Sightshift With Chris Mcalister



First 12 episodes are older version of Figure That Shift Out. More at


  • 6 Benefits You’re Missing In Leadership If You’re Not Celebrating

    17/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, Chris and Mark explore the transformative power of integrating play and fun into leadership.    Tune in to:  >> Discover how balancing intensity with playful activities can prevent burnout, boost creativity, and foster stronger team bonds.  >> Learn actionable strategies for celebrating successes, achieving peak flow states, and maximizing your team's mental capacity.  >> Uncover the essential mindset shifts that can lead to more effective, joyful, and impactful leadership.    Listen to hear more about the discipline of setting it all down, incorporating celebration and play, and how it can transform your leadership approach.    --------- CONNECT WITH US:

  • Leaving a Family Business Legacy: 5 Signs You're Doing it Wrong

    23/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, we’re continuing to dive into the specific challenges of leading a business where one or more family members are involved. Today we’re looking at the dangers of getting stuck in a cycle of "I know best" leadership, which can stifle creativity, innovation, and growth in your family members. Learn the five negative consequences you might face by leading for validation, and discover the three key moments that signal a healthy succession plan is in place.    We’re diving into the following key topics: Leaders who prioritize validation over impact stifle creativity, innovation, and growth in their team members, especially family members. Family businesses can get stuck in a cycle of "I know best" leadership, which undermines morale and leads to disengagement. Secure leaders who are confident in their abilities create an environment where team members can learn, experiment, and take ownership. A healthy succession plan involves a vision transfer, public adoption of new systems implemented by the ne

  • 3 Leadership Warning Signs Your Succession Plan Will Fail

    15/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, Chris McAlister and special guest Mark Stanifer delve into the intricate world of succession planning within family businesses. As leaders embark on this unique journey, the challenges they face are not just about business growth, but also about nurturing the relationships that form the foundation of their legacy. In this episode, you will learn: The Importance of Openness to Change: Discover how embracing change and considering different perspectives can lead to true innovation and growth in your family business. The Power of Clear Communication: Learn why clarity is crucial during transitions and how to effectively communicate your vision while allowing the next generation to contribute their ideas. Strategies for Relationship Building: Understand the significance of strengthening relationships within your family business and how it impacts a successful succession. Focusing on the Bigger Picture: Gain insights into how the true return on your investment extends beyond financial terms to the

  • The 7 Terrible Ending Points for Leadership Development

    04/01/2024 Duración: 09min

    In this episode, we explore the crucial mindset shift from leading for validation to leading for impact. Join us as we delve into the concept of envisioning leadership beyond the present moment and contemplating the impact of our actions when we're no longer in the picture. Key Takeaways: Leadership Vision Beyond the Moment: Discover why real leaders think beyond the present, imagining a future where they're absent. Learn how this mindset shapes the development of leaders who can thrive independently. Terrible Ending Points in Leadership Development: Uncover the pitfalls in common starting points like personality tests, HR practices, and hero dependence. Understand how these can become stumbling blocks rather than stepping stones in the journey of impactful leadership. Transformational Coaching: Explore the power of coaching that goes beyond asking questions. Find out how transformative coaching leads individuals through a process of personal growth and development, creating leaders who can navigate uncharted

  • The 3 Elements of Great Leadership [Your Leadership Operating System]

    02/01/2024 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, we’re talking about the power of an identity shift for impactful leadership. Learn how a robust leadership operating system, incorporating measurement, model, and method, can revolutionize the way you lead.  Key Takeaways: Identity Shift for Impact: The episode emphasizes the need for leaders to move beyond validation-seeking and embrace a profound identity shift for impact. It draws parallels to athletic achievements, highlighting the necessity of systematic approaches to greatness rather than relying on isolated moments. Leadership Operating System: The concept of a leadership operating system is introduced, comprising three essential elements: measurement, model, and method. Measurement involves gaining a deep self-view through tools like the IFC, while a reliable model, exemplified by "Be the Tree," provides a metaphorical framework. The method encourages an identity shift, emphasizing the importance of clarity in mission and community building. Building a Secure Identity: The method stre

  • The Impact of Doubt on Your Leadership

    21/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    Imagine looking back on your work life decades from now. Will it be fulfilling just because you managed your inbox and attended every meeting?  In today's corporate landscape, where drudgery often leads individuals to seek meaning elsewhere, the episode challenges this escape. It prompts us to confront the deeper issue—the quest for meaning is intertwined with our identity. Work, the episode argues, is a potent context for self-knowledge and transformation.  It's not merely about tasks; it's about who we are becoming.  Key Takeaways: Leading for Validation vs. Impact: The episode delves into the crucial distinction between leading for validation and leading for impact. It challenges leaders to reflect on their motives, emphasizing that work isn't just about completing tasks but about the person they are becoming in the process. The Impact Leader's Struggle: The concept of the Impact Leader's Struggle is explored, highlighting the external and internal pressures that come with ambition. The episode urges leade

  • Conquer Your Doubts and Master Leadership: Unleash Your Hidden Potential

    19/12/2023 Duración: 15min

    In our latest podcast episode, "Lead for Impact, Not Validation," Chris dives deep into the world of self-mastery, doubts, and motives.  Key Takeaways:  Discovering Self-Mastery and Purpose: Leadership thrives on self-mastery and understanding one's core motivations. By exploring the depths of personal identity and uncovering the "why" behind leadership roles, individuals transition from seeking validation to leading with genuine impact. Embracing Doubts for Growth: Doubts are not stumbling blocks but stepping stones to growth. Leaders are encouraged to confront and learn from their doubts, using them as opportunities for personal and professional development. Embracing doubts becomes a pathway to resilience and a secure motive. Beyond Psychological Safety for Real Growth: Psychological safety is a tool, not the goal. Leaders should create environments where mistakes fuel growth, doubts spark curiosity, and real results drive continuous development. This approach distinguishes impactful leaders who foster gen

  • Unleashing Action over Empathy: Recognizing the transformative power of mercy

    14/12/2023 Duración: 08min

    Welcome to “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” session 6, where we explore impactful leadership. This episode focuses on the first key component of impact – action.  We challenge the common view of empathy, highlighting its role as a starting point for meaningful action. Discover the pitfalls of overemphasizing empathy and the crucial role of mercy in impactful leadership.  Key Takeaways: Empathy as a Starting Point, Not an Endpoint: Challenge the traditional role of empathy in leadership; view it as the initial step guiding leaders to feel the suffering of others. Instead of dwelling on emotions, leaders are urged to use empathy as a guide towards actions that actively alleviate suffering and make a genuine impact. The Power of Mercy in Leadership: Explore the distinctions between sympathy, empathy, and mercy in leadership. Recognize the transformative power of mercy, an active response that goes beyond understanding or sharing someone's pain. True leaders end suffering through merciful actions, emphasizing th

  • Mastering the Mindset: The Key to Leaving a Lasting Leadership Legacy

    12/12/2023 Duración: 07min

    Welcome to Part 5 of the “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” series where we delve into the transformative power of mindfulness in leadership.  Mindfulness serves as a starting point, allowing leaders to separate from overwhelming circumstances and emotions. Join us as we explore the necessity of a mindset UPGRADE, empowering leaders to engage situations with right action and motive. Learn the secrets to mindful leadership beyond validation, fostering a mindset for genuine impact.  The episode emphasizes the importance of leaders being aware of their values to maintain a healthy balance. Tune in for practical strategies to upgrade your mindset, elevate your impact, and lead with authenticity.  Key Takeaways:  Mindfulness as a Starting Point: Emphasizes the importance of mindfulness as a starting point for leaders. It's a tool to separate oneself from overwhelming circumstances, emotions, and insecurities. However, it's highlighted that mindfulness alone is not the endpoint; it should lead to a mindset upgrade.

  • Uncovering the Secrets of Impactful Leadership: Harnessing Balanced Impact

    07/12/2023 Duración: 16min

    Welcome to Part 4 of the “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” series. Leadership, a continual test faced in circumstances, relationships, and ambitions, lacks a clear definition. Without standardized metrics, leaders often resort to validation over impact, guided by subjective measures of success.   Key Takeaways: Redefining Impact: Impact is not a singular score but a dynamic interplay of values, actions, and motives. Leaders must avoid overvaluing and undervaluing aspects based on personal insecurities. Balancing Values in Action: Your values drive your leadership, but understanding when to intensify or ease up on them is crucial. Striking a balance in values ensures you don't become a mere reflection of insecurities. Impact Equation: Impact is an equation - the sum of the right action and the right motive. A leader's actions can be overdone or underdone based on insecurities. The motive, why you take a particular action, shapes your leadership neurologically. 51% Rule for Motive: Achieving perfection in altru

  • The Art of Leading with Purpose: Finding Impact Beyond Validation

    05/12/2023 Duración: 09min

    In this episode of the “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” series, we delve deep into the pervasive insecurities that impact leaders at every stage of their journey. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership ascent, understanding and addressing insecurities are crucial for authentic and impactful leadership. Key Takeaways: Spectrum of Leadership Emotions: Explore the spectrum of sacrifice, dread, calm, anger, caring, and bitterness. Plot your current state on these scales to gain self-awareness and refine your leadership style. Behaviors of Insecure Leadership: Recognize the subtle signs of insecurity, from leading to be needed to avoiding necessary conflicts. Understand how these behaviors can undermine your leadership impact. Validation Check: Engage in a simple yet powerful exercise to assess your current approach to leadership. Identify areas for growth and discover actionable steps to enhance your leadership style. Unraveling the Ritual Void: Leaders traditionally derived meaning

  • Unmasking Leadership Insecurities: The Path to Impactful Leadership

    30/11/2023 Duración: 15min

    In this episode, we unravel the pervasive insecurities that impact leaders at all levels. Whether you're just starting or are an advanced leader, insecurities shape our responses.  Key Takeaways: The Spectrum of Sacrifice, Dread, Calm, Anger, Caring, and Bitterness: Plot your current state on these scales to gain awareness of your leadership style. Behaviors of Insecure Leadership: Recognize the signs, from leading to be needed to fearing conflict, and learn how they affect your impact. Validation Check: Use a simple yet powerful exercise to assess your current approach to leadership and identify areas for growth. Tune in to learn how to navigate the intricacies of leadership insecurities, paving the way for a new era of impactful and authentic leadership.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Unpacking the Flaws in Leadership and Transforming Validation into Lasting Influence

    28/11/2023 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to Part 1 of our new series, "Lead for Impact, Not Validation"! In our first episode, we dissect the fundamental flaws in leadership and embark on a journey to transform validation-driven leadership into impactful influence. Key takeaways: The Core Leadership Flaw: Explore the common pitfall of leading for validation instead of making a lasting impact. Personal Insights: Gain profound insights from personal stories that sparked a shift from validation to genuine influence. Three Essential Shifts: Unpack the Horizon, Head, and Heart shifts crucial for effective leadership. Validation vs. Influence: Understand the transformative power of shifting from validation-seeking to impactful leadership. Join us in this 10-part series for deep insights, transformative ideas, and a profound understanding of yourself. It's a journey of self-discovery and leadership evolution.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Leadership Reimagined: Thriving Amid Disorientation

    16/11/2023 Duración: 09min

    Get ready to elevate your leadership game with insights that bridge generations and secure identities. Welcome to a game-changing journey that reimagines leadership in a topsy-turvy world.    Learn how leaders thrive amid disorientation, setting the stage for a brighter future. Embrace the new normal and unlock your true leadership potential.    Tune in now and embark on the path to a redefined, impactful leadership experience.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Leadership Paradox: Balancing Vision and People

    14/11/2023 Duración: 09min

    In this episode of our "Leadership Would Be Easy, Except for The People" series, we dive deep into the leadership paradox that often goes unnoticed. Discover how to navigate the delicate balance between serving the organizational vision and nurturing the growth of your people.   ** Explore the path to becoming a team-centric leader, committed to both the organization's mission and individual well-being.   ** Gain insights into how leaders can harmonize the interests of the organization and the individuals within it.   ** Embrace the challenge of fostering continuous self-improvement and relationship renewal.   ** Learn why wisdom in leadership comes from finding the next right step when there are conflicting demands between the organization and its people.   Join us on this journey to become the kind of impact leader who enjoys the fruit of deep and evolving relationships, both personally and professionally.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Investing in Relationships: The Key to Thriving Teams and Impactful Leadership

    09/11/2023 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, we delve into the crucial concept of the Heart Shift in leadership.  Join us as we explore the transformative journey of investing in relationships within your team, understanding that teams are dynamic entities, and shifting from frustration to fascination with team dynamics.  Discover how adopting these principles can help you become a more effective and impactful leader, fostering growth and unity within your organization. We’re talking about:  The Perfect Team Myth: Many strive for the 'perfect' team from day one with precise roles and compensation. But here's the truth – that 'perfect' target is ever-evolving. Dynamic Teams: Understand that your team at journey's end won't mirror the one you started with. People change, and so do you. Embrace this change, don't resist it. Embrace Transformation: Break free from the cycle of loving new team members and resenting them when they depart. This mindset stems from insecurity and can be transformed for better leadership.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Mastering Leadership: Unveiling the Secret to Battling Moral Failure and Bad Structure Effectively

    08/11/2023 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, we explore the intricate dynamics of leadership and the critical role of the "head shift." Discover why vigilance is essential for visionary leaders in protecting their organizational vision and sustaining momentum. Uncover how building robust systems can shield against the three primary enemies of a movement, ensuring continued growth and success in your leadership journey. Join us as we navigate the challenges and triumphs of leadership, providing valuable insights and strategies to empower your organization's growth. Tune in and hear about: How vigilance is paramount for visionary leaders to safeguard their organization's vision and maintain momentum. Building strong systems is the foundation of successful leadership, ensuring sustainable growth and development. Identify and address the three main enemies of a movement: moral failure, structural deficiencies, and communication issues to protect and propel your organization's leadership journey.   CONNECT WITH US:

  • Game-Changing Key for Unparalleled Leadership in the Modern World

    02/11/2023 Duración: 10min

    In this episode, we explore the profound impact of defining a process for building leaders. Join us as we delve into the key takeaways: ** The Power of Defined Processes: Discover how having a structured approach to leadership development can transform your journey. By defining a process, you'll gain clarity, direction, and the ability to foster growth within your team and organization. ** Avoiding Common Pitfalls: We caution against the pitfalls of bypassing the essential aspects of leadership development in pursuit of shortcuts. Learn why it's crucial to balance ambition with practicality and focus on a structured process for lasting success. ** Building Leaders of Leaders: Explore the concept of creating a new generation of leaders who can guide and inspire others. Learn how a well-defined process can help you build leaders capable of driving impact and transformation. If you're looking to level up your leadership skills, commit to a well-structured process, and empower leaders within your organization, th

  • Horizon Shift: Committing to a 3-5 Year Vision

    31/10/2023 Duración: 10min

    In this episode of our “Leadership Would Be Easy, Except for The People” series, we delve into the transformative power of committing to a 3 to 5-year horizon in leadership.  Tune in for insights on:  ** The Power of Commitment: Discover how setting a horizon can transform your leadership journey. Committing to a long-term vision can provide clarity, motivation, and direction, not just for you but for your entire team and organization.   ** Avoiding Distractions and Shortcuts: Chris warns against the allure of shortcuts and quick fixes in leadership. Learn why jumping into the future without putting in the necessary work can hinder your success. Find out how staying focused on the journey is the true path to impactful leadership. ** Building a World-Class Organization: Explore the concept of building your own "Disney World" - creating a world-class organization that leaves a lasting impact. Chris shares insights on aligning your vision and efforts to create something extraordinary, rather than just teaching o

  • From Tolerating to Transforming: Raise Your Standards, Ignite Growth

    26/10/2023 Duración: 11min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the world of leadership, ambition, and the power of embracing change. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just beginning your leadership journey, this episode offers invaluable insights that can elevate your game. Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover: >> Embracing the Horizon Shift: Leadership is about more than just navigating daily challenges; it's about shifting your perspective to envision a brighter future. Learn how the Horizon Shift can empower you to set ambitious goals and transform your leadership journey, both personally and professionally. >> Harnessing Ambition and Raising Standards: Discover the true essence of ambition in leadership. We’re exploring how raising standards isn't about tearing people down but igniting their growth. Explore the concept of leadership that inspires and challenges, encouraging you to aim higher and drive positive change. >> Welcoming Doubts as a Sign of Growth: Doubts are not signs of weakness; they're valuable

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