Solomons Porch Valdosta



We started Solomon's Porch in 2002 as a safe environment for regular people to explore faith within community. Everyone is welcome here, whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. So come as you are, because thats where God meets us as is. From there, well help each other grow to be all God intended us to be.


  • Episode 191 The 167 Podcast - The Uniqueness Of The Bible

    13/06/2024 Duración: 36min

    In this captivating episode, we delve into the unparalleled nature of the Bible, exploring the many facets that set it apart from other religious texts. Discover why the Bible stands unique in its perspective, boldly proclaiming monotheism in a polytheistic world and sparking Christianity within Judaism. Marvel at its composition, created over 1600 years by diverse authors whose writings harmonize perfectly, attesting to divine inspiration. Learn about the meticulous preservation methods ensuring its accurate transmission through generations. Appreciate its unique message of redemption and comprehensive answers to life’s deepest questions, and see why its teachings remain relevant across ages and cultures, proving the Bible’s timeless value. Join us as we uncover the profound uniqueness of the Bible and its enduring influence on the world.

  • Everyday Faith Week 2

    10/06/2024 Duración: 35min

    Welcome to Week 2 of our "Everyday Faith" series! Today, we focus on the importance of obedience to God's word, challenging our "Obedience Quotient" (OQ). Using James 1:22 and James 2:1-4, we discuss the dangers of favoritism and discrimination, especially in the context of race, socio-economic status, and personal biases. We'll explore how partiality goes against God's character and how we can cultivate a heart that sees and values others as God does. Join us for this thought-provoking message on living out everyday faith with integrity and love.

  • Episode 190 The 167 Podcast - Apologetics Series - Science And God

    06/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Join us for Episode 190 of our Apologetics Series as we delve into the timeless debate: Has science disproved the existence of God? In this episode, we confront the assertions of prominent figures like evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, who claim that science has invalidated the concept of God. But is that truly the case? We examine compelling arguments from both sides of the aisle, challenging the notion that belief in God is incompatible with intelligence. Through historical insights and scientific evidence, we unravel the narrative that pits faith against reason. Discover the perspectives of legendary scientists like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein, who found harmony between their faith and their scientific pursuits. We explore the profound insights of thinkers like William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross, who offer compelling reasons to believe in a Creator. From the macroscopic wonders of the universe to the microscopic intricacies of life, we uncover evidence that points unmistakabl

  • Everyday Faith Week 1

    03/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    In today’s sermon, we delve into the theme of storms, both literal and metaphorical. From the devastating impact of recent hurricanes to the personal grief of losing loved ones, storms are an inevitable part of life. We explore why we experience pain and suffering despite God's love and goodness, highlighting three key reasons: reaping what we sow, reaping what others have sown, and living in a broken world. Through the lens of James 1:22, we learn the importance of practicing Everyday Faith, taking the next step in obedience, and choosing to grow through our trials. Join us as we find strength and perspective in God’s promises.

  • Episode 189 The 167 Podcast - Apologetics Series Pt. 3 - The Evidence For Jesus’ Divine Nature

    30/05/2024 Duración: 41min

    Welcome to Episode 189 of our Apologetics Series. Today, we delve into the profound evidence for Jesus’ divine nature, a topic that has been scrutinized more than any other in human history. The life and teachings of Jesus have sparked a variety of reactions—some label Him a deceiver, while others have journeyed from skepticism to firm belief in His deity. Still, many sit on the fence, acknowledging His moral teachings but denying His divine sonship. So, what evidence supports the claim that Jesus is the Son of God? Jesus Fulfilled Old Testament Messianic Prophecies Jesus, the apostles, and New Testament prophets frequently referenced Old Testament prophecies to affirm His messianic identity (cf. Luke 24:25-27, 44; Acts 8:30-39). Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies, including: Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) Born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; cf. Genesis 3:15) Descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah (Genesis 22:18; 26:4; 49:10; Numbers 24:17) Regal monarch (Psalm 89:3-4; Isaiah 9:6-7; Psalm 110:1

  • Numbers Week 8

    28/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    Welcome to today's episode as we conclude our series on the book of Numbers. We've journeyed through this book, witnessing God's unwavering grace and mercy sustain His people through their time in the wilderness. Despite their complaints and disobedience, God's grace never faltered. Porch Point #1: God’s Grace Sustains His People Numbers shows us God's grace in action, sustaining the Israelites even as they rebelled and grumbled. We see this clearly in chapters 11, 14, 16, and 25. Their persistent disobedience contrasts sharply with God's consistent mercy. As Israel nears the Promised Land, we encounter a pivotal moment in Numbers 27:12-14. God allows Moses to see the Promised Land but denies him entry due to his earlier rebellion. This teaches us that even leaders are accountable to God's laws, but it also underscores God's faithfulness to His promises despite human failures. Porch Point #2: Moses’ Mistake Magnifies the Messiah Moses' disobedience in Numbers 20, when he struck the rock instead of speaking

  • Episode 188 The 167 Podcast - Apologetics Pt.2

    23/05/2024 Duración: 46min

    Episode 188 The 167 Podcast - Apologetics Pt.2 by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 7

    21/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    Key Points to Consider: Rebellion Has a Cost: Each act of defiance bears consequences, echoing throughout generations. Let us heed the lessons of history and choose the path of obedience. Obedience Is a Choice: Despite life's challenges and temptations, we are faced with a daily decision—to trust and obey God's commands or to chart our own perilous course. Let us choose wisely, for the narrow road leads to everlasting life. God's Way Is Always Better: In our pursuit of fulfillment and purpose, let us not stray from God's perfect plan. His ways are higher, his promises unwavering. Trust and obey, for therein lies true abundance and eternal security.

  • Episode 187 The 167 Podcast - Apologetics Pt.1

    16/05/2024 Duración: 44min

    In this episode of The 167 Podcast, Shannon and Josh decode the essence of apologetics, demystifying its purpose and importance in today's world. Exploring the biblical foundation and practical applications of apologetics, they highlight its role in connecting faith with reason, as exemplified in 1 Peter 3:15-16. Drawing from Josh McDowell's insightful trilogy, they equip listeners with essential resources for articulating and defending their faith with clarity and conviction. Delving deeper, Shannon and Josh unpack the strategies of front-end and back-end apologetics, emphasizing the importance of listening, relationship-building, and winsome persuasion. Addressing common criticisms and philosophical challenges, they offer reasoned responses to skeptics and seekers, empowering believers to engage with humility and empathy. Join them on The 167 Podcast as they navigate the intersection of faith and reason, inviting listeners into a journey of discovery and conviction. Josh McDowell books: Evidence That Dema

  • Numbers Week 6

    14/05/2024 Duración: 35min

    Numbers Week 6 by The Porch Community Church

  • Episode 186 The 167 Podcast - UMC General Conference 2024

    09/05/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    Episode 186 The 167 Podcast - UMC General Conference 2024 by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 5

    06/05/2024 Duración: 39min

    Numbers Week 5 by The Porch Community Church

  • Episode 185 The 167 Podcast - Trouble In The Promised Land

    02/05/2024 Duración: 46min

    Episode 185 The 167 Podcast - Trouble In The Promised Land by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 4

    29/04/2024 Duración: 42min

    Numbers Week 4 by The Porch Community Church

  • Episode 184 - We Are Fragile Clay

    25/04/2024 Duración: 33min

    Episode 184 - We Are Fragile Clay by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 3

    22/04/2024 Duración: 31min

    Numbers Week 3 by The Porch Community Church

  • Episode 183 The 167 Podcast - The 12 Tribes - Banners And Symbols

    18/04/2024 Duración: 40min

    Episode 183 The 167 Podcast - The 12 Tribes - Banners And Symbols by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 2

    15/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    This week, we're exploring chapters 2 and 3 of Numbers, where God's meticulous instructions and profound symbolism reveal His divine plan for His people. As we journey through Numbers 2, we discover the precise arrangement of the Israelite encampment around the Tabernacle. Each tribe occupies a designated area, symbolizing God's attention to detail in every aspect of our lives. From the east to the west, north to south, God's presence remains at the center, reminding us to center our lives around Him. Join us as we uncover three key points:

  • Episode 182 The 167 Podcast - Gatekeeping Pt.2

    11/04/2024 Duración: 43min

    Episode 182 The 167 Podcast - Gatekeeping Pt.2 by The Porch Community Church

  • Numbers Week 1

    09/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    Numbers Week 1 by The Porch Community Church

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