Faith Talks



God, by His grace, has already given us everything we need to live the life He intended us to live from the beginning - a life of health, prosperity, and wholeness in every part of life. But it's not enough to simply have head knowledge about what He's given us by His grace; there is responsibility on our part - we must access it by FAITH. We must be "doers" of the Word, and not hearers only.Learn how to practically apply what the Word teaches us about grace and faith and start seeing the manifestation of the goodness of God in your life!Email:


  • 076 - Back To Basics Part 4

    14/02/2022 Duración: 29min

    Part 4 Practical Application: HOW do we do the Word every day so that we can become masters of the fundamental principles of faith?  Listen to the final episode in this series as we go to the Word to find out! 

  • 075 - Back To Basics Part 3

    14/02/2022 Duración: 31min

    Part 3 Elite athletes stick to their training schedule rigidly, and they don't just train every now and then, or when they feel like it, or only when there's a competition coming up, they train every single day, diligently and with determination. They train CONTINUALLY. God tells us in James 1:22-25 that if we want to be blessed and see good success in all that we do, we must not only be doers of the Word, we must CONTINUE in the Word.  This means - not fitting the time we spend doing the Word around our lives, but fitting our lives around the time we spend doing the Word, and doing it consistently, diligently, and with determination. Listen as we go through the Word to find out how to go "Back To Basics"!

  • 074 - Back To Basics Part 2

    28/10/2021 Duración: 30min

    Part 2 The very foundational, fundamental principle of walking by faith is to SPEAK the Word, because 2 Corinthians 4:13 tells us that if we believe (what is written) we must SPEAK (what is written). But why is the "speaking" part so necessary? Why does God place such huge emphasis on us speaking (confessing) His Word? Join me as we go through the Word of God to find out!

  • 073 - Back To Basics Part 1

    12/10/2021 Duración: 32min

    When we’re believing God for something and not seeing the results we want, it’s easy to get discouraged and think that there’s something we're missing, or that the secret to our breakthrough is something we haven’t yet discovered.  But walking by faith and having victory over the circumstances isn’t always about discovering some brand new faith secret, and it doesn't require a special faith skill or talent that only a few people have. It’s simply finding out what God says to do, and doing it. And keeping on doing it, and doing it consistently.  Receiving everything God has given us by grace is simple. So if we’re not seeing the results we want to see, could it be that we’ve neglected to do the very things that are the foundational principles of walking by faith? Could it be that we need to go back to basics? Join me as we go through the Word to remind ourselves of the fundamental principles of faith, and how to put them to work!

  • 072 - Praying Effectively For Others - Lynette Richards with Patsy Cameneti

    07/06/2021 Duración: 57min

    Do you have unsaved loved ones that you want to see receive salvation? Or maybe they’re in bondage to addictions, mental heath issues, or sinful lifestyle?  There is a way you can pray to see those people’s lives turned around and transformed by the power of God! Recently, my mother Lynette Richards was interviewed by our pastor Patsy Cameneti at Rhema Family Church in Brisbane. My mother is a powerful and committed prayer who knows her authority over the devil. By praying the prayer of authority for unsaved family members she has seen her whole family come to the Lord. In addition to this, mum’s passion and ministry is to partner with people in prayer and pray with them for issues they are experiencing in their lives, such as relationship issues, children with diagnoses, and emotional problems. Through consistent, effective prayer, mum has seen amazing breakthroughs and results in her own family and in the lives of the people she partners with. Be empowered and encouraged that there is nothing that is i

  • 071 - Remember Your Position! Part 5

    30/04/2021 Duración: 38min

    Part 5 God has given us powerful spiritual weapons - not to GET victory over the enemy, but to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the enemy and everything that’s from him.  These weapons are all as powerful as the other and the enemy has to retreat at every single one of them.  Join me for the conclusion of this series as we continue to learn about who we are in Christ and everything that's already ours through the finished works of Jesus!

  • 070 - Remember Your Position! Part 4

    19/04/2021 Duración: 30min

    Part 4 God has given us powerful spiritual weapons to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the circumstances, symptoms, or any contrary "voice" that would try to talk us out of our position. All of these weapons are as powerful as the other when we use them the right way - that is, that we are not using them trying to "get" victory over the enemy, we are using them to ENFORCE our victory. This week we go through the Word to learn more about the weapons God has given us, and why they are so powerful.  When we know who we are in Christ and our position seated with Him, we will never let anything talk us out of that position ever again!

  • 069 - Remember Your Position! Part 3

    12/04/2021 Duración: 35min

    Part 3 The key to remembering and maintaining our position in Christ is to become FULLY PERSUADED of our position. When we are fully persuaded of who we are and what we have been given through God's grace, we won't let anything or anyone talk us out of it. Join me this week as we go through the Word to find out how to become fully persuaded of your position! We will also begin to look at the mighty spiritual weapons God has given us to maintain our position.

  • 068 - Remember Your Position! Part 2

    29/03/2021 Duración: 26min

    Here’s some interesting facts about kings: The title of “King” is an inherited position - it’s not earned or worked for, it’s a position that is bestowed on someone by birthright. It is a King’s responsibility to protect and defend the kingdom A King is expected to engage in offensive war against the enemies of the kingdom when the kingdom’s safety and peace is compromised A King has been granted divine power to carry out these tasks All of the the resources of the kingdom are at the King’s disposal to rule effectively. A King is still the King whether he’s in the throne room, lying in bed, walking in the garden, or going shopping. A King is still the King even if he doesn’t FEEL like he’s king that day A King knows he’s King, not because of his physical location, what he’s wearing or doing, but because it’s his WHO HE IS. Everything in his kingdom has to come under his rule and authority because of the POSITION HE HOLDS. In Romans 5:17 tells us that we are to "reign in life" which literally

  • 067 - Remember Your POSITION! Part 1

    21/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    Have any of these questions ever crossed your mind? Have I confessed the Word enough to get healed? Should I speak to the mountain once then ignore it, or should I speak to it several times? If I do that am I still in faith? Have I done too much binding and not enough loosing, or not enough binding and too much loosing? Should I just be praising God for my answer now, or should I still be speaking to the problem? Am I saying/doing everything right? And the result is frustration and confusion and eventually, we are tempted to give up fighting the fight of faith because it’s all too confusing and hard. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we are or aren’t doing right in our walk of faith, that we forget that victory over our circumstances isn’t a formula, it’s a position! We have to REMEMBER OUR POSITION! We are not the sick fighting FOR healing, we are already the healed using the spiritual weapons God has given us to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the symptoms that are trying to talk us

  • 066 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 6

    09/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    Part 6 In the final episode of this series, we go through the Word to find out do we train ourselves to recognise and respond to the voice of God and allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit? God had made it very simple for us - all we have to do is what the Word tells us to do! When we are led by the spirit we don't have to have any more u-turns, setbacks or delays. We will make the right decisions the first time, every time!

  • 065 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 5

    03/11/2020 Duración: 29min

    Part 5 In the last four episodes we've learned all about how God speak to us and leads us by His Spirit, but what are the BENEFITS of this?  In this week's episode we talk about some of the real-life situations and scenarios where we will benefit enormously from allowing ourselves to hear from God and be led by the Spirit. Why? Because God wants us to win all the time, every time!  He ALWAYS leads us into triumph when we let Him show us HOW! (2 Corinthians 2:14)

  • 064 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 4

    26/10/2020 Duración: 30min

    Part 4 Have you ever missed doing what you knew the Holy Spirit wanted you to do? How can we be be certain that we're hearing from God and not simply being influenced by our own thoughts and ideas? In this week's episode we go through the Word to find out what to do when we realise we've missed God and what we can do to enable God to turn Plan A back into Plan A! We will also learn how to tell the difference between the voice of God and our own voice, and know for certain that we're truly being led by the Spirit and not our own ideas and opinions. Hearing God and being led by the Spirit isn't difficult - it's all about tuning into the right frequency!

  • 063 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 3

    05/10/2020 Duración: 30min

    Part 3 We were created with the ability to hear God! God tells us that His sheep DO hear his voice and DO know Him and DO follow Him. In fact, we can become so familiar with the voice of the Good Shepherd that we will recognise every other voice as a stranger's voice and we will RUN from it! (John 10:5) In this week's episode we continue to learn about the different ways God speaks to us and some VERY important things to keep in mind when we are needing to hear from God and be led by the Spirit.

  • 062 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 2

    29/09/2020 Duración: 35min

    Part 2 God is not withholding anything from us!  All of the wisdom, insight, understanding, knowledge, ideas, and solutions we could ever need for any situation in our lives has already been made available to us, but we have to learn how to RECEIVE it.  Just like a radio station - God is always transmitting to us, but just like a radio set, we have to have the right receiver and learn how to tune into the correct frequency to hear Him clearly, otherwise all we will hear is white noise and static. In this week's episode we go through the Word to find out where God speaks to us, and the different ways He leads and directs us. 

  • 061 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 1

    21/09/2020 Duración: 34min

    We are all faced with choices on a daily basis; not only in matters that affect us on a personal level but also in the moral, social, and cultural issues where the line between what’s right and wrong, what’s good and what’s evil is becoming more and more blurred. And that’s why, more than ever, we need to hear from God and be led by the Spirit. God promises us that the Spirit of Truth will guide us into ALL truth (John 16:13). We can trust the Holy Spirit to direct and guide us in every detail of our lives, from the simple day to day decisions, to being able to confidently discern the difference between what is TRUTH and what is a lie. When we are led by the Spirit, we won’t have to make any more U-turns. Our decisions and choices will be in perfect alignment with God’s plan for our lives. We will always be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people. That's GOOD NEWS!

  • 060 - How To Pray (the right way!) For Revival

    27/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    Part 2 - How to pray for a move of the Spirit Acts 2:16-18 tells us that these are the last days in which the Holy Spirit has been poured out on ALL flesh. The Holy Spirit has already been poured out, and He's never left! So to pray and ask God to please pour out His Spirit, for the Spirit to please move, or for God to touch our hearts by His spirit is sincere, but unfortunately it's the wrong way to pray. The good news is, that there IS a way to pray that will result in a greater move of the Spirit in the earth and greater demonstration of His power that's never been seen before! And it's important that we learn to pray this way. Join me for the final part of this 2-part series and learn how to pray fervent, EFFECTIVE prayers that make tremendous power available! (James 5:16)

  • 059 - How To Pray (the right way) For Revival Part 1

    17/07/2020 Duración: 37min

    Part 1 There are two prayers God can’t (not won’t - can’t!) answer:  Prayers asking Him to do something He’s already done, Prayers asking Him to do something He’s told us to do.    Many prayers prayed for revival are prayed like this: “Oh Lord, save the nations! Pour out your spirit! Send revival! Touch people’s hearts! Fill us with your presence!”   They sound nice and sincere, but they’re actually ineffective prayers that God can’t answer.   Why?  Because God has ALREADY provided salvation for all men - they just have to receive it. (Hebrews 10:14) He had ALREADY poured out His spirit on the earth and the Spirit has never left! (Acts 2:16-18) The SAME POWER that raised Jesus from the dead is ALREADY in us - He can’t send more power/fill us/touch us any more than He has! (Romans 8:11)   So what is the RIGHT way to pray for revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days?   Join me as we go through the Word to find out how to pray in line with the W

  • 058 - How To Cast Your Care Part 3

    17/06/2020 Duración: 33min

    Part 3 If God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, and the humble person is the person that casts all their care onto the Lord, then it’s important that we find out exactly HOW to cast our care! In the final part of this series, we discuss how to cast our cares onto the Lord and how to unload and roll them over onto Him so that He can carry the weight of it - or do the caring - for us. When we do what God tells us to do and cast our cares, we are humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God. God promises that there is grace for the humble, and God will exalt you in due time!

  • 057 - How To Cast Your Care Part 2

    09/06/2020 Duración: 38min

    Part 2 Ever notice how young kids are always happy? They don't worry about how they're going to pay their school fees, where their next meal is coming from, or who's going to buy them their clothes. Why? Because they know mother and father will sort it all out for them. Our Heavenly Father wants to carry our care! He is the expert financier, health guru, relationship advisor...and He's got the wisdom, advice and counsel we need - if we are willing to give our care to Him and let Him sort our problems out for us. In this week's episode, we talk about some more of the sources of care.  We will learn to identify areas of our lives where you may be carrying care, so that we can then learn how to cast it.

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