Faith Talks



God, by His grace, has already given us everything we need to live the life He intended us to live from the beginning - a life of health, prosperity, and wholeness in every part of life. But it's not enough to simply have head knowledge about what He's given us by His grace; there is responsibility on our part - we must access it by FAITH. We must be "doers" of the Word, and not hearers only.Learn how to practically apply what the Word teaches us about grace and faith and start seeing the manifestation of the goodness of God in your life!Email:


  • 037 - What To Do When You're In A Trial Part 2

    18/07/2019 Duración: 25min

    Satan comes to steal the Word. The enemy will use discouragement, disappointment, and negative changes in circumstances to try and convince you that the Word isn't working. But this is a good indication that the Word IS working, otherwise the enemy wouldn't be there to steal it! Join me for Part 2 of What To Do When You're In A Trial to find out what God has to say about how to stand firm, hold fast, and not let go of your grip on His Word. Learn how to recognise the lies, thoughts and strategies of the enemy that are designed to sift and harass you, so that you can count it all joy, employ your patience, and end up perfect, complete, and lacking in nothing!

  • 036 - What To Do When You're In A Trial

    10/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    We're speaking the Word over our situation but it feels like things are getting worse. The symptoms are getting worse, the fights are breaking out, the bills are mounting up...what do we do? What does the Word say to do? God's Word NEVER fails, but we need to know how to stand, and having done all to stand, to stand. We need to employ endurance and patience so that, when patience has had its perfect work, we will be perfect, complete, and lacking nothing! Join me for this week's episode where you'll learn what to do when you're in a trial and how to come through it.

  • 032 - Darren Saxton's Testimony: Physical Healing and Restoration of Relationships

    02/05/2019 Duración: 21min

    Darren Saxton had been living with chronic back pain for 20 years after a serious car accident. Darren's teenage children had also been separated and estranged from him for 12 years after he and his wife were divorced.  After listening to the Faith Talks podcasts and receiving a copy of Confessions for Life which contains scriptural declarations which he could speak over his children, Darren received revelation of the truth that would make him free. He realised that he did not have to tolerate back pain any longer, and that he could speak the Word over his children and see reconciliation and restoration of their relationship. Darren is now completely healed and free of any back pain, has been reconciled to his children, and is continuing to see manifestation of God's grace in every area of his life as a result of being a doer of the Word. Listen to his testimony and be encouraged and blessed!

  • 031 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 3

    12/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    PART 3 "God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?

  • 030 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 2

    12/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    PART 2 "God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?

  • 029 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 1

    12/04/2019 Duración: 35min

    "God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?

  • 028 - How To Cast Down Imaginations Part 2

    23/03/2019 Duración: 39min

    Part 2 of 2 - What does the Word tell us to do when we experience thoughts of doubt, unbelief, confusion, uncertainty, or fear about anything we are believing God for? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tell us to, "Cast down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God."  The enemy will come against us with schemes, strategies, thoughts, lies, arguments, and suggestions that contradict the Word, and the Word says we are to cast them down. In Part 1 and 2 of "How To Cast Down Imaginations", we go to the Word to find out exactly what imaginations are, and how to cast them down. Casting down imaginations is also a vital part of being a Doer of the Word. Find out more in today's episode!

  • 027 - How To Cast Down Imaginations Part 1

    23/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    What does the Word tell us to do when we experience thoughts of doubt, unbelief, confusion, uncertainty, or fear about anything we are believing God for? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tell us to, "Cast down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God." The enemy will come against us with schemes, strategies, thoughts, lies, arguments, and suggestions that contradict the Word, and the Word says we are to cast them down. In Part 1 and 2 of "How To Cast Down Imaginations", we go to the Word to find out exactly what imaginations are, and how to cast them down. Casting down imaginations is also a vital part of being a Doer of the Word. Find out more in today's episode! 

  • 026 - Adriana & Hermann Schloss's Testimony: Believing God For A Spouse

    10/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    Are you single and want to believe God for a spouse? Or is there something you've been believing for for a very long time and feel like you're not seeing any results? Adriana and Hermann Schloss were both single for many years and decided to get serious about taking God at His Word and believe for a spouse. In this episode they share their testimony, and the principles they teach can be applied to any situation you are wanting to see manifestation in. Whatever it is you are believing for, listen to their story and be blessed and encouraged!

  • 025 - How To Forgive Part 4

    18/01/2019 Duración: 40min

    Part 4 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.

  • 024 - How To Forgive Part 3

    18/01/2019 Duración: 26min

    Part 3 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.

  • 023 - How To Forgive Part 2

    18/01/2019 Duración: 26min

    Part 2 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.

  • 022 - How To Forgive Part 1

    18/01/2019 Duración: 27min

    As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.

  • 021 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 3

    21/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    Proverbs 18:21 says that, "Life AND death are in the power of tongue, and they that love it (life or death) shall eat the fruit of it." Based on this scripture and the many others the Word contains about bridling our tongues, it is imperative to not only find out why we have to bridle our tongues, but HOW. Join me in today's episode as we conclude the teaching on why part of being a doer of the Word is to bridle our tongues, and learn some practical steps that you can start applying in your life right now so you can start seeing greater manifestation of God's grace in every area of your life.

  • 020 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 2

    21/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    The Word of God places huge emphasis on the importance and necessity of controlling our mouth and saying only words that agree with what God says about us. In fact, a vital and fundamental part of being a "doer of the Word" is to bridle our tongues. Find out more in today's episode which is Part 2 of this series: Why we need to bridle our tongues and how.

  • 019 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 1

    21/12/2018 Duración: 25min

    James Chapter 1 verse 26 warns us that if we think we are "religious" but yet do not bridle, or keep a tight rein on, our tongues, our religion is "useless". We can be applying corresponding action to our faith by speaking the word (see episodes 17 & 18), but it will produce zero results unless we learn to keep a watch over our mouths and bridle our tongues. In this episode, we learn why we have to bridle our tongue and what it means to bridle our tongue. We don't want useless religion, we want to know how to get results to our faith every time! 

  • 018 - How To Be A Doer Of The Word Part 2

    18/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, we continue learning about what it means to be a "doer" of the Word, and the practical steps we can take to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. And the good news is, God promises that a doer of the Word will be blessed in all that they do! Find out how!

  • 017 - How To Be A Doer Of The Word Part 1

    18/11/2018 Duración: 27min

    In James chapter 1, God tells us that a person who hears the Word only and doesn't do the Word is deceiving themselves, but that a doer of the Word will be blessed in ALL that he does. What is a doer of the Word? How do we become doers of the Word? How do we guarantee that we will be blessed in all that we do? Find out more in this series!

  • 016 - The Word of God Has Everything You Need

    03/11/2018 Duración: 46min

    God, through His grace, has already given you everything that you will ever need for life (physical and spiritual) and godliness (to become more like Jesus) - and it is found in His Word. We lay hold of everything that He has provided us through knowledge of His Word, and we partake of His divine nature through the great and precious promises found in His Word. Want to know how? Join us for today's episode!

  • 015 - What Is The Word and What Does It Do? Part 2

    13/09/2018 Duración: 31min

    The light of the Word of God will dispel and drive out the darkness in any area of your life. You don't need to get rid of the darkness before you can start speaking the Word, just start speaking the Word and let the Word go to work for you! Find out more about what God's Word can do for you in today's episode.

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