Agile Weekly



The Agile Podcast


  • Episode #148 – What’s a Culture Fit?


    Derek, Clayton and Chris slowly remember what they were talking about… Oh ya! Culture Fit! Including mono-cultures, hiring, diversity of ideas and behaviors enforcing culture.

  • Episode #147 – Agile: It’s Supposed to Hurt!


    Derek, Clayton and Chris discuss the idea of how difficult it is to work in an agile environment, embrace agile methodologies and do the right thing.

  • Episode #146 – Listener Question: Technical Projects


    Derek, Clayton and Chris answer a listener question about technical side projects and how they fit into the bigger picture.

  • Episode #145 – Lean Coffee with Mark Ng


    Derek, Clayton and Mark do a Lean Coffee episode and discuss: Retrospectives, Visualizing flows across teams, Backlogs and more.

  • Episode #144 – Presence


    Derek and Clayton talk about presence. How do you indicate presence? What does presence look like for distributed teams? What happens when there is little or no presence?

  • Episode #143 – Feedback Loops


    Clayton and Derek discuss feedback loops.

  • Episode #141 – WTF is Wrong With Agile?


    Derek Neighbors, Jade Meskill, and Clayton Lengel-Zigich discuss: the state of Agile today.

  • Episode #140 – Our Ideal Team


    Derek Neighbors, Jade Meskill, and Roy van de Water discuss: Our ideal team. Transcript Jade Meskill:  Hello, welcome to the “Agile Weekly Podcast,” I’m Jade Meskill. Roy van de Water:  I’m Roy van de Water. Derek Neighbors:  I’m Derek Neighbors. Jade:  We were talking about some of the common problems that we’ve run into on […]

  • Episode #139 – Rapid Team Growth


    Derek Neighbors, Jade Meskill, Clayton Lengel-Zigich, and Roy van de Water discuss: How to deal with a rapidly expanding team. Transcript Clayton Lengel‑Zigich:  Welcome to another episode of the Agile Weekly Podcast. I am Clayton Lengel‑Zigich. Jade Meskill:  I’m Jade Meskill. Roy van de Water:  I’m Roy van de Water. Derek Neighbors:  I’m Derek Neighbors. […]

  • Episode #138 – Principles or Practices


    Derek Neighbors, Jade Meskill, Clayton Lengel-Zigich, and Roy van de Water discuss: What is more important, principles or practices? Transcript Jade Meskill:  Hello welcome to another episode of Agile weekly podcast. I am Jade Meskill. Roy van de Water:  I am Roy van de Water. Derek Neighbors:  I am Derek Neighbors. Clayton Lengel‑Zigich:  I am […]