Ana De Las Tejas Verdes

La vida en el pequeño pueblo de Avonlea cambiará rotundamente con la llegada de Ana Shirley, una niña huérfana que fue adoptada por Marilla y Matthew Cuthbert, dos hermanos...

Ana, La De Tejas Verdes

Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Cuando en lugar del chico huérfano que pretendían adoptar, Ana Shirley, una niña pelirroja de once años, aparece en las vidas de...

Further Chronicles Of Avonlea

Further Chronicles of Avonlea is a collection of short stories by L. M. Montgomery. It is a sequel to Chronicles of Avonlea featuring a number of stories about the inhabitants of...

Rilla Of Ingleside

In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, this book draws the focus back onto a single character, Anne and Gilbert's youngest daughter Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe. It has a more...

Rainbow Valley

In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, we find Anne Shirley married with six children. And we learn more about her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as...

Anne's House Of Dreams

Anne’s House of Dreams begins with Anne and Gilbert's wedding, which takes place in the Green Gables orchard. After the wedding, they move to their first home together, which...

Anne Of Avonlea

Anne Shirley, the central character of Montgomery's all-time-classic Anne of Green Gables, is now among the important people of Avonlea society as its only schoolteacher. This...

Anne Of The Island

In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, Anne leaves Green Gables and her work as a teacher in Avonlea to pursue her dream of taking further education at Redmond College in Nova...

Anne de Green Gables - Edição de Luxo

O clássico Anne de Green Gables, que vendeu mais de 50 milhões de exemplares e já foi traduzido para mais de 35 idiomas, em uma roupagem de luxo para brilhar na sua estante! ...

Anne Da Ilha

Finalmente pronta, aos 18 anos, para buscar a realização de seus sonhos, Anne Shirley parte para Redmond College, em Kingsport, para estudar, assim como alguns de seus colegas...

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