Horny As Hell - Erotic Short Story
  • Por B. J. Hermansson
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

"For a long time, she had wanted to hear the words, but he had never said them aloud or displayed any interest. He always seemed to prefer to just snuggle up together, watch...

The Magical Falcon 3 - The Queen Of The Demons
  • Por Peter Gotthardt
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Carvallo and his friends arrive to a harsh world where storms are howling, and red and green demons lie in wait. When Monica disappears, the others have to look for her. They fear...

The Girls From The Horse Farm 6 - T As In Thunderstorm
  • Por Karla Schniering
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

With Lilian still caring for her young foul, Alex borrows the farm’s horse Gilda, whenever she goes riding. One afternoon, Tine, Ina, and Alex take the horses to the ruins of a...

Lust - A Woman's Intimate Confessions 1
  • Por Anna Bridgwater
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

About the series:"I want to tell you the story of my life. Or at least a part of my life. A part of my life which is all me, but which is hidden. My sex life. That is what I was...

Cabin Fever 6: Freyja S Lair
  • Por Ane-Marie Kjeldberg
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Bella has been a widow for such a long time, she can barely remember anything else. But now, she has accepted Ian‘s proposal. She loves Ian, but as the wedding approaches, she...

Fc Mezzi 8: Between A Rock And A Hard Place
  • Por Daniel Zimakoff
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Mattæus plejer ikke at være en af de seje drenge i klassen. Hans forældre er nemlig kristne, og de andre kalder ham hellig. På en gammel fabrik i nærheden står der en...

K For Kara 14: Am I Fat, Mom?
  • Por Line Kyed Knudsen
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Julie invites the class to her birthday party. They are going to the pool. Afterwards, they are having pizza. Rose asks if there is anything other than pizza, because she does not...

Pool Boy - An Erotic Short Story
  • Por Anita Bang
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

"... the sight of him was making me feel confused and dizzy. Heeding a sudden impulse, I pulled my dress over my head and threw it to the floor. My knickers were wet with sweat...

The Magical Falcon 2 - The Falcon In Chains
  • Por Peter Gotthardt
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Sigurd, Sandra, and Monika are happy when Prince Carvallo visits them and takes them on a new adventure to a strange world.But as soon as they arrive, Carvallo is caught and taken...

Joyride - Erotic Short Story
  • Por Julie Jones
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

"She slid her hand up and down his thigh, just mere inches in each direction, but there was no doubt about it. C was stroking his thigh. And he liked it."Rockstar Paul McKenzie...

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