Evolving Faith



Michael Dowd interviews leaders in progressive Christianity and other faiths who are evolving their traditions toward a deep-time spirituality, thus encouraging meaningful and inspiring interpretations of science-based knowing.


  • 10. Michael Dowd: Avoiding Human Extinction

    25/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    Michael Dowd was interviewed in April 2016 by Mark Gilbert, host of Conscious Bridge Radio Show. In this 57-minute program (slightly edited for posting on "Evolving Faith" podcast series), Dowd introduces the worldview shift underlying his "ecology is the new theology" imperative, most recently expressed in his 17-minute youtube video: "Reality's Rules: Ten Commandments to Avoid Extinction." Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.

  • 9. Roger L. Ray: Evidence-Based Faith

    29/12/2013 Duración: 50min

    Rev. Dr. Roger L. Ray is the pastor of  Community Christian Church of Springfield (Missouri). He holds masters and doctoral degrees in divinity from Vanderbilt University as well as a bachelors in philosophy from Murray State University. He was a 2004 Merriell Fellow at Harvard Divinity School. Dr. Ray writes a religion and ethics column for the Springfield News-Leader. He is also the author of Christian Wisdom for Today: Three Classic Stages of Spirituality, as well as various journal and magazine columns. Dr. Rays' sermons have been published in several professional journals and popular collections, and are currently available to a growing audience by way of audio podcast and the church's youtube channel. Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.

  • 8. John Haught: Between Natural and Supernatural?

    18/04/2013 Duración: 43min

    John Haught is a leading Roman Catholic evolutionary theologian and Senior Fellow in Science and Religion at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. His passion is systematic theology informed by science, cosmology, ecology, and evolution. He’s the author of Making Sense of Evolution; Christianity and Science: Toward a Theology of Nature; and a dozen other important books in the field. Professor Haught has inspired an entire generation of Christian leaders who fully embrace a deep-time, deeply ecological worldview. This conversation, sparked by two of Dowd's Huffington Post blog entries, "New Theists: Knowers, Not Believers" and "God: Personification ≠ Person," clarifies why more than one approach to Evolutionary Christianity is both legitimate and important. Here, John and Michael discuss naturalism, supernaturalism, and what John calls "a third way" between the two, inspired by the work of renowned 20th century theologian Paul Tillich. Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.

  • 7. Evolutionary Catholics: Samples of 12-episode audioseries

    20/03/2012 Duración: 46min

    Samples in this podcast are drawn from 12 of the hour-long episodes in the audioseries "Evolutionary Catholics: Conversations at the Leading Edge of Faith." Hosted by Michael Dowd, these conversations feature 12 of the most inspiring religion-and-science leaders in Roman Catholicism — all of whom embrace the scientific evidence of a cosmos and Earth billions of years old, in which life forms evolved via natural processes. The speakers are: Joan Chittister, Ilia Delio, Linda Gibler, John Haught, Ursula King, Kenneth R. Miller, Michael Morwood, Diarmuid O'Murchu, Richard Rohr, Gloria Schaab, Mary Southard, and Gail Worcelo. The entire series can be accessed at EvolutionaryCatholics.com.

  • 6. Evolutionary Creation: Samples of 10-episode audioseries

    16/03/2012 Duración: 01h58s

    Samples in this podcast are drawn from 10 of the hour-long episodes in the audioseries "Evolutionary Creation: Conversations at the Leading Edge of Faith." Hosted by Michael Dowd, these conversations feature ten of the most inspiring evangelical (or theologically conservative) thought leaders and esteemed scientists — all of whom embrace the scientific evidence of a cosmos and Earth billions of years old, in which life forms evolved via natural processes. The speakers are: Denis Lamoureux, Ian Barbour, Kenneth Miller, Bill Phillips, Karl Giberson, John Haught, Owen Gingerich, Ted Davis, John Polkinghorne, and Charles Townes. The entire series can be accessed at EvolutionaryCreation.com.

  • 5. Evolutionary Christianity: Samples of 38-episode audioseries

    15/03/2012 Duración: 01h06min

    Hosted by Michael Dowd, these conversations with leading Christian theologians, clergy, and scientists were recorded during the Christian season of Advent in 2010. Ten of the 38 hour-long episodes have been excerpted here for an hour-long podcast. Speakers are: Denis Lamoureux, Joan Chittister, Bruce Sanguin, Kenneth Miller, Gail Worcelo, Ross Hostetter, Brian McLaren, Philip Clayton, Gretta Vosper, and John Shelby Spong. The entire series can be accessed at EvolutionaryChristianity.com. Subsets of the series (an Evangelical subset and a Catholic subset) will be sampled in the following two podcasts.

  • 4. Michael Morwood: "Tomorrow's Catholic"

    18/08/2010 Duración: 54min

      Michael Morwood began making waves in Catholic circles in the late 1990s with the publication of his book, Tomorrow’s Catholic.  Catholic laity who had been struggling with ancient scriptural views of redemption found Morewood’s modern and scientifically informed perspective salvific.  Unfortunately, the Catholic hierarchy deemed that perspective heretical.  The book was banned and Father Morwood was silenced in 1998.  Soon thereafter he ended his 29 years in the priesthood. Since then, Michael Morwood has become one of the most valued expositors of a naturalistic and evolutionary form of Christianity—for Catholics and beyond. See also his 2004 book, Praying a New Story.  Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.  

  • 3. Ian Lawton: Taking Down the Cross

    25/06/2010 Duración: 59min

    Ian Lawton is executive minister of C3Exchange: An Inclusive Spiritual Community, in Spring Lake, Michigan. Michael Dowd engaged Ian in conversation just two weeks before the scheduled removal of the 65-foot cross of this former affiliate of the Reformed Church of America. (Soon after, Ian was interviewed on Fox News about the controversy.) Independent since 1997, the congregation called Ian in 2004. Many more changes ensued, leading to the removal of the cross and a new identity in 2010. The former Christ Community Church is now C3 Exchange, and it is in the vanguard of liberal/evolutionary religious reform in America. According to his church profile, though trained at a conservative Anglican seminary in his native Australia, "Ian was always more interested in connecting with the people who don't go to church: the homeless people, the broken people, the creative people, the liberated people, the recovering people, the inquiring people, the family people, those who put their humanity before their ideology." A

  • 2. Bruce Sanguin: Evolutionary Christian Spirituality

    02/06/2010 Duración: 59min

    Bruce Sanguin serves Canadian Memorial United Church of Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he leads his congregation in a progressive form of Christianity in their mission of "exploring the Christian tradition through an evolutionary model." Rev. Sanguin meshes his evolutionary perspective with Integral Spirituality (following Ken Wilber) and with Spiral Dynamics (following Don Beck). His three books are: Summoning the Whirlwind: Unconventional Sermons for a Relevant Christian Faith (2006);  Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos: An Ecological Christianity (2007) and; The Emerging Church: A Model for Change and a Map for Renewal (2008). He is the coauthor of a curriculum, "Experiencing Ecological Christianity" (2008).    Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.

  • 1. John Shelby Spong: Redeeming Christianity in the 21st Century

    11/05/2010 Duración: 01h16min

    John Shelby Spong is one of the best known and most highly regarded leaders in the movement within Christianity to evolve faith in step with modern times and humanity's collective intelligence. During his tenure as Episcopal Bishop of Newark, John Shelby Spong (known to friends as "Jack") was regarded as a fearless advocate for church reform -- a hero to some, a heretic to others. Spong, who retired from professional ministry in 2000, was the first to ordain an openly gay priest, and he called for Christians worldwide to leave behind premodern religion in favor of a liberal, progressive, ever-evolving faith. Spong's best-selling books include Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism • Why Christianity Must Change or Die • A New Christianity For a New World • The Sins of Scripture • and Jesus for the Nonreligious. He also has a personal website. Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.