Solid Words



Weekly expository sermons emanating from the pulpit of The Living Church, a Reformed congregation, in Anniston, AL.


  • Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Bible Study


    In this Bible study, we examine God's commandments for Israel concerning the cities of refuge for manslayers (and what to do with murderers), personal property, and the role of witnesses (and what to do with false witnesses).

  • The Mystery of His Will


    As faithful saints, God has blessed us with wisdom and insight into the mystery of His Will, and what is His Will? That Christ should have the preeminence.

  • Suffering in Holiness


    How are we to live/be in suffering. The focus of our suffering is the Will of God.

  • Deuteronomy 17:14-20 Bible Study


    In this passage, God gives Israel the commands concerning their future kings, that they should be a king of His choosing and that the kings should be faithful to Him in their living and in adhering to His Word.

  • Freed by Redemption


    As faithful saints, God has redeemed us from the bondage of sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and He has granted us forgiveness of sins.

  • Deuteronomy Chapters 16-17


    Chapter 16 describes the festivals of Passover, Weeks, and Booths. Each commemorates an event from Israel's history. Chapter 17 describes how Israel is to relate to each other in regards to transgressors among them.

  • The Doctrine of Adoption


    As faithful saints, God has predestined us to adoption as sons. Because we are adopted into God's family, we are to bear resemblance to God, our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

  • Deuteronomy 14-15 Bible Study


    In this bible study, God gives commands to Israel concerning their dietary laws, tithing and giving, and how to treat the poor and enslaved among them. The purpose is to separate Israel from the pagan nations around them. Israel is a holy and separate nation and their practices are to reflect that.

  • The Goal of the Christian Life is Holiness


    As Faithful Saints, God has predestined us to live holy and blameless before Him.

  • God Deserves Our Blessing


    As Believers, since God has totally blessed us in Christ, He deserves our blessing.

  • Deuteronomy 12 Bible Study


    In this chapter of Deuteronomy, Yahweh institutes a centralized place of worship for Israel as they transition into the Promised Land.

  • What Counts the Most- Galatians 6:11-18


    As believers, we are to boast only in the Cross of Christ.

  • Deuteronomy Chapter 11 Bible Study


    Choosing obedience, love, and loyalty to God ensures the blessing of God's presence in possessing the Promised Land. Disloyalty to God (by worship false gods) will result in the cursing of God.

  • Before I Formed You Jeremiah 1:4-5


    God has a calling on every human life at the point of conception. That calling is to always bring Him Glory.

  • Deuteronomy 9-10 Bible Study


    God reminds Israel that it is not because of their righteousness that they will conquer the land (because they rebelled against Him in the wilderness), but because of the wickedness of the nations they will dispossess. Also, it is because of the Lord's faithfulness to the promise He made to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.

  • Bear One Another's Burdens


    As Believers who are walking in the Spirit, we are called to humbly help our brother/sister in need, and consistently give to meet the needs of other saints.

  • Freedom in the Spirt


    That as believers, we are called to use freedom in Christ as an opportunity to walk in the Spirit, not an opportunity to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

  • Deuteronomy 7 Bible Study


    In Deuteronomy 7, the Lord commands Israel to: utterly destroy the Canaanites, not intermarry with them, and destroy their idols because they are His special, chosen people. God also promises Israel blessings for their obedience to His commands and calls them to have confidence in His strength as they proceed to conquer the land.

  • Freedom in Christ


    We as believers are the stand in liberty in which we have been called. We are not slaves to the law but are free to serve Christ as heirs.

  • Deuteronomy 6 Bible Study


    In the second part of Chapter 6, Yahweh warns Israel of the danger of leaving Him in times of prosperity, to honor Him in everything they do, and teach their children to understand and honor Him.

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