Set Free By His Amazing Grace.---We meet every Thursday and Sunday inside St. Andrew's Church of Broadfields, Lynford Gardens, Edgware HA8 8TZ.
Audio sermons of Ewald Frank preached monthly from Krefeld-Germany, Zurich-Switzerland and other countries around the world. Hear God's Word from this humble servant of God.
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Recitation of the 30th part of the Quran by Sheikh `Abdulbasit Abdulsamad with a reading of the translation of the meaning of the Quran in Romanian published by Islamic Cultural... | Party organization from Timisoara, Romania, promoting underground dancefloor music
Podcastul Behind Pixels este o serie continu de interviuri cu unii dintre cei mai talentai UI designeri din Romania i nu numai.Credem c putem mri comunitatea local prin educaie i...
Despre carti. Sau nu. Despre carti de cele mai multe ori (to BOOKs), dar din cand in cand si despre diverse articole, filme uneori, Netflix, sau alte lucruri interesante (NOT to...
Tech News & Digital Culture. LIVE Every Monday Starting 7 PM @ Radio Guerrilla