Monday Morning Mojo



Jump start your week with an inspirational message from Cannon Financial Institute's Executive Chairman of the Board, J. Phil Buchanan.


  • Episode 408: Don’t just Dream, Live!

    07/10/2019 Duración: 04min

    This week’s Monday Morning Mojo is in remembrance of a special individual who brought their dreams to life. Jud Bergman lived a life of example; we can learn from his approach to business, lessons he learned, and how he lived his life.  As we begin this week, Phil challenges each of us to live your life as Jud did. Do not only dream great dreams; live them. Resources: Jud Bergman: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:  

  • Episode 407: Check Rides for Professionals

    30/09/2019 Duración: 05min

    What do you expect from your associate in how they position themselves? How do they position your company; How do they position you? What interpersonal skills do you expect them to possess? In today’s episode, Phil discusses the system and steps required to be a pilot and how they should be applied to businesses. Listen in as he addresses the questions above as a way to train to exceed expectations and validate proficiency. Resources: Ron Cox: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 406: Graciousness

    23/09/2019 Duración: 08min

    Some of the most successful leaders in life are those who practice the act of graciousness. An example of a leader that has been a true representation of this is Pete Dawkins. In today’s episode, Phil shares the story of when he had the opportunity to be in the presence of Pete’s graciousness. Phil also shares a personal example of when he chose to be kind rather than bashing out. This episode is a reminder that we can be successful while also being gracious. Resources: Pete Dawkins: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 405: Grammar Matters!

    16/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    Do you ever stop to think about the things you say? Many of us are unaware of the mistakes we make in verbal and written communications.  In this episode, Phil discusses the importance of correct grammar. Communication is an essential life skill; it is a representation of you as well as your firm.     Resources: Grammarly: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 404: Relationships and Priorities

    09/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    The timeless saying still rings true, “people don’t care what you know, but they do want to know that you care.” How can you increase client engagement? The answer lies in creating deep, meaningful relationships. Life is a people and contact sport. If you want to know the secret to raving fans, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 403: Pain in the Back!

    03/09/2019 Duración: 07min

    Have you found yourself in the center of an endless cycle of conflicting opinions? How was your situation resolved? In this episode, Phil uses a recent personal challenge to show the importance of being tenacious and a self-advocate for one’s well-being. Join Phil this morning as he shares a few fundamental lessons he learned through his experience. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 401: Err on Overkill

    26/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    Have you recently thought about the experience your clients have? The lens that customers see through is not always the visual you want them to have.   In this episode of Monday Morning Mojo, Phil reminds us to take a step back to look at the bigger picture of our client relationships. We need to evaluate our mentality as well as hold ourselves accountable for our commitments to our clients. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 400: What’s next?

    19/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    Think about the impact technology has in your daily life. Computers, the Internet, smartphones, and most recently, Apps have simplified our daily routines and enhanced our experiences. In today’s milestone of Monday Morning Mojo, episode 400, Phil shares key innovations of the last few decades and discusses the effects they have had in changing our lives and the client experience. We challenge you to think about the role innovation plays in your life. What invention is next? Resources: Definition of Innovation: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 399: A Pint and a Chat

    12/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    We are all surrounded by people that hold a range of opinions. In our everyday lives, we tend to stick to those who hold the same opinions as we do and tend to express them through harsh tones, tearing others down, or blaming others to solve problems. Join in, as Phil reminds us all to consider listening to others' opinions and to be respectful of what they have to say. By doing this, it can broaden our critical thinking, analytical skills, and improve the way we express our opinions. Resources: “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 398: Briskets, Cocktails, and Pilot Errors

    05/08/2019 Duración: 08min

    How focused are you on your overall business plan? Do you have an evaluation plan? Are you utilizing checklists or measurements to ensure the plan is followed through consistently? These are questions to consider when constructing a business plan and can be a resource of habit. Listen in, as Phil explains how you can apply your answers as a guide to success. Resources: Aaron Franklin’s MasterClass: Aaron Franklin’s restaurant, Franklin Barbecue: “The Southern Foodways Alliance Guide to Cocktails “ by Jerry Slater: Krista and Jerry Slater’s restaurant, The Expat: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 397: Dog Days of Summer

    29/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    “Dog Days of Summer,” is a saying that refers to those hot summer days when it is sweltering outside. This phrase was created by the ancient Greeks and Romans from the heliacal rising of the Dog-Star, Sirius. During one of those “Dog Days”, Willis Carrier came across an idea which in turn, lead to his creation of the air conditioner. The appreciation  for his work is an understatement. In today’s episode, Phil challenges us to seek ideas when we are faced with problems and we too may change the world. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 396: Skill Mastery & The 1% Rule

    22/07/2019 Duración: 07min

    One of the most important skills to have as a leader in this industry is to have constant development of communication. We are on a life long journey of refining our communication through connecting, understanding and advising others. In today’s episode, Phil hones in on each of these mechanisms and explains how they can advance our interactions. We can all take Phil’s advice and schedule 15 minutes out of our day to invest in ourselves and practice the art of communicating. Resources: “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcom Gladwell: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 395: Acknowledgement & Respect

    15/07/2019 Duración: 06min

     There is value in acknowledging and respecting the people we encounter. When positive acts, such as saying please and thank you, are replicated, they can have a ripple effect. In today’s episode, Phil challenges us to take time to write thank you notes to those who have had an indirect or direct impact in our lives. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 394: Proactive Learning

    08/07/2019 Duración: 06min

    There are many leaders in today’s society that have become successful as they have developed the aspect of being life long learners. They continue to learn through ever situation they encounter. On this episode of Monday Morning Mojo, Phil discusses the importance of being open and active to continuing to learn and improve our skills. He challenges us to join a group that tests our abilities to be a more valuable asset. Resources: Edgar Dale- Cone of Learning: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 393: Leveraging Yourself

    01/07/2019 Duración: 06min

    Where do you excel? How can you use your strengths to run a business? Where are your weaknesses? How do you overcome the gaps? Not everyone is best at the same thing.  How we combine each other’s expertise says a lot about whether or not we will create success. In today’s episode, Phil encourages each of us to find where we excel and focus on using to this our advantage. By doing so, we are allowing ourselves to build a business that we run, rather than letting the business run us. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 392: I’ll do it…later

    24/06/2019 Duración: 07min

    Prioritization vs. Procrastination. When you hear these two words, what do you think? Does being able to use them as a resource for time come to mind? Most successful people, whether you know them professionally or personally, have mastered the use of both prioritization and procrastination. Listen in as Phil discusses these two ideas and challenges us to use them as tools to manage our time wisely. Resources: Susanna Newsonsen, MAPP - "6 Reasons Why Procrastination Can Be Good For You," Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 391: Source of Advice

    17/06/2019 Duración: 06min

    The true definition of a mentor is someone with sound advice, thoughtful guidance, and life lessons to share with individuals with less experience. Do you have a mentor in your life? The best role models are not only self aware but intentional about developing others. Mentors come with various levels of experience and can be in all stages of life. Listen in as Phil shares the benefits of having someone you look up to as a mentor and that leads by example. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 390: What Will They Say?

    10/06/2019 Duración: 06min

    Legacy. In today’s world we most often equate one’s legacy to the financial stamina or tangible “things” left behind.  But what about the gift of character? Life lessons? Anecdotal wisdom? Are these not some of the brightest attributes of one’s legacy? In today’s episode of Monday Morning Mojo, Phil reflects on the lasting impact his mentors, and ultimately cherished friends, have had on his life.  Take a moment as you listen to consider this simple, yet impactful question means to you; What will they say?  Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 389: Awareness. Focus. Impact.

    03/06/2019 Duración: 05min

    In the midst of the busyness of life, we tend to lose sight of the impact we have on those around us. We forget that the many resources that are easily accessible to us may not as accessible to others. As we listen in today, Phil reminds us of the power we have to make a difference and challenges each of us to focus in on getting involved and investing in others.   Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

  • Episode 388: Having Tough Conversations

    28/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    Whether you are a manager, an employee, a parent or a friend, regardless of your role, we all have to have tough conversations. While some do not know how to have this type of conversation, others are anxious about the effect it will have on relationships. Join us this morning as Phil shares a three-step approach to preparing for and having tough conversations. No leader enjoys having these conversations; however, they are inevitable in leadership and therefore, a skill that must be mastered. Resources: Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to:

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