Faith Talks



God, by His grace, has already given us everything we need to live the life He intended us to live from the beginning - a life of health, prosperity, and wholeness in every part of life. But it's not enough to simply have head knowledge about what He's given us by His grace; there is responsibility on our part - we must access it by FAITH. We must be "doers" of the Word, and not hearers only.Learn how to practically apply what the Word teaches us about grace and faith and start seeing the manifestation of the goodness of God in your life!Email:


  • 056 - How To Cast Your Care Part 1

    03/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    When we're faced with a problem, a very important questions we must ask ourselves is, "Am I being proud about this or humble?" 1 Peter 5:5-7 tells us that God RESISTS the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble. The proud person says, "I've got this. I'll try everything I can think of first. I can carry this care." And they get resisted. The humble person says, "I don't "got" this. I can't carry this care. Lord, I humble myself and cast all my care onto you." And then what happens? God can get grace to - and exalt - the humble! In this series, we go to the Word to find out WHAT care is, WHY God tells us to cast it, and most importantly, HOW to cast it.

  • 055 - Things Obey Words Part 4

    20/05/2020 Duración: 36min

    "We have what we say" is a spiritual law. (Proverbs 18:21, Mark 11:23) This law works 100% of the time when we use our words for moving mountains and calling things that be not into being, but it also works 100% of the time when we use our words to complain, criticise, judge, curse, speak negatively, and talk about the problem. We are either attracting life or death to our lives through our words. But Good News! In His great grace and love toward us, God has given us a precise and detailed Instruction Manual (the Word of God) in which He shows us both how to use this spiritual law to our advantage and enrich our lives, and also how to avoid using our mouth as a magnet for death, disaster, and destruction. Listen to this week's episode to learn more!

  • 054 - Things Obey Words Part 3

    29/04/2020 Duración: 33min

    How many times should I speak to the mountain? What does it mean to "doubt not in my heart"? Do my words really have the power to change my situation? Join me for Part 3 of "Things Obey Words" to find out what the Bible has to say in answer to these common questions and be empowered with revelation from God's Word!

  • SPECIAL - The Faith Response To Coronavirus

    21/03/2020 Duración: 30min

    Coronavirus has grabbed the attention of the entire planet and the world is reeling in chaos and fear. This situation didn't take God by surprise. From the foundations of the world He knew the crises the world would face and He has ALREADY provided a way of escape! Today I want to encourage you with what God says about Coronavirus and what we, as believers, should be doing about it.  John 16:33 - "In the world you will have tribulation but TAKE COURAGE! I have overcome the world!"

  • 053 - Things Obey Words Part 2

    17/03/2020 Duración: 31min

    Do you know that science is only just now proving things that the Bible has said for millennia? Things obey words! At it's most subatomic level, everything in existence is made of microscopic particles called "quarks". A quark is the foundational structure of all matter - or everything that is seen. Quarks are not stationary, they are constantly vibrating. Even solid matter like a table is constantly moving and vibrating. When applied, ENERGY changes the vibration of the quarks that make up a matter. The energy produced by a microwave acts on the quarks that make up food, causing their vibration to speed up. This produces heat, and the result is heated food. A refrigerator's cold air slows down the vibration of food's subatomic particles which causes it to last longer or even freeze. WORDS are energy, and word-energy changes the subatomic vibration of matter. That's why Jesus told us to SPEAK TO the mountain and to SPEAK TO the sycamore tree (Mark 11:23, Luke 17:6) and they would obey us. The mountain and tre

  • 052 - Things Obey Words Part 1

    09/03/2020 Duración: 34min

    In the beginning, God was there, the darkness was there, and the Spirit was there, but nothing happened until God SAID, Light BE and light was. God created the whole universe by issuing commands and expecting them to be carried out. God created us to operate and function the same way - to release faith-filled words out of our mouth into our circumstances and expect them to be carried out. Things obey words. Our bodies obey words. Finances obey words. Emotions obey words. Destructive weather and viruses obey words. Every single thing in this earth was designed to obey words. Words contain creative power and destructive power, restoring power or reversing power, the power to change things and the power to rearrange things - but they have to be spoken in order for that power to be released - and the power is in your mouth. Join me for the beginning of this new series about the power of our words and how to release that power for good!

  • 051 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation Part 4

    04/02/2020 Duración: 42min

    Part 4 In the conclusion to this series, we continue to discuss HOW to pray effectively for our nation using the Word of God, our authority, and the name of Jesus.  Just like Joshua and the children of Israel when they walked around the walls of Jericho - God had told them He had given them the city, but they had to do what He had instructed them to do. For seven days they circled the city and would have seen zero indication that things were changing. They wouldn't have seen any crumbles, felt any tremors, or heard any creaks and groans, yet they persevered and on the seventh day the walls fell flat. God has instructed believers - first of all! - to pray for their nation (1 Timothy 2:1). We may see no visible signs that anything in our nation is changing in the natural, however if we will continue to pray the fervent, effective prayer, we WILL see results because God tells us that our prayers have tremendous impact! Let's not let the things going on in our nation upset or anger us, instead let's pray for

  • 050 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation Part 3

    29/01/2020 Duración: 36min

    Part 3 Did you know that there is a wrong way and a right way to pray? In today's episode we begin to discuss HOW to effectively pray over the different areas of our nation.  God has given us authority in this earth and part of the church's responsibility is to set things right that aren't right using our authority, the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the name of Jesus.  It doesn't matter how grim things appear to be, if we will begin operating from our position of authority and taking responsibility for the affairs of our nation, we CAN make a difference! The fervent, effective prayer of the righteous man can accomplish much! (James 5:16)

  • 049 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation

    12/01/2020 Duración: 35min

    Part 2 In today's episode, we continue to learn why it is so vitally important that believers pray for their nation.  Instead of being frustrated, angry, or offended at the things that are going on in our country, or thinking that things are too far gone and that there is no point trying to make a difference, we can take the battle to where the true fight is happening - the supernatural.  God has instructed us - the church - to pray for our nation because prayer is the most powerful and effective way we can get involved in politics - and we don't even have to leave our house to do it! Be encouraged and inspired to get involved in the affairs of your nation God's way and using God's methods.  Whether we like it or not, we ARE involved in politics!

  • 048 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation

    30/12/2019 Duración: 34min

    Are you concerned about what’s going on in your nation?  Whether it’s politically, socially, environmentally, or in any other area of your society, we have not only been given the power but also the responsibility to change what’s going in our nation. One of Paul's most emphatic instructions to the church was to PRAY for all men, for kings and all in authority. (1 Timothy 2:1) Why? Because the way our nation is governed affects us. It affects our families, our finances, our freedom to worship, and every other areas of our lives. In this new series we discuss why it's so vitally important that we believers pray for our nation, and how to pray effectively using the tools God has given us and our authority as believers. Whether we like it or not, we ARE involved in politics!

  • 047 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 3

    11/11/2019 Duración: 28min

    Part 3 In the conclusion of this series, we continue our discussion on how we can know if we are truly trusting God, and learn practical steps for how to develop our trust in God. "I trust God"  will no longer simply be a cliché but your trust in God will be seen by your words and actions!

  • 046 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 2

    04/11/2019 Duración: 24min

    Part 2 How can we know if we are truly trusting God? In today's episode we discuss what it means to "lean not on our own understanding" and "acknowledge Him in all our ways" You will learn practical truths from God's Word and how to apply them so that instead of the phrase, "I'm trusting God" simply being a religious cliché, you will be able to demonstrate through your actions that you truly trust in the Lord. And you will be being a DOER of the Word!

  • 045 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 1

    28/10/2019 Duración: 35min

    "Oh, I'm just trusting God."  It's a phrase commonly heard in Christian circles. But what does it mean to trust God? Are there practical steps we must take to demonstrate that we trust God?  Join me for Part 1 of this series where we discuss what it means to trust God, and how we can be sure that we are trusting God, and practical steps we can take to ensure that we are trusting God.

  • 044 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 6

    26/09/2019 Duración: 45min

    Part 6 In the conclusion of this series, we continue to discuss the different areas where we can exercise our authority.  We have been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy, so that NOTHING, by any means, can harm us.  If it's stealing, killing, or destroying  it's from the enemy and you don't have to tolerate it. We hold the same position of authority as Jesus. God has given us His name, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, and told us how to use them so that we can exercise dominion in this earth.  

  • 043 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 5

    18/09/2019 Duración: 32min

    Part 5 God has given us dominion over ALL the earth (Genesis 1:26), and He's also given us authority over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), so where and when can we exercise our authority? In this week's episode, we look at how we become fully persuaded of our authority, as well as the different areas that we can exercise dominion using the tools that God has given us. We can exercise our authority over our health, finances, emotions, children, in praying for other people, praying for our nation, and many other areas. Once we receive revelation of our authority, we will never tolerate anything stealing, killing, or destroying from us or anything that affects us ever again!

  • 042 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 4

    15/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    Part 4 How do we exercise authority? By praying the right way, by binding (prohibiting) and loosing (allowing), by speaking TO the mountain, and by using the name of Jesus and the Word of God. All this is accomplished through our WORDS. In Part 4 of this series, we continue learning HOW we exercise authority, and the tools God has given us to walk in the dominion He intended for us from the beginning!

  • 041 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 3

    06/09/2019 Duración: 37min

    Part 3 "A believer who is fully conscious of the divine power that is backing him up, and therefore of his own authority will face anything that is from the enemy without fear or hesitation." John A. MacMillan - The Authority of the Believer So far we've learned WHY God's given us authority and WHEN we were given authority, now in this episode we begin discussing HOW we exercise our authority. What are the tools God has given us to maintain our position of authority over the enemy and anything that is trying to steal, kill, or destroy from us? Once we learn about who we are, what we have, and how to use what we have, we can begin walking in the dominion and authority God intends for us to walk in!

  • 040 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 2

    29/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    Jesus is the head of the church and we are His body but the head cannot do anything independently of the body. The head is constantly sending instructions to the body, but unless the body is operating and functioning as God intended it, things won't get done. God needs us! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly far above all that we can ask or think...BUT it's according to the power that works in us! (Ephesians 3:20) God has supplied the power, but it works through us - we have to plug in and flip the switch. In this episode we discuss WHEN we were given authority over the enemy and hear examples of people who knew and exercised their authority. Receive a revelation of your authority and start walking in it - and you won't put up with anything that is from the enemy for one split second!

  • 039 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 1

    24/08/2019 Duración: 29min

    The devil has been defeated, but he's still on the loose. He still roams as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He still comes to steal, kill, and destroy from people who don't know he's defeated and who don't know their authority. As believers, we have been given authority over ALL of the power and ability of the devil so that nothing, by any means, can harm us, but we have to renew our minds to who we are and what we have been given so that we can operate in the full extent of our authority. In this series, you will learn why you have been given authority, when you were given authority, how to exercise your authority, and who/what you have authority over. You will learn practical examples of how to exercise authority in your health, finances, emotions, relationships, and in your nation. Once you receive a revelation of your authority you will never tolerate anything from the enemy in your own life, the lives of those you care about, or the place you live, ever again! "A believer who is fully consciou

  • 038 - What To Do When You're In A Trial Part 3

    25/07/2019 Duración: 31min

    Everything that we need to bring forth our harvest is already in the ground of our heart. We don’t have to know how it the Word works, but just know that it works. Our job is simply to keep sowing and watering the Word. God is for us. He wants us to win more than we want to win and He’s given us EVERYTHING we need to win. But we have to fight the "good fight of faith". It’s called the good fight because we already know the outcome if we don’t give up, cave in, or quit. We have to get aggressive with our faith. We have to decide to be tenacious, aggressive, persistent, determined, and bold.  We have to bite down on the Word like a bulldog bites down on a bone and refuse to let go of our confession of faith until we see the manifestation of what we are declaring that Word for. We bite down on it until patience (endurance) has had it’s perfect work, then we WILL be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing! Join me for the final part of What To Do When You're In A Trial for HOW to employ patience and endurance.

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