Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.
A truly beneficial friend 真正的益友
11/12/2019 Duración: 01minA truly beneficial friend In order to make a truly beneficial friendwho dare to give you critical advice, one has to have a big heart. The law ofrelated karma applies here, too. One need to put in great efforts to cultivateone’s own virtue, to aspire for virtuous friends, and to be modest and eagerfor learning. Then, gradually, virtuous friends would gather around you. On the contrary, if you are arrogant andalways belittle people around you, you won’t be able to recognize virtuousfriends even if they stand right before your eyes. To cultivate for our spiritual growth, weneed not just good friends but beneficial friends. A truly beneficial friend issomeone who helps us with our spiritual growth instead of being a refuge ofemotions and a listener of our painful stories. 真正的益友欲得忠言逆耳之益友,当有虚怀若谷之心胸,这也是业感缘起的道理。归根到底还是从自己身心上努力,发希求善士之愿,努力培养谦虚、好学之德,渐渐就能感召善友。反过来,若总是觉得身边的人都不如自己,贡高我慢,即使善友就在眼前也不认识。修行,要有“益友”而不仅是“好友”。真正的益友,是能够帮助自己成长的朋友,而不是一个情感的依赖处、烦恼的安慰者。
Leisure 暇满人身
08/12/2019 Duración: 01minLeisureIn Buddhistterminology, “leisure” refers specifically to the human body capable ofpracticing the Dharma. Among the six realmsof existence, only the human realm is best suited to practice Buddhism.And only by thepractice through human body, can we have the chance of being liberated andreaching Buddhahood. However, life isimpermanent. Once the human body is lost, it will be extremely hard to getback.Therefore, it is agreat pity to waste life! In our daily life,being able to eat, to breathe, to walk, to move and to act, is not an easything. Only when we are caughtby impermanence, shall we realize how precious leisure is. Human life is priceless.Many people are still struggling under the shadow of war, hunger, disease, eventhe threat of death. Think about the treasure we are having now. How lucky! 暇满人身佛教中所说的“暇满人身”难得,特指能够修行佛法的人身。六道轮回中,只有人道最适合修行佛法,也只有借助人身的修行,才能有解脱、成佛的机会。而生命无常,一旦失去人身很难再得到,故浪费生命极为可惜! 在我们日常生活当中,能够吃饭,能够呼吸,能够走路,能够行动,能够做事,这就是暇满,这都是很不简单的事情。你只有遭遇无常的时候,才知道它有多么珍贵,它的价值有多大!&nbs
Impermanence 无常
04/12/2019 Duración: 38sImpermanence Impermanence does not deny the value andsignificance of working for an aim. It encourages us to let go our attachmentto anything.For those we love, we do not get greedy;and for those we do not appreciate, no hatred will arise. We cherish what wehave and flow with conditions. Meanwhile, impermanence represents change. Therefore, we should put in joyous effort and should be hopeful, always. 无常 不是要让我们否定追求的价值和意义,而是要让我们超越对任何事物的执著。对于喜爱的事物不贪恋,对于不喜欢的事物不起嗔恨,用随缘、珍惜的心态面对生活。另一方面,无常代表了改变,所以我们应该积极努力,永怀希望。
Out of bewilderment 走出迷茫
01/12/2019 Duración: 01minOut of bewilderment If the way is all right yet you are stillconfused, it is most probably due to your disbeliefof your abilities and a kind of feeling that most things areout of reach. Instead of being trapped in depression, one should be delighted to find out thebottle-neck of one’s abilities, also, the opportunity to improve oneself. To learn from others humbly,To adjust the original way of thinking, To come down to earth, to try, and to change.Little by little, one will walk out of thebewilderment. 走出迷茫 如果道路正确却仍然感到迷茫,就是因为对自己的能力失去了信心,觉得很多事自己做不到,所以不知所措。这时不要陷入沮丧的情绪中,相反应该高兴,因为已经摸到了自己能力的瓶颈,就意味着自己提升的机会到了。 多虚心请教他人,调整自己的原有思路,脚踏实地去尝试、去改变,慢慢就能走出困境。
Walk your own way
24/11/2019 Duración: 59sWalkyour own way No need does the orchid envy the peony, Neither does the star envy the moon. Everyone has his own conditions, fate and position, Everyone has his own value, mission, andpath.No two people are completely identical, Thus, it is not necessary to measure everythingwith the same yardstick.Covet what we don’t possess, jealousy is engendered. Controlled by the demon of hatred, anger ensures. Consequently, one loses the insight intoboth others and oneself. Do open your heart.Think about the vast universe, the longhistory and this life that can actually deliberate. How intriguing it is!Do not get lost in afflictions ordelusions. Walk your own way. 好好走自己的路兰花不需要去嫉妒牡丹花,星星不需要去嫉妒月亮,每个人有每个人的因缘、命运、位置,每个人有每个人的价值、使命、道路,没有任何两个人是可以完全重合的,也没有必要用同一把尺子去衡量比较。嫉妒是因为贪着自己没有的东西而生嗔心,被嗔魔控制而不能如实观照自他。要让心胸开阔起来,想想浩淼宇宙,想想历史长河,想想这个能思考的生命是多么奇妙,不要迷失在烦恼妄想之中。好好走自己的路。
To lose what we have
17/11/2019 Duración: 01minTo lose what we haveWe are often attached to what we’ve alreadyhad and worry about losing it, resulting in suffering constantly. In fact, isthere anything that won’t be lost? In the end, we can take nothing away withus, not even the transient possession we are treasuring now. Unfortunately,people of the mundane world cover their eyes willingly and try to ignore thefact, as if by no thinking about it, nothing would happen. This is to live indelusions and obsessions, which, instead of reducing our pain, intensifies it. How can such a mind, weighed down by gainand loss, settle down quietly? There is nothing that belongs to us naturally.Everything is but the operation of causes and consequences. What we get can belost, therefore, to “have” is not real. Since there is no real “have”, how canwe really “lose”? To have or to lose,this is nothing but our illusion. 得到的会失去 人总是贪恋拥有、担心失去,处处都在苦中。其实,哪有什么东西是不会失去的?到最后一样也带不走,即使现在可以暂时拥有,总有一天都会失去的,可是世人皆掩耳盗铃,有意忽视这个事实,以为不去想就不会发生,活在妄想执著之中。但这一点也没有减少痛苦,反而加重了痛苦。
Everyone Is Entitled to Make Mistakes
10/11/2019 Duración: 54sEveryone Is Entitled to Make MistakesMost of the people in our times are afraidto lay bare their problems or face their weaknesses squarely. Actually, no oneis free from defects; we must learn to face them and correct them. This is aninevitable process we all have to experience and also the only way to growth. Kids make mistakes; so do adults. Do not beafraid to make mistakes; rather, try to correct them. Do not expect ourselves to become clean of mistakes overnight. Even a small turning-back in facing circumstances marks a good beginning of our change.
On the Importance of the College Entrance Examination
03/11/2019 Duración: 55sOn the Importance of the College EntranceExaminationThe college entrance examination is bothimportant and unimportant. Saying it important because it is a valuableexperience that can inspire our dreams, hone our minds, and make us moremature. Saying it unimportance because it merely constitutes a small part ofour life and cannot completely determine the direction of our life. Other thanthis examination, there are still many choices and opportunities ahead. If weworry about the future, it is because we don’t focus on the present. Work hardon the causes, but feel no qualms. What determines our success in life is notan exam but our attitude towards success and failure.
One Should Be Independent but Not Eccentric
01/11/2019 Duración: 59sOne Should Be Independent but Not EccentricIf you cling to yourself too much, alwaysfocusing on your own problems, sufferings and happiness, and losses and gains .. . you will end up with caring only about yourself. That’s why you feellonely. One should be independent but not eccentric. Being independent meansthat you have your own pursuits and hold responsibilities for your own actionswithout depending on others; being eccentric means you think only of yourselfand estrange yourself from others. You can be strong and happy only when youhave an independent spirit and meanwhile, love and care for others.
Hurting Others Must Bring Hurt to Ourselves
26/10/2019 Duración: 39sHurting Others Must Bring Hurt to OurselvesThe words you think good do not necessarily give rise to the same feeling in others. And sometimes, frankness hurts. A straightforward and outspoken person may be warm-hearted and compassionate, but what he says may be difficult for others to accept. You can be frank, but try not to have a quick tongue. Think thrice before you act, and think over how others may feel. Hurting others must bring hurt to ourselves.伤人必会伤己自己认为的好话不一定就是好话,心直口快也很容易伤人。心直口快的人,可能是一个古道热肠的人,但是说出来的话,却让人不能接受。心可以直,口不能快,说话要三思而后行,要考虑别人的感受。伤人必会伤己。
What Would You Think after Seeing Others Have a Better Life Than You Do?
25/10/2019 Duración: 32sWhat Would You Think after Seeing Others Have a Better Life Than You Do?One should have the feeling of joy when associating with others, which is a term frequently mentioned by Buddhists—to rejoice in the welfare of others. Quite a few people feel uncomfortable seeing others more capable and thriving in their business or life, and may criticize them in envy. It is understandable, however a shame, a bad thing. When others are living a better life than we are, we must rejoice in their welfare and genuinely feel happy for them. Then, we'd be happy, too.看到别人比自己过得好,你怎么想?人与人交往的时候,要怀有一颗喜心。这就是佛门里常说的一句话——随喜。不少人见到能力比自己强,生活、事业蒸蒸日上的人时,心里多少会有点不舒服,可能会酸溜溜地说别人的风凉话、坏话,这是人之常情。其实这样很丢人,很不好。当别人过得比我们好的时候,我们一定要随喜,要真诚地替别人感到高兴。这样,自己才会获得快乐。
Begin with love and companion
24/10/2019 Duración: 01min从爱和陪伴开始善知识在利他行的过程中会遇到很多挫折、困难,没有说做好事就一定会一帆风顺的,但即使这样还是要做,这才是真正的发心。也就是在一个个境界中,才能磨砺初心、增长智慧、培植福报,成长为任何困难都打不垮,内心更清净、更有力的大善知识。利益众生,需要有善巧方便、福德智慧,而不是通过与人对立的方式去做。善知识利益众生,并不是批评、改造,而是从陪伴和爱开始,启发、种因。当然,这需要善知识有极大的慈悲与智慧。Begin with love and companion When a virtuous teacher carries out the acts of benefiting others,surely a lot of setbacks and difficulties shall be encountered. Doing gooddeeds does not guarantee a smooth sailing. Despite of all the challenges, a virtuousteacher strives on. This is what is meant by the true generation of Bodhicitta. It is the unfavorable conditions, one after another, that strengthenone’s original aspiration, build up one’s wisdom and bring about blessings. Itis in swimming against the tide that a virtuous teacher grows to be more sereneand more powerful. To benefit sentient beings, one needs skill-in-means as well asfortune and wisdom. Taking the opposite side is not the way. A virtuous teacherdoes not benefit others through being critical and demanding for change.Instead, he start
The other’s train thought
23/10/2019 Duración: 01min别人的思路 因为自己内心没有这样想过,“别人的思路”对你来说就是陌生的,是以前没考虑过的盲点,所以执行起来就会觉得很难、不知所措。 其实,这正是兼听则明的意义所在,你说对吗?不是一定要完全摒弃自己的想法,而是要有一种开阔、柔软、勇于尝试、能够接受变化的心态,这样才能在做事中更好地积累经验、培养能力。 固执的人与之相反,不肯改变,虽然也能按照自己的方式做下去,但就很难再提升了。 The other’s train thoughtBecause one has never thought in this waybefore, “the other’s train of thought” sounds strange to you. As a blind spot, hard toexecute upon, one may feel at a loss. Actually, it is exact the value of “wisdom fromlistening to others”, don’t you think so?It doesn’t mean the total abandonment ofyour own way of thinking. It encourages an open and soft mindset that is ready for newthings and ready to accept changes. Only in this way, can you accumulateexperience and enhance your capability. On the contrary, stubborn people areunwilling to change. Although things can be done either way, it is hard forthem to improve.
Capture the thief
22/10/2019 Duración: 55s抓贼 “不甘心”正是烦恼欺骗我们的借口,以为在保护自己,其实中了它的圈套,被套进非理作意的陷阱了。 明明知道出来就可以了,可是自己还不想出来,觉得起烦恼才是合理的。不要继续去回忆当时的事,不要顺着自己的思路反复在内心申诉。 看看当下这颗心,是不是像烧开水一样翻腾不止?这种不寂静相就是烦恼。现在,这个“贼”被我们看到了,抓住了。 Capture thethief"I just can’tlet go" is the excuse that afflictions offer us. In this way we pretend weare protecting ourselves. Instead, we just jump to the bait and fall into thetrap of wrong intention.You know clearlythat all would be fine if you just let go, but you choose to be hooked anyway, justifyingafflictions as reasonable. Stop recallingthe past. Don’t plea again and again along your habitual thought line. Observeyour mind right now. Doesn’t it looklike the boiling water? The manifestation of this agitation is affliction. Now,we notice this thief and we capture it.
Are you always alone?
21/10/2019 Duración: 01min你是不是常常独来独往? 孤僻、躲避、独来独往,可能是小时候的情感需求没有得到满足,害怕再次受伤害,所以就紧紧地关闭了心门。其实,我们内心是具足爱的力量的,只是恐惧和担忧把这种力量压制了。想要得到朋友和关爱,我们就要先去付出信任与关爱,先改变行为,才能改变性格。用心去造善业,不求任何回报地付出,就是开启内心的钥匙。试试每天去做三件善事,例如在街上看到乱扔的垃圾,捡起来扔到垃圾桶里;例如把倒地的自行车扶起来;例如在电梯时等等后来的人。用心去观察,生活中处处有 自己可以付出善意的人和事。 Are you always alone? If you are withdrawn, elusive or alwaysalone, perhaps your emotional demand in childhood was not met and you areafraid of being hurt once again. So, you have shut the door of your hearttightly. Actually, we have the power to love butthis power has been suppressed by fear and worry.To have friends and to be loved, we mustgenerate trust and love first. To change our personality, we must change our behaviorsfirst. The key to our tightly closed heart is tocreate good karma without asking for any rewards.Try to do three good deeds per day, such aspicking up the litter on the street and throwing them in a trash bin, settingfallen bicycles erect on the ground, and waiting for others to get in theelevator. As long as you
The Best Gift
20/10/2019 Duración: 58s最好的礼物这个世界是由因缘和合而成,随着因缘的生灭,一切事物也在发生、变化、结束。当面对境界时,我们既要看到事物的生,也要接受它的灭;既要看到因缘的消散,也要看到新的因缘的生起。 如果只是执着在其中一个方面,人就会失望、痛苦。放下执着,努力去创造、迎接、把握新的因缘。 每个人的人生都是在各自的轨道上前进,即使因为过去或善或恶的因缘同行一段路,实际上还是各自而行。在人生的轨迹中,我们该做的就是好好把握自己的业,让自他成为彼此的善缘。 合会终别离,无常是世间的真相。在这有限一生中为他种下无限生命解脱的种子,是最好的礼物。The Best GiftOur world is a coming-together of causesand conditions, with the arising and ceasing of which, everything is happening,changing and ending.When faced with a particular situation, we notonly see its arising, but also have to accept its ceasing.We not only notice the dispersing of oldconditions, but also recognize the arising of new ones. If we attach to only one aspect, we will feeldisappointed and miserable. Let go of attachment. Strive to create, welcomeand utilize new conditions. We are all moving forward on our own track Someone may walk along with us because ofthe good or bad karmas we created in the past, yet we are destined to setapart.In the course of life, what is ofimportance is to take good control
Merit and virtue
19/10/2019 Duración: 51s功德 功德的真正含义是人内心的善净之法积累功德即内心成长的过程。 “恶尽言功,善满曰德”功德的本意是内心的慈悲与智慧现在“功德”一词的涵义已经被异化、俗化,在很多人心目中跟物质利益差不多,本身是一个误解。 Merit and virtue Thetrue meaning of Merit is the good and pure dharma in one’s heart.Accumulationof Merit is itself the process of spiritual growth. “Terminationof evil is merit; completion of goodness is virtue.”Actually,the original meaning of Merit is one’s compassion and wisdom.Unfortunately, now it has been alienizedand secularized. In the mind of a lot of people,it almost equals to material benefits, whichis a misconception indeed.
Dont live your life by attaching to others
04/10/2019 Duración: 01minDon’t live your life by attaching to othersTurn what you ask of others to yourself. For example, if you complain that the other one doesn't care enough about you, you should care more about the other one instead.If you blame the other person for not understanding you, you should try to understand the other person with more empathy. Please be noted that you should care about others sincerely and let go of the desire to get the same in return, or even act in a worse way: “I have been so caring to you, why don’t you treat me well enough?” Only those who are insufficient inside will pursue the attention from the outside. Don’t always think of your own happiness and pain. Open your heart to give, to be grateful, and to love and care for others, thus allowing your heart to be filled with the treasure of goodness.不要附庸他人而活 把要求别人的,都反过来要求自己。譬如,埋怨对方对自己关心不够,自己就要更多关心对方;怪对方不理解自己,自己就要多换位思考,理解对方。 注意:要真正去关心他人,放下希望回报的心,而不是变本加厉:“我这么关心你了,你为何还对我不够好?”内心贫瘠
Sow well and reap well
04/10/2019 Duración: 01minSow well and reap well“What goes around comes around when the time is right.” Some think that one’s actions, whether good or bad, have no consequences for that person. This is because they see only the present, not the future. The law of cause and effect runs through the “three periods” (past, present, and future), and the result of karma will only be manifested with the union of the cause and condition. This is like planting a fruit tree. When the season is right, it will blossom and bear fruit. If the time has not yet come, there is only the cause but not the result. The law of cause and effect is perfectly accurate. If one can hold firm to this belief, his behavior and morality will naturally improve day by day.善有善报“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。”人们认为行善造恶没有得到应有的果报,是因为只看到眼前,没看到将来。因果通三世,须待因缘和合时,果报才能现前。譬如果树,季节到了,便得开花结果;若时节未至,有因而无果。因果报应是丝毫不爽的,一个人若能这样十分决定地相信,他的品行道德,自然会一天比一天地高起来。
Complaining is a bad habit
04/10/2019 Duración: 39sComplaining is a bad habitThe reasons why people complain are to get sympathy or attention and to avoid things that they do not want or dare to do. Instead of being a complainer, make an effort to reframing your thinking by focusing on your goals rather than what you want to complain about. As an increasing positive attitude is cultivated in you, it is only natural that negative things will stay away. This is the way to change the life.抱怨是个坏习惯 人们之所以抱怨,是想通过抱怨来获取同情心和注意力,避免做那些不想做或不敢做的事情。努力做个不抱怨的人,重塑思维模式,专注于自己的目标,而不是抱怨的焦点。积极乐观的心态逐渐长养,消极悲观的事物自然远离。人生就这样得到了改变。