Clarissa Harlowe
  • Por Samuel Richardson
  • Editor: Interactive Media

I can write but just now a few lines. I cannot tell how to bear the sound of that Mr. Belford for your executor, cogent as your reasons for that measure are: and yet I am firmly...

Sexy Nurse Helps Patient
  • Por Rex Pahel
  • Editor: Rex Pahel

After a bad accident, Rashid had to stay a few weeks in the hospital. Both his arms and one of his legs were broken. He needed help for everything and this frustrated him since he...

Halmayer's Folly
  • Por Joseph Conrad
  • Editor: Joseph Conrad

Halmayer's Folly, published in 1895, is Joseph Conrad's first novel. Set in the late 19th century, it centers on the life of the Dutch trader Kaspar Almayer in the Borneo...

The Blue Fairy Book
  • Por Andrew Lang
  • Editor: David De Angelis

The book assembled a wide range of tales, with seven from the Brothers Grimm, five from Madame d'Aulnoy, three from the Arabian Nights, and four Norwegian fairytales, among...

The Town Traveller
  • Por George Gissing
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Town Traveller is one of Gissing's novels which earned him more income during his lifetime than most of his other novels. The story is full of life and descriptive detail. ...

The Three Hostages
  • Por John Buchan
  • Editor: John Buchan

The Three Hostages is the fourth of five Richard Hannay novels by Scottish author John Buchan, first published in 1924 by Hodder & Stoughton, London. Hannay had previously...

A True Story
  • Por Lucian of Samosata
  • Editor: David De Angelis

Lucian of Samosata (125–c.180) was a Greek satirist of Syrian or Assyrian extraction, and True History is perhaps his most well-known tale. In this tale, the protagonist...

Erotica: Go Faster: 6 Books Bundle
  • Por Jett White
  • Editor: Jett White

“It is my first time to feel that deep.” Six Erotic Stories Collection.Stories:1. Dirty Offer2. Desire Approved3. Unexpected Game4. Unforgettable Lesson5....

The Principles Of Psychology
  • Por William James
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Principles of Psychology was written by William James, an American philosopher and psychologist who trained to be a physician before going into psychology. There are four...

The Grasshopper And Other Stories
  • Por Anton Chekhov
  • Editor: Interactive Media

In the Grasshopper we find a love triangle. Olga, her rather boring husband preoccupied with his work, and a young artist. Olga craves the excitement of the artistic life and...

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