Real Estate Investor Huddle



Real Estate Investor Huddle, helping real estate investors hit acceleration, eliminate distraction and avoid disaster. Featuring masterminds and in-depth conversations with some of the top investors and experts from around the country, you'll get actionable strategies and tactics to grow your real estate investing business, focus on systems and profits while preventing costly mistakes and setbacks. Hosted by Gary Boomershine, real estate investor, Fortune 500 consultant and CEO of


  • Are You Positioned to Scale in 2021?

    24/12/2020 Duración: 09min

    As we head into a new year, we’re also very likely heading into a different market. If we’re planning on scaling our businesses, we need to position ourselves for this market.    The investors who are going to win when the market shifts are the ones who have a solid foundation of marketing and follow up. They are the ones using this time to line up capital so they are ready to hit the ground running next year.    What market indicators do we need to be paying attention to? How do we avoid getting caught in a market implosion? In this episode, I talk about the strategies that will set you up for success in 2021.     Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - If you want to have a lead flow, you need to be marketing consistently. You need to put the messaging out there that you buy houses, and that you sell to wholesalers.     - If you have access to money, you’re better situated for what’s coming in 2021.     - Avoid any deals that expose you to the risk of market implosion. Focus on building a stockpile of

  • Selling During the Holidays

    17/12/2020 Duración: 08min

    The holiday season is a time when a lot of people dial back on revenue-generating opportunities because they don’t think there’ll be any business, but there are actually more investing opportunities now than at any other time in the year.    While everyone else has already settled in for the holiday break, we still have a lot of time left to work on our business goals.    What are some of the things we need to do during this time to maximize our opportunities? Why do many investors have their best month of business in December? In this episode, I talk about why we shouldn’t halt our business just because it’s the holidays.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - In December, a lot of people get busier with holiday activities, including our competition. Instead of dialing back, if we keep doing revenue-generating activities, we’ll actually capture more market share.    - To keep yourself motivated during the holiday season, focus on your vision for next year. What do you want to have accomplished by

  • You Deserve to Delegate

    10/12/2020 Duración: 12min

    For many business owners, it’s difficult to replace ourselves in certain tasks in our businesses, but having too many things on our plates holds us back and keeps us from getting to the next level.    Delegating isn’t a luxury afforded only to a few leaders. It’s critical to our effectiveness and ability to keep growing our business.     As the owner of the company, you deserve to build the systems around you that take the pressure off. You deserve to have time and space to replenish and refresh your energy.    What are the benefits of delegating? How do we determine which tasks to delegate? In this clip, I talk about why delegation is something we should implement in all our businesses.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - If a task is repetitive and mundane, we can document and delegate it. If it’s too difficult, time consuming and hard to document, we should try to eliminate it.    - We deserve the time and space that allows us to be creative and reflect on what will get our businesses to the

  • Why You Need to Join a Challenge

    26/11/2020 Duración: 13min

    Achieving our goals comes down to saying yes to the things that matter, and no to anything that takes us off that path. That’s why we should actively seek structured challenges that focus our effort and attention. They help us implement the consistent action that makes our goals attainable.    Whether we want to improve our health or fine tune the things that matter in our businesses, challenges create accountability, structure and ultimately, momentum.    In our real estate investing business, follow-up most directly impacts our ability to close more deals. Committing to our follow up within a challenge can be just the thing our business needs to multiply our results.    How can we combine the power of challenges with the results we get from follow-up? What are the psychological benefits of challenges?    In this episode, I share why challenges are so necessary for entrepreneurs and The One Follow-Up Away Challenge.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - We don’t fail at your year-long goals in De

  • One Thing Keeping Investors From Closing More Deals

    19/11/2020 Duración: 12min

    When investors are so focused on the deal and the transaction, they skip a critical step, and create a barrier to closing the deal. They frequently miss the critical part in the process that will turn a seller lead into a transaction.    The conversation and the relationship aspect is the part we simply can’t skip. It’s the part that turns leads into deals and dollars.    How we approach and talk to the seller is the crucial part we must master. Sellers don’t want to be sold to or at, they want to be listened to and understood. They want investors to solve their pain points and genuinely care about them and their lives. That’s why being empathetic is one of the most powerful skills we can have in sales.    How do we find out what sellers really want so we can step in and help them?  Why is listening the key to converting leads?    In this episode, I share 3 effective ways to communicate with and listen to the seller, and why that’s one of the most crucial parts of converting leads.    Three Things You’ll Lear

  • 75 Hard and Setting Short Term Goals

    12/11/2020 Duración: 12min

    The biggest reason we fail to achieve our goals is a disconnect between our long-term vision and the small actions that will get us there. We’re often so focused on the future that we overlook what we need to do in the present.    If we don’t have a plan that governs what we do daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly, it’s hard to create any meaningful momentum. The short-term is what sets the pace and accumulates the results that will get us to our super long-term goals.    75 hard is a system that can catapult us in the moment and create the path to our long-term future. It allows us to focus on the smaller sprints that will help us run the entire marathon.    What is the first step we need to take if we want to achieve our goals? How do we determine the smaller things we need to do consistently if we want to create long-term momentum? In this episode, I share a method we can use to govern our goal setting and priorities in order to achieve our bigger goals.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - Yo

  • If You Do Nothing Else in Your Follow Up, Do This

    29/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    As with any form of sales, follow up is absolutely the most critical element. While it’s important to have variety in our follow up methods - there’s one that stands above the rest, and is also the most effective at connecting with people. We must use the phone in our follow up, especially texting.    Texting is the most effective, efficient, and scalable follow up method; and it’s most likely to elicit a response from people. This is a part of the follow-up system that we simply can’t skip.    What makes texting such a powerful follow up tool? How can we build it into our marketing and outreach operations? In this episode, I share the one thing you should be doing in your follow up process.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - Most deals are not done on the first contact. There should be multiple touch points included in our follow up sequence, including email, traditional mail, voicemail drops and text messages.    - Texting is a simple way to gauge where someone is and if they’re ready to sell.

  • Voicemail Drops: Are They the Silver Bullets for Higher Closing Rates?

    22/10/2020 Duración: 11min

    As we scale our investing businesses, automation has to become a crucial part of our operations, especially on the lead generation and marketing front. One of the most effective ways to scale our lead generation is through the use of voicemail drops.    On a lower level of business, we can get by with just calling people, but this is unsustainable as we grow. Voicemail drops can be as effective as actually having a conversation on the phone because they get to connect with us through our voices.   Including voicemail drops in our follow-up sequence significantly boosts our business and gives us more opportunities to build a deeper connection with our leads.   Where do voicemail drops fit into our 10X follow-up plan? How do they make our marketing feel more human and personal? In this episode, I talk about the power of using voicemail drops in our follow up. Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - Anytime you’re going to send a text message, you should be sending a voicemail within the same timeframe.

  • 3 Keys To Building A Team You Actually Trust

    09/10/2020 Duración: 12min

    As you grow your business, it becomes critical to build a team around you that allows you to focus on the most productive use of your time. For this, we need to bring in the right kind of talent and if we want to hire and retain the best people, there are certain pieces that need to be in place first.    Without these pieces, it’s hard for the people we hire to succeed and help us achieve our business goals.    Why is it so important for us to have standardized procedures in our operations? What are the key metrics we need to focus on? How do we hold the people we hire accountable? In this episode, I discuss the 3 critical pieces your business needs to have so you can scale a trustable team.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - Don’t wait to hire until you have problems and fires to put out. If you’re prepared, you’ll be able to spot a trend fast and hire people early.   - You already have a way you run your day and things you do everyday in your business. That is your system, it already exists. I

  • Why You Don't Need More Leads

    24/09/2020 Duración: 13min

    If you’re an active real estate investor looking for a way to scale, your first thought is to invest in more lead lists, and turn onto the next marketing channel. If you have a database or CRM, you don’t necessarily need more leads; there’s a ton of business already available to you that you can tap into.    The truth is, many investors drop the ball when it comes to lead follow up, so we might be missing out on the gold that’s already in front of us. Going back and refreshing these leads is a highly productive activity.   Where do we look for these leads and how do we reactivate them? In this episode, I share how to quickly and easily increase your leads without investing in new ones.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - If you haven’t automated your outreach, you probably have many leads sitting in your CRM waiting for follow-up. These are the names you need to start re-engaging with.    - Old leads in our databases are people who have already expressed interest at some point. That means we’re

  • The Most Efficient and Cost-Effective Source for Warm Leads

    10/09/2020 Duración: 13min

    Real estate investors have their pick of multiple lead sources, channels and ways to get in contact with homeowners, but when it comes to finding motivated leads, not all are created equal.    If we want a business that will give us freedom, financial abundance and long-term steady results, direct mail should be in our arsenal. The reality is, direct mail will always be king. It’s efficient, has less downsides, and has the potential to cut our marketing work in half.    What are the advantages this method has over the other trendier models? How can we do effective direct mail without a massive budget? In this episode, we discuss the marketing channel that puts us in front of the most motivated leads.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - With any form of marketing that is an outbound effort you have to reach out to people and hope they respond. With direct mail, you’re putting out a message so they reach out to you.   - After direct mail, the next best lead is the one that’s already in our databas

  • Why We Can't Scale If We Are The Bottleneck

    03/09/2020 Duración: 12min

    Most of us get into this business because we want freedom and abundance.    Unfortunately, it’s common to find ourselves on a hamster wheel and having to work so much we think we don’t have the capacity to scale. In order to truly have the freedom we seek, scaling is critical.    While scaling looks different to different investors, the goal is the same. It’s to stop being our own bottleneck and to let systems be the driver of our business growth.   What are the simple steps we can take to scale our operation? What is the big lie we need to stop believing? In this episode, I discuss how to get true freedom and abundance by scaling, and how to set the process in motion.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - If we buy into the lie that we have to do it all in our businesses, we might achieve the financial results we want, but we will very likely burn out.    - Automation allows for so much more to happen for us without taking up more of our time, so we can focus on the things that matter.    - Fire y

  • The 80/20 Rule: What We Can Learn From Unsuccessful Investors

    20/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    The 80/20 rule dictates that 80% of our results in business come from 20% of what we do. Unsuccessful investors find themselves spending too much time on tasks that don’t truly drive growth.   The more dialed in we get, the more effective we become at spending our time on high-value tasks and activities. In a real estate business, there are certain activities that require our focus if we want to be successful. There are ways for us to build leverage into these activities so that they can take up even less of our time.   What is the most valuable activity in our business? How do we use leverage to take care of the 80% we shouldn’t be doing? In this episode, we talk about the importance of the 80/20 rule in our business. Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - You shouldn’t be spending time on anything else except for negotiating and closing deals. That’s what gives you the income, and in turn gives you the freedom to leverage.  - The most essential hire, if we want to dial in our time, is someone that ca

  • 5 Simple Steps To Scale

    13/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    Whether you’re going from investing on the side to full-time, or you want to grow your investing business; it’s impossible for your business to progress without scaling it.    Scaling means different things to different people, but in this industry, it’s ultimately about making things run more efficiently and building leverage into our operations. Scaling is how we can truly become CEOs of our businesses and focus our time and energy where it’s most valuable.    It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive to scale. There are a few key points that make all the difference, and if we implement them, we’ll see results quickly.    How do we scale up our lead management and communication? What can we do to reduce wasted time in our businesses? In this episode, we share simple actions you can take right now to add efficiency to your business.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  Filter your data. We need to go from mass communication to targeting specific groups. It saves time and increases the impact

  • Creating Opportunity in the Post-COVID-19 World w/Jay Conner

    11/06/2020 Duración: 33min

    The whole world is undergoing unprecedented changes in the wake of COVID-19, and the real estate industry is certainly feeling the immediate effects. In light of such enormous changes, it might seem unwise to continue implementing our prior strategies.    We can use this time to reconsider and shift our systems, while staying active and engaged. There are actually still opportunities available for investors, so this isn’t the time to be sitting on the sidelines.   While the Coronavirus is certainly a devastating blow to us all, there is a chance for us to move into a better future. We just have to be willing to keep pushing forward during this time.   In this episode, I share my thoughts on the future of real estate investing with Jay Conner, host of the ‘Real Estate Investing’ Podcast.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - Why we shouldn’t use this time to stop operating our businesses  A lot our competitors are using this time to freeze and halt their operations. This gives active investors an oppo

  • How to Get Out of the DIY Trap

    28/05/2020 Duración: 23min

    One of the biggest lies we’ve been taught as entrepreneurs is we need to save money by doing everything ourselves. However, the do-it-yourself option is also a trap. Is there ever a good reason to do everything ourselves? How can we justify making hires early in our journeys as business owners? To have successful businesses, we have to think like business owners and leverage wherever we can. In this episode, we discuss how to get out of the do-it-yourself trap.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  As business owners, we need help a lot sooner than we think. By hiring the right people early, we can fast-track our success. Operating lean doesn’t mean doing it ourselves - it means hiring smartly and strategically. Think like a business owner. Leverage other people’s expertise instead of trying to do everything ourselves.   Guest Bio: Robert Syfert is the Owner and President of USA Portfolio Real Estate. He is also the Owner and President of Portfolio Property Management. Robert is a member of the Real

  • Building Your 10X Follow Up Team

    22/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    It’s a proven fact that the agents and investors who are successful right now in real estate have their follow up system and team in place. That includes a highly functioning group that assists in different roles within the follow up process.    Having the intention for outreach is just the first step.    If our goal is to generate more profits, increase revenue and improve efficiency in our operations, we need to invest the time and resources into building and staffing our follow up team. We need a direct and multi-person approach to get in front of people, send them messages that resonate with them and get them to respond.    In this episode, we discuss what it takes to have a leading follow up process, and we share top-secret bonus tips for making our team’s follow up more effective.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - The gap between what’s required and what investors are actually doing to succeed 90% of the money is made after the 6th interaction but only 10% of agents and investors follow up

  • Replay Episode: How to Build Massive Leverage with Jeff Cohn

    14/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    A lot of factors go into scaling a business effectively and putting the pieces in place that make expansion and results inevitable. Having a team is important, but it can’t be just any team.    It has to be a team that understands leverage and executes on it in various areas of the business. In real estate investing, we talk about leveraging other people’s money, we also need to learn to leverage people’s time and expertise.    What are the key areas we should be focusing on to make sure we multiply the results we get from our business operations? How can we become more strategic at marketing, and even extend this to our sellers? In this episode, we revisit a great conversation we had on Jeff Cohn’s Team Building Podcast. We talk about the benefits of leverage and how to execute it at a high level.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  Why leverage is the key to scale If we want to build a business that can grow and go the distance, we can’t do it alone. It’s crucial that we use other people’s skills t

  • Scaling Your Business Requires 10X Follow-Up

    30/04/2020 Duración: 14min

    One of the biggest questions real estate investors ask is what they need to be doing right now to guarantee that they get deals 30, 60 and 90 days from today. The answer is follow-up.   We reap what we sow, and follow up is all the sowing that reaps us the rewards. We need to be able to scale up our follow-up so that we’re maximizing every channel and communication we send out. What are the key channels that require our focus, and how do they increase our money making opportunities?   In this episode, we talk about how to scale up our follow-up efforts and how that creates a healthy pipeline of deals.   Takeaways + Tactics  Even in a market where the response rates are terrible, follow up is what will increase the success of our lead generation.    If you use one channel as your follow-up source, you miss up to 75% of your opportunity to make more money. In this episode, we provide the 4-5 channels you should be putting time into.    Call the angry people, they aren’t angry because of you, they are angry beca

  • Follow-up: A No Today Isn’t A No Tomorrow

    23/04/2020 Duración: 19min

    Even though it’s been made glaringly clear to us through studies and stats that follow up is where the money is, many investors are doing it ineffectively or not doing it at all.    It’s never been more critical to double down on follow-up than it is right now. An uncertain and shifting market causes many changes in the minds of sellers, but there’s no way to leverage that without a follow-up system.    How do we interact with leads with the right mindset and understanding of seller psychology? How do we build in automated and low-cost follow-up while still doing our part to stay in touch? In this episode, I’m joined by my business partner Robert Syfert as we talk about why a no isn’t a final answer and we share tactics you can take massive action on right now in order to follow up more effectively.   Takeaways + Tactics  Market shifts create trends like panic selling or people moving up their timeline and deciding to sell sooner. This is where follow up is key.    Expect rejection as part of the process of s

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