The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Duración: 3:36:39
  • Narrador: Anna Popova
  • Editor: Woodkeep Audio

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was a reclusive poet whose only friendships were carried out by letter. She wrote nearly 1800 poems in her life, but very few were published until...

Complete Poems By Emily Dickinson
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Editor: Interactive Media

This collection of Emily Dickinson poems is published to meet the desire of her personal friends, and especially of her surviving sister. It is believed that the thoughtful...

Poems By Emily Dickinson
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The eagerness with which the first volume of Emily Dickinson’s poems has been read shows very clearly that all our alleged modern artificiality does not prevent a prompt...

Hope Is The Thing With Feathers
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Duración: 4:21:38
  • Narrador: Amy Landon
  • Editor: Author's Republic

Part of a new collection of literary voices from Gibbs Smith, written by, and for, extraordinary women—to encourage, challenge, and inspire.One of American’s most distinctive...

Poems By Emily Dickinson, Series Two
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Editor: CAIMAN

PREFACEThe eagerness with which the first volume of Emily Dickinson's poems has been read shows very clearly that all our alleged modern artificiality does not prevent a...

Poems By Emily Dickinson, Series One
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Editor: CAIMAN

PREFACE.THE verses of Emily Dickinson belong emphatically to what Emerson long since called "the Poetry of the Portfolio,"—something produced absolutely without...

Poems By Emily Dickinson
  • Por Emily Dickinson
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The verses of Emily Dickinson are produced absolutely without the thought of publication, and solely by way of expression of the writer’s own mind. Such verse must inevitably...