Life Over Coffee With Rick Thomas



Rick has been training in the Upstate of South Carolina since 1997. After several years as a counselor and pastor, he founded and launched his own training organization in order to encourage and equip people for effective living. In the early 90s, he earned a BA in Theology. Later he earned a BS in Education. In 1993, he was ordained into Christian ministry, and in 2000, he graduated with an MA in Counseling. In 2006, he was recognized as a Fellow with Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.Today his organization reaches people in every country through training, blogging, podcasting, counseling, and coaching. His cyber home is RickThomas.Net


  • Ep. 304 Do Zoom Meetings Mean You're Forsaking the Assembly?

    24/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – The last couple of years for the church have been the equivalent of a shaken snowglobe—continuously. The tumbling has been unabated, and many in the Christian community are worn, despairing, and frustrated. One of the hot button issues at the epicenter of our complaint is an inability to assemble in our weekly church contexts. In this episode, I respond to the question, are we forsaking the assembly according to Hebrews 10:25? Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 302 Should We Passively Watch Our Constitution Erode?

    20/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Will you give me a biblical perspective on when our freedoms described in our Constitution (which I believe are God-inspired) are under attack? Should we or should we not defend them? Granted, men wrote the Constitution, but I think under the influence of God's direction. It has proven to be very beneficial for the world in many ways. We have established laws. Are we to just let the government tear them up? It's a real struggle for me to give a perfect and correct answer. Thanks. – Mark Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 301 Explanation of the New Three-Phase Mastermind Training

    19/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – We have changed our Mastermind Program to three phases of training so any student will have a better training experience that adapts to who God has made them to be, how to best use their unique gifts, and to discover how the Lord can the student most effectively in His world. This episode is a question and answer session with Rick and some of his current Mastermind students in the program. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 300 A Four Point Leadership Analysis to Evaluate Yourself

    16/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – In this episode, Rick walks you through the four-point leadership assessment process that he implements to help his students identify their strengths and weaknesses while giving them an idea of how they can best serve God in their communities. These four concepts apply to all Christians, including your children, as it gives you a leadership template for understanding and helping them mature in Christ. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 299 How to Interact with a Pastor with Known Sin

    12/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    You're on a church staff or part of a church's leadership team. You become aware of a fellow leader in known sin. How are you to help him? What are some things you should consider with a brother or sister who is in a trap? How can you emulate Paul's teaching in Galatians 6:1-2 practically to restore such a person? In this episode, Rick shares some helpful to a struggling leader. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 298 Rethinking, Reworking, Relaunching Our Mastermind Program

    07/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – We started our Mastermind Program in 2010. It has gone through many changes because, like our individual sanctification, we're always learning, growing, and maturing. In this episode, I explain our most recent changes, the reasons we are making them, and why it might be the right time for you to jump into this world-class, discipleship, counselor training. The start date for these new changes is set for Spring 2021. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 297 Knowing How to Live Out Practical Forgiveness Is Essential

    04/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – Forgiveness is a multifaceted opportunity for two people to reconcile after there is a transgression. Because of the complexity of sin and the complications of some relationships, it’s not always straightforward. Each person must work hard to understand biblical forgiveness and do all they can to reconcile when sin divides two people. In this episode, I respond to a questioner that is asking for clarity about forgiveness. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 296 Some Practical Advice for Those Struggling with Deep Hurts

    31/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – A friend asked me for advice on helping someone who has gone through some deep hurts in her life. The horrific events were patterns, not an isolated episode. When assisting a hurting person, you must marshall many biblical helpers because of the long-term care needed. Our cyber-ministry cannot be the primary care, but it is superb supplemental help. This episode provides a practical way that our ministry can serve you as you serve the walking wounded. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 295 Thoughts On Bible Plans ,Studies, Memorization, and More

    28/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – I have a new Christian friend who is interested in Bible reading plans. He has so many questions about God, life, and the Bible. It’s refreshing! What do you think would be an excellent Bible, reading plans, apps, and other things you would recommend for a young believer? – Ministry Donor Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 294 What Is the Best Way to Start a Ministry Similar to Yours?

    26/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – A friend asked Rick for the best way to start a ministry like his. She was inspired to share the practical gospel with a hurting world. The current cultural and political climate is what's motivating her. She's been following our ministry for a while and asked how to take advantage of technology's redemptive use to affect lives. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 293 Three Things Every Couple Need to Know to Have a Lasting Marriage

    23/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Rick met with a young couple for pre-marriage counseling recently, and the man asked him for the top things they needed to know to have a great marriage. He shared three things with this couple. After the counseling session, he turned on his mic and shared them because they are vital for any couple who wants a lasting marriage. As you listen, please take advantage of the supplemental resources in these Show Notes, which further explain and teach how to apply these ideas to your marriage. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 292 Rick and Daniel Doing Live Q & A from The Hope Conference

    21/01/2021 Duración: 36min

    Shows Main Idea – At the end of The Hope Conference in Sarasota, Florida, Rick Thomas and Daniel Berger answered several of the attendees’ questions. During the conference, folks placed their questions in boxes, which they collected at the end. They could not answer all of them, but this episode provides many of their biblically-based, well-thought-out responses to everyday, practical issues that are vital to all of us. Rick and Daniel plan to answer the other questions in future Life Over Coffee with Rick Thomas and Daniel Berger video episodes. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 291 A Behind-the-Scenes Oral Narrative of The Hope Conference

    18/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – We went to Sarasota, Florida, January 13-17, 2021, to co-teach with Dr. Daniel Berger. This episode gives you a behind the scenes look at our itinerary and other tidbits about our trip. This conference was the first one since we were in Idaho in August 2021. Due to COVID restrictions, churches canceled and rescheduled our meetings. Please enjoy the brief synopsis of this excellent conference. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 290 Learning How to Respond to a World You Don't Like Anymore

    14/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    This moment in American history is one of the best opportunities for Christians to make a difference. In the past, we operated in an 18% gray world that was neither hot nor cold. Today, it's darker than at any time in our lives. The darker the night, the brighter the light. This moment is our time, but the disappointment is too deep for too many of our brothers and sisters, and their frustration is too intense. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 289 What Is the Best Way to Handle Secret Marriage Sins?

    10/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – What are you to do with unconfessed past sins against your spouse? What are the questions you want to ask if you were helping someone who wants to come clean? In this episode, Biff sinned against Mable years ago, and after keeping it a secret, he wants to confess. Why should he? Why should he not? How will you lead Biff through this common marital dilemma? Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 288 It's Time to Start Bothering People for Your Good

    06/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – It’s common for folks to think they are a bother to someone when they need help. This kind of thinking is problematic in the body of Christ. I’m not sure how to change that mindset since so many folks say it. They assume the person is busy, and they don’t want to “bother” them. Though I appreciate the show of respect and kindness to whatever may be happening in the discipler’s life, that perspective is counter-productive to the Christian mandate to make disciples. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 287 Considering the Curious Contours of Confession

    03/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – Lucia and I were meeting with a couple, and the conversation centered on the idea of confession. I shared some things with them to help as they continue to grow in loving each other well. At one point, the wife said she had not considered how confession and repentance require two willing parties. She only thought of the offender’s responsibility, not the offended’s. This episode is some of the things I shared with them, specifically about confession. Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 286 How Do You Live with a Narcissist Who Accuses?

    31/12/2020 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – In this episode, Rick answers several questions from our community. There are Mastermind questions, plus how not to feel like a failure after an unwanted divorce, how to react to a narcissist who lies about you, working through PTSD, and some practical pointers for overcoming grief. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 285 Fighting the Culture War for the Sake of Our Children

    26/12/2020 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – When your child begins to embrace a worldview from the culture, there are a few things you want to assess as you talk to your child. There is a full-on culture war, as they are trying to persuade, intimidate, censor, and influence the public to their worldview. It’s no longer acceptable for conservatives to sit on the sidelines because the war is real. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

  • Ep. 284 The Transgender Problem Is the Tip of a Larger Iceberg

    24/12/2020 Duración: 30min

    Shows Main Idea – Transgenerism is a small percentage of people. Still, it's an ideology that sits on top of a humungous iceberg designed to fracture the culture, destroy conservative views, and promote ideas that are blatantly against God and His Word. Not seeing and understanding this problem while not redemptively reacting to it is not an option for us any longer. We must educate ourselves while mobilizing to turn back the tide in these culture wars. Show Notes: Will you help us so we can continue to provide free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here

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