Derek Prince Legacy Radio International



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  • Old Self and the New Self, The (1)


    Listen today to get acquainted with the nature and origins of two persons—the old self and the new self. We are all born with a crooked, rebellious nature, which is the “old self.” Not only is the old self rebellious, it is also corrupt, spiritually, morally and physically. But, as born-again believers we are to lay aside the “old self” and put on the “new self” that has been created in the likeness of God—in righteousness and holiness.

  • Ministry of Intercession, The (5)


    Will you stand in the gap for your nation?The one person that God looks for in times of crisis is the intercessor. Today there is guilt and failure on the part of all segments of society-the prophets, the priests, the secular rulers and the people. God is looking for those who will stand in the gap for their country and their land. Will you?

  • Ministry of Intercession, The (4)


    For such a time as this...As intercessor, Queen Esther placed herself in harm's way, standing between all Jews and those who wanted to destroy them all. She stood her ground in the face of her own possible execution-fasting and praying to her God for three days and bringing about a change of heart in the King.

  • Ministry of Intercession, The (3)


    Why pray when we know God has purposed to do something?Daniel read that the period was ending when God was going to restore the Jews to their land. Even though by law he was forbidden to pray, he continued to seek the Lord for the fulfillment of His promise to restore the Jews.

  • Ministry of Intercession, The (2)


    Moses stayed the Lord's hand against Israel.The Lord became angry with the Israelites because they turned away from Him and worshiped instead the golden calf. God wanted Moses to step aside, but he stood firm, reminding God of His covenant with His people.

  • Ministry of Intercession, The (1)


    How was Abraham an intercessor?The intercessor, Derek points out, is the one who stands between God and that which is being prayed for. Abraham was an intercessor When the Lord told him that He was going to destroy Sodom, Abraham stood in between and pleaded for mercy.

  • Let's Show Our Gratitude (5)


    We can show our gratitude by speaking well of our country, the United States. What we say and our attitude toward our nation and leaders has a profound effect—for good or for evil. Derek explains, “I question whether the great majority of Americans have any concept of how much harm is brought to our nation by persistent, negative, critical talk.” You can listen to this insightful message and others from the series, “Let’s Show Our Gratitude.”

  • Let's Show Our Gratitude (4)


    Christians bring flavor and God’s favor to the nation! And, as we stand up for righteousness, we also hold back corruption and judgment. In this message from the series, “Let’s Show Our Gratitude,” Derek explains how “our presence should be decisive in the destiny of our nation.”

  • Let's Show Our Gratitude (3)


    America is a blessed nation. And praying for our country is not optional. It is something Scripture charges us to do. We need to be thankful for the benefits we enjoy and pray for “good government” that will support godly principles and religious freedom. Listen to this wonderful message taken from the series, “Let’s Show Our Gratitude” and you’ll hear Derek explain why.

  • Let's Show Our Gratitude (2)


    Today’s message is from the series, “Let’s Show Our Gratitude.” You’ll enjoy not only hearing about why the Pilgrims came to America, but you’ll also get to hear Derek’s personal story. This is a time to remember with gratitude that we live in this nation!

  • Let's Show Our Gratitude (1)


    Why did the Pilgrims take that long, arduous journey, face all those risks and hardships? To fully understand why we celebrate Thanksgiving in America, we must first understand the historical background of the Pilgrims. As you listen today to this message taken from the series, “Let’s Show Our Gratitude,” you will discover some important facts about the Pilgrims and a miracle they received.

  • Ruling by Prayer (5)

    15/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    What a tremendous privilege and responsibility it is to be able to speak to the God of the whole universe in such a way that we actually influence His actions. One specific way for us to humble ourselves is by fasting—and Derek gives prime examples from Scripture.

  • Ruling by Prayer (4)

    15/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    In order for us to be effective in praying for our nation, we must keep in mind the examples that Jesus presented to us in Matthew’s gospel. We were instructed to salt, light and a city that is set on a hill. What does that mean and how are we to implement it?

  • Ruling by Prayer (3)

    15/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    When we pray according to the will of God, the possibilities are limitless. We have the power not only to affect our personal lives, but also to affect nations and governments. This message will grab your attention as you hear specific instances where Derek personally witnessed history being shaped by prayer.

  • Ruling by Prayer (2)

    15/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    Did you know that there are three important truths that will open up limitless possibilities in prayer? And that our prayers are critical for God to have his will and ways with the government? Learn more about this today…

  • Ruling by Prayer (1)

    15/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    In order to pray effectively, we must know what the Word of God says. Derek uses as his example the life of Elijah and brings out the ways in which his prayers were effective. The New Testament church also exercised effective corporate prayers—even over the rule of Herod.

  • How to Pray and Get What You Pray For (10)

    01/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    The entire creative power of God can work through us when God’s Spirit and His Word are combined in our prayers! God’s Spirit always works through and with God’s Word. Learn more about praying more powerfully as you listen today…

  • How to Pray and Get What You Pray For (09)

    01/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    We all want our prayers answered, and that’s exactly what we’ve been discussing: How to pray and get what we pray for. The only kind of prayer that is acceptable to God is one that is directed by the Holy Spirit, for we do not know how to pray as we should.

  • How to Pray and Get What You Pray For (08)

    01/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    It does no good to pray if you have anything against anybody. First reconcile with your spouse, your sibling, your boss or your child. Then come to God with a clear conscience, and your prayers will not be hindered.

  • How to Pray and Get What You Pray For (07)

    01/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    God does not see as a man sees, but God looks at the heart. What is your motive? God is interested in that aspect of you. So we will begin by finding out that there is only one right motive for praying…

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