Ephesians: Land of the Walking Dead

    05/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    11-5-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde reaches the beginning of Ephesians chapter two this week, and we go through the first three verses. So often we think the Christian walk is about Jesus taking bad and making good of it, and while that is a product of Christianity, what Jesus is truly about is bringing the dead back to life. In our lives, this means spiritually, and Darrin looks at the meaning of his resurrection in our lives and what we need to remember from our dead selves.

  • Ephesians: Power Up!

    29/10/2017 Duración: 29min

    10-29-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde finishes up chapter one of Ephesians by letting us know that there is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in having a relationship with Jesus. There is power beyond beyond the grave and into heaven. What could you do with such a power? What are we called to do with such a power?

  • Ephesians: Growing is Knowing

    22/10/2017 Duración: 33min

    10-22-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde wants to know what you know. More importantly, God wants to make sure that you know who He is. One cannot have a healthy relationship with someone if they didn't get to know them beyond an introduction, so how far past an introduction to God have you gotten?

  • Ephesians: From Grace to Growth

    15/10/2017 Duración: 32min

    10-15-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde talks growth. There are many different veins of thought when it comes to what the word 'Growth' means in the Christian arena. So does the Bible say anything about it?

  • Ephesians: In Christ

    08/10/2017 Duración: 31min

    10-8-17 - Family Pastor Sam Silveous takes us through what we have looked at in a broader scope and looks at the commonality in the words Paul choose in chapter 1 of Ephesians.

  • Ephesians: Blessed Through the Spirit

    01/10/2017 Duración: 32min

    10-1-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde reaches the half way point of Ephesians chapter one this week, speaking on the key role that the Holy Spirit plays in the Christian faith. So often He is a person that can be forgotten, but when it comes to a full Christian walk, he is far from someone to forget.

  • Ephesians: The Fount of Every Blessing

    24/09/2017 Duración: 30min

    9-24-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde takes us deeper in the book of Ephesians today. He unfolds more of Chapter 1, talking about the mystery of God and redemption through his Son.

  • Ephesians: Don't Get Me Started

    17/09/2017 Duración: 32min

    9-17-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde hits verses 3-6 of Ephesians 1 as we continue through our study through the entire book of Ephesians. It is quite the deep book, so only a few verses at a time are needed. Today we hear more about grace and mercy, as well as the blessings that come from being chosen by God.

  • Ephesians: A Re-Purposed Life

    10/09/2017 Duración: 36min

    9-10-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde has preached a 3 week intro to the book of Ephesians looking at the portion of Acts that has Paul in Ephesus. This is the now the first week actually going through the book of Ephesians, and we cover a lot of ground...the first two verses. Even though this is just the intro to the book, there is a lot of Paul has for us in these couple sentences, and Darrin unpacks those for us.

  • Ephesians: What To Do

    03/09/2017 Duración: 34min

    9-3-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde does the third of our three part intro to the book of Ephesians as we finish up looking in the book of Acts and what type of people and environment it was that Paul wrote the letter to Ephesus that we now know as the book of Ephesians. We finish up this intro looking at idols and what it is that can get in the way of God and what that does.

  • Ephesians: Who We Are

    28/08/2017 Duración: 36min

    8-27-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde goes a little darker this weekend as he talks about the presence of demons and what their existence looks like and means for us. Demons are real, and there is a spiritual battle going on we are fighting for. Which side you are on is up to you.

  • Ephesians: Part 1, Theme 1 - What God Did

    20/08/2017 Duración: 26min

    8-20-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde beings our new sermon in our series through Ephesians. He begins by going through Acts 19. In Acts 19, we get a glimpse at the relationship that Paul had with some people in Ephesus and part of why he later on will write the letter that we know as Ephesians. This message is packed full of content with the Holy Spirit and baptism, so it is an awesome starting point for someone in the faith and a great reminder for one that has been calling Jesus 'Lord' for awhile.

  • Better Together: Fight For It!

    13/08/2017 Duración: 30min

    8-13-17 - Family Pastor Sam Silveous finishes up our series on how the church is better when we function today. This is a sermon about battling and how relationships we have we need to be willing to fight for. We need to be willing to fight alongside. We need to be willing to fight in prayer. We need to be willing to fight for what is right. We need to be willing to Fight For It!

  • Better Together: What's My Role?

    06/08/2017 Duración: 31min

    8-6-17 - Family Pastor Sam Silveous hits on a well known passage. Many have heard about the idea of the Body of Christ, aka The Church, and how we all have a part to play. Often times we hear a message like this and it can be easy to feel that if we don't have any particular gifts to offer on Sunday morning then we are off the hook. But that is far from the case. Sam looks at what we are called to through Jesus and what he desires in our lives.

  • Better Together: What Makes Us Better?

    30/07/2017 Duración: 30min

    7-31-17 - Sam Silveous goes over the power in numbers. We all know there can be strength in numbers, and this goes with us in the church too. We need to be there for each other. Together we can be much more than we can solo. Even though our relationship with God is a personal thing, it was never meant to be a private thing.

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