Joshua Live Podcast



Each week Joshua (channeled by Gary Bodley) joins One on One students to expand upon the Law of Attraction and other universal laws.


  • How to Manifest Everything You Truly Want

    22/07/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    Everything you think you want comes from your identity. If you had a different identity, you would want different things. If you can raise your perspective, you will start to understand what you truly want. You will get clarity and inspiration will really start to flow. You might discover a new passion or interest. This will start to shift your vibration and suddenly things will begin to flow into your life with ease. In this episode, Joshua explains the secret to manifesting everything you truly want. If you can get this one idea, the whole manifesting process will be easy and fun. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • How to Move to Higher Densities

    18/07/2023 Duración: 01h20min

    Fear is caused by the illusion of separation. This illusion is more intense in the lower densities. But as you move up in density, the illusion loses its strength and the fear dissipates. The reason it might be so difficult for you to manifest what you want, is due to the intensity of the density you're living in. The way to move up in density is through raising your vibration. That is not achieved by thinking positive thoughts alone. There is so much more to it. You must elevate your perspective of yourself and this is mainly accomplished through action and experience. In this episode, Joshua explains the process required to shift to higher densities. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Leading with the Heart

    14/07/2023 Duración: 01h14min

    Almost everyone is primarily operating from the brain trying to figure out how to improve conditions in some way. There is a far more effective and powerful way to live. That's by leading with the heart. The way to do this is to reach the Inversion point. At the the inversion you switch from living outside in to living from the inside out. You transition from me to we and from what can I get to what can I give. Then everything changes. In this episode, Joshua goes into great detail about Inversion, how to lead with the heart and creating from feelings. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here     

  • Is Everyone Seeing All These Synchronicities?

    10/07/2023 Duración: 59min

    This episode is about seeing synchronicities and what it means, adjusting your identity so that it becomes less limiting, dealing with painful relationships with mom or dad, creating more and more connections, defining what it means to truly be an introvert, and experiencing the unimaginable. This is one of my favorite episodes of all time! For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • We’ve Discovered Something Exciting

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    A few weeks ago, Christy channeled a new program called Quantum Life Theory. It was brought to us by The White Light. We were excited to jump into this and Joshua began streaming loads of information and we held our first QLT event last month. The event was wonderful and we got so many new insights. Then something new came. There is a process for discovering anyone's Soul purpose. As far as I know, this has never been described before. In this episode, The White Light answers my questions about QLT and this weekend, I was led to this new revelation. We have since channeled a questionnaire that will enable anyone to discover their actual soul's purpose. Send me an email to receive your QLT questionnaire. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose

    03/07/2023 Duración: 01h20min

    The purpose of this life experience is simply to expand. You can expand in any direction you like. Those of us on the spiritual path and expanding more in joy. As we do, we shift into higher densities and move out of the fear into greater levels of clarity. At some point, you will become aware that you have a soul's purpose above and beyond simple expansion. When you find it and then live it, you will discover a hidden reality. We call it "The Unimaginable" and as you live your purpose, you move into this higher vibrational reality. In the Quantum Life Theory program, we use a tool called "The Blueprint" to help people discover their soul's purpose. We then give them a unique plan and a series of activities that will lead them out of fear and into alignment with their purpose. In this episode, Joshua explains the path to your soul's purpose. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Webinar - here  Please share this podcast wit

  • A Higher Vibration Requires an Expanded Identity

    29/06/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    The key to everything you want is the ability to raise your own vibration. As we have learned, a higher vibration is the result of reaching a higher perspective of yourself in your reality. But how does one raise their perspective? To see yourself as more, you must expand your identity. You are so much more than you think you are. Your identity is your definition of yourself. That definition is inherently limiting. In the Quantum Life Theory program, we work on expanding one's identity. In this episode, Joshua explains how our identities limit us and how we can expand our identities. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Webinar - here  Please share this podcast with your friends!

  • Acceptance is the Key to Raising Your Perspective

    26/06/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    This life is all about raising your perspective. As your perspective raises, so does your vibration. It's a simple idea, but how do you actually change the way you see yourself in your reality? You get there through the practice of acceptance. When you come to the place where you actually accept what's happening, your perspective automatically raises. In this episode, the White Light explains this concept in great detail and with amazing clarity. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Webinar - here  Please share this podcast with your friends!  

  • Freedom

    21/06/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    If you really want to understand how to be free, you will love this episode. Your freedom is up to you. It's based in your definition and perspective. Change your definition and raise your perspective and you'll be set free. In this episode, Joshua explains exactly why you feel limited and how to remove your limitations. It's not what you think! For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Webinar - here  Please share this podcast with your friends!  

  • How to Unleash Your Human Potential

    16/06/2023 Duración: 59min

    The human is more powerful than we can possibly imagine. But we have forgotten who we are. This implies that as we reach higher perspectives and move out of that illusion, we are able to tap into that innate power. We each have innate empathic abilities. I and many of you can channel. Christy can talk to dead people and spirit guides. These abilities are waiting for us all to do one thing and that's reach higher perspectives. In this episode, Joshua talks about human potential and discusses what we can do to release our own empathic talents and abilities. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Webinar - here  Please share this podcast with your friends!  

  • Inversion is the Key to an Ecstatic Life

    13/06/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    The concept of Inversion was revealed to us recently when Christy and I started channeling the Quantum Life Theory program. It's one of the 10 pillars of QLT. An ecstatic life is defined as the transcendence of self. In this episode, Joshua explains the idea of inversion and how it leads to self-transcendence. This is a fascinating topic that I'm sure we'll be hearing more about in the coming weeks. You can watch a video all about Quantum Life Theory on my YouTube channel. Search Gary Bodley on Youtube to watch it. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • Freedom From Identity

    09/06/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Who you think you are is not who you truly are. You are so much more than you can begin to imagine. In order to discover who you truly are, you must make your identity malleable and flexible. This is not as easy as it sounds. We are attached to our identities and it's the lens through which we view our worlds. However, it is but a mere fraction of who we really are. In this episode, Joshua explains the limitations of the identity and how you can achieve true freedom by letting some of that identity go. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • The Power of Connection

    06/06/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    In this reality, we forget who we truly are and we live under the illusion of separation, which is the underlying cause of all fear. The truth is that we are all connected. When we receive urges to change or control our conditions and people, we are under the influence of separation and we want to disconnect. However, in alignment, we receive inspiration and that is always to connect in some way. So the easiest thing to remember is that any attempt at disconnection is the illusion and all movement towards greater connection is the truth. Be guided by that and you'll always know exactly what to do. As you connect more, you move out of the illusion and gain clarity. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • How You Create Your Own Reality

    01/06/2023 Duración: 59min

    You know you are the creator of your own reality. You know that you cannot create in another's reality and they can't create in yours. We know that part of this is done from your nonphysical, inner self's perspective. But how do you as the human create your own reality? In this episode, Joshua goes much deeper into this concept and I think you will be surprised by what they reveal. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • Joshua Spring Retreat Session One

    27/05/2023 Duración: 01h35min

    This is a special episode recorded live at the Joshua Spring Fling Retreat on May 5th, 2023. In this live session recorded at the Joshua House in North Carolina, Joshua answers questions from the retreat guests covering all sorts of topics from Human Potential to Authenticity, to Raising Your Perspective to raw intrinsic benefits of Letting Go of Your Identity. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • What Will You Choose; The Red Pill or Blue Pill?

    23/05/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    If you have been listening to Joshua, you have heard about a Radically New Approach to Life. In fact, this was Joshua's 3rd book. This approach is based in love and acceptance, but there's much more to it. The old approach that most people have been living is the old approach of fear and control. Once you move into the new approach, you've swallowed the red pill, but unlike the Matrix, you'll see that what's been invisible to everyone else is beautiful, exciting and unimaginable. There is a way to experience life that's so far more spectacular than you could ever imagine, but first you have to approach life in a radically new way. In this episode, Joshua discusses this new way of living your life. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • The White Light Retreat Special

    20/05/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    This is the recording of the live White Light channeling session at the Joshua Retreat on May 6th, 2023. In this session, The White Light describes how we use feeling to manifest anything. It's not the thoughts, words or even actions that allow us to bring in what we want, it's the feeling. You must learn how to cultivate the feeling of what you want and they explain exactly how to do this. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • Attachment and Identity

    16/05/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    Nothing has any inherent meaning. When we give anything meaning, we form an attachment. It becomes part of our identity and then we fear losing it. When you become attached to your identity, you will feel the fear of loss when you receive inspiration and you may not be able to push past the fear. This hinders your growth and expansion. When we give less meaning to certain things, the attachment is weaker and we're able to push past more fear when inspired. In this amazing episode, Joshua breaks down this concept so that you can really understand how your identity was formed and why change is so challenging. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • Why Loss Feels So Awful

    12/05/2023 Duración: 01h23min

    This is the first episode since the Spring Retreat and it's the most amazing Joshua Live to date. Make sure to listen to the end. Joshua explains that the fear of loss, which is the greatest fear, originates due to the illusion of separation. By the end of this episode, you will understand how all of your fears are just one thing and how to manage any fear. See if you notice a difference in the way Joshua is explaining this concept. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"  

  • Understanding the Illusion of Separation and How it Impacts Your Life

    09/05/2023 Duración: 59min

    We are born with no memory of who we are or where we came from. We feel separate from everything and everyone. This is a key feature in the Earth Reality. Other realities don't have this. The feeling of separation causes all fear. It's the fear of loss. In this episode, Joshua helps us see through the illusion to what is really happening. When you understand this concept, you'll feel less fear. For more info - Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality"

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