Public Speaking With David Murray



Public Speaking with David Murray is a weekly podcast where I share tips and techniques to help you take your public speaking to the next level. Each week I will share a new tip or technique which you can apply to your next speech or presentation to help boost your publicspeaking skills.


  • Client Question – How can public speaking skills help me at work? – 069

    30/06/2020 Duración: 05min

    When you hear the words "public speaking", I bet you imagine... you or someone else, standing on a stage, maybe with a microphone, and delivering a talk or giving a presentation. And if you do picture this, you are right. But this is only part of the story. Did you know that the skills you develop in public speaking can also be useful in other everyday situations? Including when you are at work. Have you ever sat in a meeting, where most or all of the people in the room you have never met before? What would you do and say if you were asked to introduce yourself to everyone? Not sure?  Well, this is where public speaking skills can help you. In today’s episode I answer this client question: "How can public speaking skills help me at work?" If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here:
 If you like this public speaking and confid

  • How to communicate with confidence on video conference calls – 068

    23/06/2020 Duración: 05min

    I think we can all agree that we are living through unusual times, when we are being encouraged to stay at home. Which means we are having to change the way we interact with our colleagues, our customers, and even friends and family. This means we are setting up meetings, running workshops and having conversations online, using some kind of video conferencing tool. And I'm sure you’ll agree that video calls feel very different to how we’re used to doing things. Where we would normally be meeting face to face. We’re now sitting at home, with our computers, looking into a camera and staring at the faces we see on the screen. And not everybody feels comfortable doing this. Because it doesn’t feel natural. In today's episode I share with you a technique to help you to communicate with confidence when you're having conversations on video conference calls.  And it's all about eye contact! If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to

  • Want to send your audience to sleep? Keep the ‘same tone and volume’ – 067

    10/12/2019 Duración: 04min

    Imagine delivering a pitch to an important client. Imagine delivering a presentation in front of your work colleagues. Imagine you have put all that hard work into preparing and you really want your message to come across. Do you want to send your listeners to sleep? Do you want to see them yawning and making an escape through the door? Or, do you want to be remembered? Do you want your listeners to stay awake and connect with your words? In today's episode I share with you how to connect the tone and volume of your words as you deliver your pitch and presentation.  This way,  your passion for the subject will be conveyed to the listeners and you will be remembered. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on y

  • ‘How to project confidence’ even if you don’t feel confident – 066

    03/12/2019 Duración: 03min

    There are going to be times when you aren’t feeling confident. Job interview, presentation, important pitch, or having a conversation with a colleague. Confidence is ever changing, so that in some situations we feel ‘confident’ and in others we feel less so. So what can we do to help us feel more confident and project confidence to others? In today's episode I share my three top tips to help in situations when you are delivering a pitch, presentation, public speaking or conversation at work. These will help you to look and feel confident, even if you aren't feeling particularly confident. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching,

  • Speak UP at work! How to speak up in meetings – 065

    26/11/2019 Duración: 05min

    Does the thought of speaking up in meetings fill you with dread? Do you keep quiet, never contributing for fear of being judged? You’re not alone, many people find meetings a daunting experience and, as a result, end up staying silent. Though this may feel like the safe option, it could be having a negative impact on your career. If you sit at the side-lines, you’ll remain invisible to your colleagues, including your boss, which could mean you’re overlooked when it comes to being offered exciting opportunities. In today's podcast I share my tips to help you feel confident enough to contribute in meetings and make sure people start paying attention to what you have to say. You can’t control how other people will respond to what you say, and you’re never going to be able to please everyone. What you can control is how you present yourself, and whether you take opportunities to speak up or let them pass you by. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confiden

  • Let’s Speak! with Sandra Thompson: understanding yourself and others to achieve outstanding results – 064

    13/11/2019 Duración: 45min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week’s guest Sandra Thompson. Sandra runs a business that helps companies improve their customers' experiences, she lectures at a business school in London, and right now she's on a learning journey of her own, developing a deep understanding of emotional intelligence She describes emotional intelligence as your ability to understand and manage your own emotion, and your ability to relate and understand the emotion of others. Sandra says this essentially means being content in yourself and having fabulous relationships with people at work and at home. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to support your public speaking success and communicate with confidence: Sandra talks about the importance of emotional intelligence for organisations in terms of 1) the interface between customers and staff, 2) enabling different parts of the business to work more effectively togeth

  • ‘Three things to avoid’ when telling a story – 063

    05/11/2019 Duración: 06min

    If you have listened to my series of top tips and interviews, you will know by now that stories are as important than ever to incorporate into your pitches, presentations and even conversations in every day life. But, when adding stories into your speeches and presentations, there are some things that can go wrong. So, in today's episode I will share with you three things that are guaranteed to stop your stories in their tracks and even turn listeners off.  1) Telegraphing it, 2) The Storyteller voice, 3) Being too vague or giving too much detail. If you avoid these three things when telling stories, you will become a more impactful influencer and communicator in the workplace, in your business and beyond. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, plea

  • This is the important question your listeners will want you to answer – 062

    29/10/2019 Duración: 03min

    What is the most important question you will be asked as a speaker but will probably never hear? The answer is... “What's in it for me?” Whenever you are presenting, delivering a speech or having an interaction with a work colleague, your listeners will be wondering what is in it for them? What you should do in every speech or presentation is have the audience, your listeners, in mind when you are preparing it. This is a big question to ask yourself, "What is in it for them?" Whether you are presenting at work, giving a motivational talk, or anytime you are speaking and want to share an idea. Think about who will be attending the presentation or speech, who is in your audience and what is motivating them to attend. Listen to todays show to hear why this is important and my top tips. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you

  • How ‘using humour’ helps you to relax and connect with your audience – 061

    22/10/2019 Duración: 03min

    When you imagine yourself public speaking how does it make you feel? Confident or nervous? Good or bad? Public speaking notoriously provokes fear in many speakers. Did you know that adding humour to your speeches can go some way towards alleviating your anxiety? Humour helps to relax you and your audience, and can they feel more connected to you. Many speakers say: “I could never use humour in my speech. I just don’t feel comfortable with it.” But anyone can use humour. Listen to today's episode for my tops tips on how to add humour to your speeches and presentations. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and

  • Let’s Speak! with Cory Beckwith – tips for running workshops, coping with nerves, communicating with groups of people – 060

    08/10/2019 Duración: 33min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week’s guest Cory Beckwith. Cory is a teaching and research technician, a laboratory manager in a pharmacy college and a lover of music and science. He talks about his interesting work in the field of pharmacognosy, which is the study of plants for use in medicinal drugs. Cory tells how he fell into his line of work by chance and how much joy it gives him. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence: In Cory's line of work, he prepares and runs classes for undergraduates and MSc students. Which can be anything up to 50 people. With this in mind Cory shares his top tips for coaches thinking about running effective learnings sessions when there is a large number of people attending. He shows us how to deal with difficult questions asked by attendees and how to cope when you don't have the answer. He shares his advise to anyone thinking of speaking to a group, whether that be

  • Feel confident by ‘getting to know your speech area’ – 059

    01/10/2019 Duración: 04min

    Imagine you've been ask to share your wisdom? Is that at work? A seminar for a local learning group? Maybe you have been asked to deliver a TEDx talk? How is that going to make you feel?  Maybe a little nervous? Whether you are a beginner or experienced speaker, talking to a new audience can make you feel nervous. What can you do on the day itself to help ease your nerves, make you feel confident, and take a little of the unknown out of what you are about to do? Listen to today's episode and I share with you my top technique for taking the nerves out of standing on stage and delivering a talk, presentation or speech. Whether to one person, or a thousand. And help you carry a confident positive state into delivering a successful talk. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communi

  • Using humour! How to get a laugh ‘without telling a joke’ – 058

    24/09/2019 Duración: 03min

    Adding humour into your speeches and presentations is a powerful way to bring attention to the point you are making and help the listener to better remember it. But not everyone is comfortable with using humour in their speeches and presentations. But like any skill, practice makes perfect and if you gently introduce humour into your speeches and presentations, you will quickly gain more confidence in using humour. Do want to know a good place to start?  Listen to today's episode where I share with you a technique that all experienced public speakers use to guarantee they get a laugh when delivering speeches or presentations. And the best thing, you can get a laugh without even having to tell a joke. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please su

  • Want to send your audience to sleep? Keep your ‘hands in your pockets’ – 057

    17/09/2019 Duración: 03min

    Imagine you are delivering a talk, or a presentation?   What is the one thing you can do that will guarantee your clients or colleagues will either fall asleep be rushing to the exit door? It is delivering your message whilst keeping both your hands in your pockets. Audiences love it when you have an open and welcoming posture. This way you will look welcoming and you can use your hands to emphasis different aspects of your talk.  Remember if you listen to Episode 32, you will hear how most of what we say is through our non-verbal communication. So if you want to turn off your audience, keep your hands in your pockets and look not bothered and bored.If you don’t want to turn them off and want to feel confident and engage with them, have your hands out to the side and have an open and welcoming posture. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: http://eepurl.

  • Let’s Speak! with Carole Simb: how sharing your story can empower others – 056

    04/09/2019 Duración: 39min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Carole Simb. Carole is an entrepreneur, writer, model and experienced public speaker.  She talks about how a career isn’t defined by only having one job. And how she is engaged in various different professional interests that give her joy and bring a variety of skills and creativity into her life. Saying, whatever you decide to do, you must enjoy it! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence: She speaks about what inspired her to want to develop her public speaking skills and shares her advice for those thinking about taking their first steps in public speaking. Carole talks openly about her personal struggles in life and how she began writing about her experiences to help release the pain of her circumstances. And used her story, her book, to empower woman who are experiencing their own personal struggles. She shows us the

  • Speak UP at work! How to avoid the ‘Circle of Doom’ in meetings – 055

    27/08/2019 Duración: 05min

    When was the last time you sat in a meeting? Have you ever sat in a meeting where most of the people in the room you had never met before? Imagine you are sat in the room, the meeting chair looks around the room and says, let’s get to know each other.  And everyone has to introduce themselves. One by one each persons sits or stands and says their name and starts describing what they do. Everyone sounds confident and they describe their role in a way that sounds so much more interesting than yours will be. Are you panicking by now, trying to think of something interesting to say? Let me help you. Listen to my tops tips for how to speak up at work and avoid the circle of doom in meetings. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your

  • Send your audience to sleep by ‘Facing away’ from them when presenting – 054

    20/08/2019 Duración: 03min

    Imagine you are delivering a presentation at work and you are using slides. What is the one thing you can do that will guarantee your colleagues will either fall asleep or be rushing to the exit door? It is turning your back to them as you speak and reading directly from your presentation slides. Colleagues love it when you face them. Allow your audience to read from the presentation slides as you talk and fill in any gaps to add context to the words on the screen. By facing your audience, they will will feel connected to you and can look them in the eyes as you emphasise an important message. But if your back is turned and you are facing away from them, how can they feel connected to you? Remember 60% of what we say is through our non-verbal communication. So if you want to turn off your audience and send them to sleep, keep reading from the slides and have your body turned away from them. If you don’t want to turn them off and want to feel confident and engage with them, speak to your audience and

  • Avoid sending your audience to sleep by using ‘Vocal Variety’ – 053

    13/08/2019 Duración: 04min

    Imagine you are at work and seeing a colleague delivering a presentation. Imagine listening to that presentation and the speaker's voice stays fixed at the same tone and volume throughout. They sound bored which means you will feel bored too! If they aren’t sounding enthusiastic about what they are saying, why should you be enthusiastic to listen? What if this is you? What should you do when you have your opportunity to deliver your message? Be willing to play with tone to give your listeners some joy. If YOU ask a question, add emphasis on the YOU. The listener will feel you are talking to them? e.g. don’t say “what would you do?’, say “what would YOU do?” If you are using words like; passion, excitement, adventure…. Match your tone and volume with how the words are intended to make the listener feel. Say "PASSION, EXCITEMENT, ADVENTURE..." If you play with vocal variety, you will sound more captivating, your message will be remembered and most importantly, you won't send your audience to sleep! If y

  • Let’s group chat! How to prepare for the biggest speech of your life: with Adam Wells & Stephen R. Marriott – 052

    30/07/2019 Duración: 15min

    This week I am having a group chat with two public speaking experts, Adam Wells and Stephen R. Marriott Adam is a Life Planner and Transition Coach & Speaker who speaks regularly to large audiences both in the UK and internationally. Stephen is a Speaker and Author of the Reluctant Pilgrim Novels who uses public speaking to spread the word about his books. They talk about a keynote speech which Stephen is preparing for, which at this point is the biggest speech of his life. They share their insight into how you would go about preparing for the biggest speech of YOUR life. They say "know your audience, know your message and share a personal story!". Download your free speech preparation checklist here: Get details of my next live workshops and events here: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you to communicate with confidence you can download my free top tips booklet and subscribe to my

  • Connect with your listeners by getting your ‘Volume and Pace’ just right – 051

    23/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    It is important to get your volume and pace right in all communications. Whether that be delivering a presentation to colleagues at work, having a conversation with a friend or family member, or creating a video learning experience. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In this episode I share with you my top technique to ensure that when you deliver a presentation at work, everyone can hear you and therefore connect with what you have to say. It is called 'getting your volume and pace, just right'!. When delivering a presentation at work, begin by asking your audience if they can “hear you at the back”. Then you can adjust your volume accordingly. Pace yourself. Use pauses for dramatic effect or to give yourself the opportunity to gather your thoughts. Take a sip of water...breathe. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidenc

  • Breathing Exercise – 050

    16/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    In this episode I share with you my breathing exercise, which is very easy to follow and very quick to do. It can help you to feel calm, feel relaxed and feel confident in the build up to a job interview, a big presentation at work, or speech at a public speaking club. This is a great technique that you can carry with you everywhere. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app.You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visiting me here at https://davidalanmurray.comLinks:Connect with David Murray on Twitter: out my latest coaching videos on Youtube:

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