Discovery Church



Discovery Church is based in Melbourne, Australia and our vision is to lead people in the passionate pursuit of Jesus


  • Ditch the patch and turn to the son: a call to live in light | Matt Destry


    Isaiah 9:1-6This passage was written at around the time of the fall of the northern kingdom, to Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah in 701 b.c, to the period of the Exile — around the time of Israel’s exile to Babylon.The first question we might ask is: who is the prophet talking about? Who is the son that will be born?Two ways to understand OT prophecy…two meanings: now and not yetone: the time and culture of the daytwo: the cosmic meta-narrative ‘in Christ’

  • Why am I so tired all the time? (Recovering healthy rhythms of work and rest) | Jody Destry


    The rhythm of work and rest was created by God and embedded in the creation story. God modelled a rhythm of rest to us from the beginning of time. God didn’t rest because he was tired – He’s God – he doesn’t get tired. So what was the purpose of this rest? To stop, to step back and to delight the creative work he had just completed. (He saw that it was good!). Everything God does is intentional. 

  • Becoming more human: how to move from survival to service | Matt Destry


    We live in a world divided, a world rapidly splintering as individualism becomes the norm. We're rejecting community and, consequently, becoming less than human. How does the gospel of Jesus free us from these chains? How can we move from survival to serving one another?  

  • A Thirsty Person Must Drink: Word v World | Zeke Murley


    What does a thirsty man do to get rid of his thirst? He drinks.What does a hungry man do to get rid of his hunger? He eats.Key Scriptures about The World:1 John 2:15-16Romans 12:2Mark 8:36Colossians 3:2James 4:4John 16:33John 3:16-7Key Scriptures about the Word of God:Hebrews 4:122 Timothy 3:16-17Psalm 119:105Isaiah 40:8Matthew 24:35Romans 10:17

  • How is it with your soul… really? | Jody Destry


    What does the bible say about spiritual health and wellbeing? What does being spiritually healthy look and feel like? How is your spiritual health right now? (How is it with you soul? Really??)Our spiritual health and well-being matters to God. He is the author and image of wholeness, health and well-being. Being made in God’s image means we have been created for that same wholeness, wellness and health.

  • Thriving in a changing world - walking into the future, looking backwards | Matt Destry


    Birthdays are the opportunity to reflect, and this reflection always includes reflecting on CHANGE. How do you deal with change? Fight it? Accept it? Contribute to it? Love it? Today is a significant day in the life of Discovery Church, as we both look back in celebrating 75 years of service to this region, but also forward into the future of this community and her part to play in the region, extending the borders of the Kingdom of God and seeing people come into the knowledge of God’s great story.

  • A Renovators Dream (God’s design for hope and restoration for his people) | Jody Destry


    Ezra – A lens through which to view God’s design for hope and restoration for his people – and as a way of listening together to how God is inviting us to partner with Him in His mission for The Legacy Project.

  • The Wisdom of the Crowd | Paul Cameron


    The future of the people of God is within the people of God because Holy Spirit is in the people of God; the future of Discovery is within the people of Discovery because Holy Spirit is in the people of Discovery.The story God is writing in us and in our neighbourhood in these days is the legacy we’ll gift to the future.

  • Called to Labour (The Harvest is Plentiful) | Ben Kumar


    Matt 9:35 – 10:1ESVThe Harvest Is Plentiful, the Laborers Few35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”The Twelve Apostles10 And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.

  • Bonus Episode: We Need To Talk About Finances


    In this final episode of the series, Dan is joined by Liv, Beck and Tim to chat about finances. Jesus tells us "You cannot serve both God and Money" Matt 6:24, so how do we view money in relation to discipleship. We look at cost of living, looking to the future, financial abuse and being a victim of online scams, and ultimately that God is a generous God who wants the best for all of us. This podcast follows on from Matt's message titled "Do you need more money?", so if you haven't yet, check out that Podcast now.We hope this series of bonus podcast has blessed you.

  • Do you need more money? (How is our money transformed by our discipleship?) | Matt Destry


    Money is a form of power — power should be wielded with emotions in check — it’s been said that Money is an excellent servant, but a terrible master... So how do we approach money when we come to faith? How is our money transformed by our discipleship?

  • Bonus Episode: We Need To Talk About Family


    Dan is joined by Phil, Jody, Doug and Mel to chat all things family. God's ultimate plan is for families to be restored, especially with Him. In this episode we're exploring additional questions and going deeper on the content of our Sunday message, Relatives + Restoration = Real Life. We hope you enjoy this conversation.

  • Relatives + Restoration = Real Life (Creating a space where everyone belongs) | Doug Pors


    Everyone’s experience of family is varied. From awesome to really challenging, from healthy to fully dysfunctional. Especially for the most vulnerable in our community… children. We need to talk about family, because it is so important to God.

  • Bonus Episode: We Need To Talk About Faith


    Join us for the We Need to Talk Podcast, a chance to go behind the curtain and hear stories and reflections about the topics we’re covering in this series. In this episode we're exploring additional questions and going deeper on the content of our Sunday message, A Living Faith: Action in an age of sentimentality. We hope you enjoy this conversation.

  • A Living Faith: Action in an age of sentimentality | Matt Destry


    Our world is moving faster than ever, and as we move faster, we also become more shallow. How do we cultivate deep, satisfying spiritual lives that don't remain as a strange idea, but get put into action? How might our faith benefit the people around us and deepen their lives as well? 

  • Where Do You Want To Live? | Matt Destry


    As we bring our series on Revelation to a close, we explore the kind of world we live in, and thekind of world that Jesus has come to redeem. What is our part to play in the re-creation of theworld, and how does God bring it all about?

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