The Winter's Tale
  • Por William Shakespeare
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Polixenes is visiting the kingdom of Sicilia, and is enjoying catching up with his old friend. However, after nine months, Polixenes yearns to return to his own kingdom to tend to...

The Souls Of Black Folk
  • Por W. E. B. Du Bois
  • Editor: David De Angelis

Often revealingly autobiographical, DuBois explores topics as diverse as the death of his infant son and the politics of Booker T. Washington. In every essay, he shows the...

The Man Of Destiny
  • Por George Bernard Shaw
  • Editor: Interactive Media

After his victory at the Battle of Lodi, Napoleon eats his meal, works on his plans and talks with the innkeeper Giuseppe Grandi. A lieutenant arrives with bad news. The...

A Journey From This World To The Next
  • Por Henry Fielding
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Whether the ensuing pages were really the dream or vision of some very pious and holy person; or whether they were really written in the other world, and sent back to this, which...

What Is Man?
  • Por Mark Twain
  • Editor: Interactive Media

A dialogue between a Young Man and an Old Man regarding the nature of man. It involves ideas of destiny and free will, as well as of psychological egoism. The Old Man asserts that...

Seducing Best Friend’s Daddy
  • Por Rex Pahel
  • Editor: Rex Pahel

Stella liked to seduce old men and have affairs with them. Claire and Stella were best friends on the campus. During the holiday, Claire gladly offered Stella to live with them...

A Girl As Ideal Man: Lesbian Erotica
  • Por Jett White
  • Editor: Publisher s9821

Khloe always considered herself a straight girl. However, her intimate sessions with men were often disappointing. She concluded that she needed to find the perfect man. Little...

The Heracleidae
  • Por Euripides
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Iolaus, Heracles’ nephew and his companion during his Twelve Labours but now an old man, is in hiding with Heracles’ fatherless children at the altar of the temple of Zeus at...

The Impossible Quest Of Hailing A Taxi On Christmas Eve
  • Por George Saoulidis
  • Editor: Mythography Studios

Scrooge Is Looking For A TaxiDickens meets I, Robot in this sci-fi retelling of a classic story.In this modern retelling of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas...

The Private Papers Of Henry Ryecroft
  • Por George Gissing
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The book is unusually divided into four seasons instead of chapters and represents a semi-fictional autobiographical work by George Gissing in which the author casts himself as...

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