Live Rich



Do you have the desire to get ahead? What are you prepared to do in order to get there? What is driving your desire for change in your life? We all want to be rich and retire early, but what is truly driving you to succeed? You may have a vision of the life you want, but what is motivating you to achieve this? Simply reacting to outward needs will likely not be enough. Most people are content to settle for whatever life they have dealt to them, as long as they have a roof over their head and food on the table. That may be okay for some, but for a select few this is simply not enough. It takes a great deal of determination and focus to set your goals and achieve great things. The strength of your inner desire for this change, and your level of passion and commitment to achieve your goals, will ultimately determine your success. No one else can have this desire for you; it must come from within. If youre going to get ahead you must start making some choices and take action. There are no shortcuts, and great effort will be required. If you truly have a burning passion and desire for change within you, with the right training, focus and determination, the sky is the limit.


  • Your First Step Toward Greatness

    03/03/2016 Duración: 08min

    The first step in a new endeavor can very often be the most difficult. It can be very easy to be overwhelmed at the prospect of launching onto a new journey – whether it is writing a book from a blank page, starting up a new company from scratch, or learning how to master a brand new skill. It isn’t important that you are a master or expert (or maybe even all that good) when you are first launching a new endeavor. The important thing is that you simply get going, and take that first step. View the full post and video here:  Summary: An old adage tells us that even a journey of a thousand steps must begin with one first step. So why is it so hard for us to take it? Why do so many of us perpetually dawdle and stall on getting started along the path to our dreams? The beginning of a new professional journey is always a daunting proposition. If there is ever a time to bail out of a risky new exploit, it is surely right before it even begins. It can be easy to be overwhelmed by all of the ne

  • Money and Character

    02/03/2016 Duración: 08min

    Never confuse strength of pocketbook with moral strength. Money doesn’t give you “character” – It simply provides you the freedom to be who you are with less restrictions. Think of money as a spotlight that helps illuminate what is already there – just more brightly. View the full post and video here:  Summary: A common mistake made in our society is to confuse net worth and self-worth. There’s nothing more inherently virtuous or moral about those of us who have attained greater wealth. That might seem self-evident, but there are plenty of mixed signals sent. More successful people do tend to work harder and strive to get to where they are – this hustle and grit can be conflated with intelligence and character all too often. The truth is that who you are when you’re poor is just about the same as who you are when you’re rich. Money is more of a light that illuminates what is already there – warts and all. The world may worship money in the here and now, but what we remember in the long ru

  • Money And Mindset

    01/03/2016 Duración: 08min

    The correct mindset stems from knowing that money is not the end-all and be-all. It does not guarantee happiness despite a lot of wishful thinking about the wealthy. Nor for that matter, of course, does money make someone a lesser person or heighten their odds of unhappiness. It is merely a tool that one can use, which often illuminates their true character. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Lucky numbers. We all think about them – that right combination of digits on a lottery ticket that could change our life overnight and deliver us from a lifetime of uninspiring work. But have you ever noticed what lottery winners tend to do? Long after the oversized cheque has been handed out and the balloons have fallen, there is often struggle. It is not at all uncommon to read of winners who simply couldn’t handle their sudden influx of cash and struggle to ever return to a life of normalcy. Some even wind up declaring bankruptcy after quickly blowing through the cash. The problem here l

  • The Desire To Win

    16/02/2016 Duración: 08min

    Where does that drive to conquer, no matter the obstacles, come from? In the end, drive and determination will eat talent for breakfast – each and every time. It is not enough to be gifted. What matters is how you choose to use that gift, and to what degree you are disciplined about it. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Do you have the drive to succeed? Where does that grinding desire to win come from? Don’t confuse this with the motivation to attain and hold a job. The world’s true success stories aren’t content with that – contentment doesn’t seem to be a word in their vocabulary. This can create a lot of struggle and challenge over the course of their journey, but ultimately a lot of satisfaction is gained when they look back upon all that they have achieved. The desire to win doesn’t rest or take holidays. It’s a grinding hustle that knows nothing of sick days, holidays or the normal boundaries observed by most of us. Employees rightfully advocate for a healthy work-life ba

  • Telling Your Story

    12/02/2016 Duración: 08min

    If you take a look at the most successful people and brands in the world, you will often find that the common thread connecting them all is that they are compelling story tellers. They don’t just tell customers what they do – they take them on a journey that is designed to help build an emotional bond. Read on to see how exploring and communicating your unique personal narrative can help you connect with your core values and discover a niche that you can build your business around.  View the full post and video here:  Summary:  What is it about stories? After thousands of years, we all still love nothing more than to hear a good yarn. What countless marketers and business leaders have learned is that nothing seems to stick in the mind of customers and audiences like a good narrative. Facts and statistics definitely have their place in supporting arguments. But there is nothing like putting a human face to strike a direct connection. The same should go for your brand. What stories are you

  • Time To Decide - Who's In Control?

    12/02/2016 Duración: 08min

    The only way to gain control over your life is to assert it. You cannot wait for anyone’s permission or dutifully pass the time until it’s your turn. There will always be an abundance of people in your life more than willing to make decisions about how you should best be spending your time. Drowning out those voices and following your heart is a necessary step to launching your way on the correct path. Listen to learn ways that you can asset control over your life and carve out your path to success on your own terms. View the full post and video here: Summary: Who’s in control of your life? Who calls the shot? Can you honestly answer that it’s you? Or is it another person in your life? Your boss perhaps? A significant other? It may not even be a person at all – it could be alcohol or television or envy itself. Many of us sleepwalk through our lives because we don’t feel like we are truly in control. We have plans and goals, but still find ourselves somehow carrying out someone else’s agen

  • Do The Right Thing

    05/02/2016 Duración: 08min

    It’s tempting to perennially subscribe to the notion that “tomorrow is another day”; that our choices in the here and now have little impact since we can always get a mulligan on the next round. But the truth is that the choices and decisions you make – on matters large and small alike – directly impact the quality of your career, relationships, and legacy on this planet. While none of us have access to perfect knowledge or can operate in complete confidence that we are taking the right path, we can strive to make our decisions with the very best spirit in mind. There are numerous examples of choices you can make that will help to better the odds that you will ultimately find yourself on the path to success.  Read on for insight into how you can start making better choices and maximize your success. You can also view the full post and video here:  Summary: What we do each and everyday, even in those in-between moments, affects the quality of our lives directly. If the choices we make each

  • How To Think Like A Pure Genuis

    26/01/2016 Duración: 08min

    Take a page from the thought processes of the geniuses who have gone before us, to elevate your game and mind power! Prepare to be bold and think outside of the box, even if it means straying into some areas of thought that scare you a little bit or can ruffle feathers. We remember geniuses precisely because they were iconoclasts and ran against the grain of what was considered to be the bounds of acceptable discourse in others’ eyes. Remember to roam widely beyond your comfort zone and area of expertise, as this may well give you some very valuable insights into your primary area of interest. A common link among geniuses in wildly disparate fields is that they draw connections and see synergies that others miss. If creativity can be defined as the fusion of two existing ideas, geniuses are those who are adept at combining what other people have already done to create something new. Listen to more about how to think like a pure genius and take your game to the next level... View the full post and video here: 

  • Wide Open

    18/01/2016 Duración: 09min

    The beauty of the internet is the freedom that it offers you.  The web essentially acts as a great equalizer for knowledge. We all now have the sum of most human information at our fingertips. You don’t need special credentials or the permission of a gatekeeper. That’s the beauty of it. The ubiquity and availability of information online has essentially thrown the doors wide open to allow anyone to get cracking on their own online ventures. Online entrepreneurship affords you the freedom to work from anywhere you want, as long as it comes with a suitable WiFi connection. No longer is it an absolute to be tethered to an office and suffer an arduous commute to make a living. Read on to learn tips on how you can obtain the freedom and financial success you want conducting your business on the Internet. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Don’t listen to the pessimists out there. There has simply never been a better time than now to forge your own way in business. The wide-open freed

  • Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Work

    07/01/2016 Duración: 08min

    There’s surely nothing wrong with making a commitment around the New Year to get into better shape or to eat healthier or to make a positive life change. It is a natural reflection point to stop at the beginning of a new year to consider what you hope to get out of the next one. But the problem lies in only having a self-improvement mentality on one holiday a year, followed by a few weeks of rapidly decreasing follow through. Setting a real and meaningful vision for action requires taking and planning action long before New Years Eve happens to roll around on the calendar again. It requires having a fleshed out vision in mind of the change you seek, as well as a clearly articulated list of tasks that are oriented toward helping you reach your destination. View the full post and video here:  Summary:  New Year’s Eve. It’s a time for champagne, confetti, and, of course, making wild promises to yourself that are often forgotten by the time February rolls around.  Just why is it so hard to main

  • Early Bird Or Night Owl?

    23/12/2015 Duración: 08min

    There are morning people and night people. Both have their pros and cons. The night owl is more likely to be a good weekend companion in Vegas than a morning riser. But the early bird is far more likely to be a millionaire. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Succeeding takes talent and knowledge – as well as the time to make the fullest use of your gifts. For many of us, time is a commodity that always seems to be in short supply. We just can’t seem to extract all the time we need from our days. This is especially difficult if you are working or studying full time while also trying to launch a business or side venture you care about. The obvious answer is to carve out more time – most likely in the morning. Studies have shown that morning people are almost invariably more successful than their counterparts who sleep in. Not everyone is naturally wired to rise early in the morning, but it is worthwhile to experiment and see how you like it. There is nothing quite like aggressively

  • Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's Reality

    23/12/2015 Duración: 08min

    You are where you are and who you are based on all of the past decisions you have made. You don’t just wake up one day wealthy – or poor. You don’t roll out of bed fit – or miserably out of shape. Your present reality is driven by a thousand actions, both tiny and large, that you carry out each and every day, often without even thinking about it. The good news is that the decisions you make today, both now and moving forward into the future, will allow you to become what and who you want to be - and create what you want to create. Be strategic and utilize tactics that will allow you to consistently make better decisions to create the life you want and make success your reality. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Our long-term goals and objectives are determined by the thought and rigor we put into our daily decisions. A single day might not seem like a terrible thing to sacrifice. Cheating at a single meal or deviating from a financial goal “just this once” might not seem like

  • Affiliate Marketing Online

    11/12/2015 Duración: 10min

    For many multitudes of entrepreneurs around the world, the sure-fire formula for big financial gains involves affiliate marketing online. It boasts the unique combination of very low entrance fees and the potential to generate very high income. If you are seeking a way to work for yourself and grow your revenue streams exponentially, I cannot recommend this strategy highly enough. The key is putting in the  effort to acquire the skills you need and having the perseverance to make it pay. View the full post and video here:  Summary: There is nothing inherently virtuous about taking the long path to wealth and stability. As much as society derides the notion of “getting rich quick”, doing just that is very possible as long as you are creative about your concept of where your income and earnings come from. If you are focused on shimmying up a corporate ladder, it will indeed take some time. But what if you can find a way to earn income by helping others to connect to a wider range of customer

  • It Pays To Be An Expert

    07/12/2015 Duración: 08min

    Don’t be mistaken – it certainly takes a lot of work to become an expert, but it can pay off big time if you are willing to be patient and keep working toward your goal throughout a period of little returns. The gains may not be immediate, but they will be significant. The world is growing increasingly complex. As a result, businesses and individuals are more willing than ever to pay a premium to experts who can help them cut through the noise and learn the essential components of their area of expertise. Find your niche and focus on developing your expertise. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Many of the successful people you see interviewed on television and profiled in magazines all have something in common - they are experts in a particular area. Branding yourself as an authority in a particular niche is one of the most powerful steps you can take to assure yourself of big earnings. Instead of being paid for your time or physical presence, you can begin to be paid for the co

  • Get Rich Through Real Estate

    27/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    Don’t be scared off by the headlines of the last few years - real estate is still a crucial component of any strategy to build major wealth. That said, it isn’t a fast proposition. You must make sure that you are on board for the long haul and that you have the temperament to invest some time, money, and sweat equity in some cases, for gains that are sometime down the road. View the full post and video here:  Summary: A lot of people are scared off from dabbling in real estate – and you should be wary of dabbling as well. What you are going to do is educate yourself and implement a well-considered strategy to acquire properties that can generate passive returns and assure you of positive cash flow and stability long before your Golden Years. There are a lot of rumors and unfounded myths about the perils and promise of real estate. By cutting through all of the noise out there, you can give yourself a big leg up on making outsized returns that you could not achieve anywhere else Read on to

  • Big Money Big Freedom

    24/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    The true value and power of currency lies in the freedom that it can buy. Listen for tips on steps you can take to assure that you are working toward maximizing the greatest amount of freedom for yourself in your daily existence. View the video and full post here:  Summary: The Bible does not, in fact, say that money is at the root of all evil – in actuality, it says that the love of money is what corrupts man. Far from being evil, money actually empowers you to earn the lifestyle and freedom that you want.  It has been demonstrated that the happiest and most productive people in the world are those who feel the most sense of autonomy and control over their days and how they spend their time. We hear the word freedom a lot – but what does it mean for you? For most of us, it means doing the work that we want to do, when we want to do it, for rewards that allow us to provide our families with the lifestyles we have imagined.  Big money is what will allow you to earn this kind of life for you

  • Never Stop Learning

    19/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    You will always have an insurmountable advantage over others if you are committed to continually learning more about your work and what drives you. There are plenty of resources and strategies you can take advantage of to help you keep learning and ensure that your education is an ongoing strategic component of your wealth plan. View the full post and video here: Summary: Those who read are those who lead. Too many of us allow the project of our self-education to fall away after we formally graduate from school. We would all be better served to remember that the process of education should be considered a lifelong activity, not just something we engage in for a few of our formative years. By dedicating yourself to always learning more, you will be a better entrepreneur and a well-rounded individual. We are fortunate that, today, due to the growth of online communities, there are more options and opportunities than ever to continue to learn and grow mentally, thanks to all of the technolog

  • Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset

    12/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    You can always make more money but you can never regain lost time. It's irreplaceable and our most precious asset. Time is our most precious of commodities.  There are a number of strategies you can employ to ensure that you are maximizing your time and extracting the greatest value from what is your most important – and your continuously depleting – resource. View the full post and video here:  Summary: When we think of valuable resources, we tend to think of commodities like gold and silver, but what about time? In many senses, it is the most precious of all the resources at our disposal – not only can we not make any more of it, we cannot even re-use it. It is here and gone forever. Too many of us are far too cavalier about the way we use the time at our disposal. We continue to trade away this most precious of resources for dollars and cents, rather than thinking strategically about how to extract more quality out of the time we have available for ourselves. We spend far too much of ou

  • Ideas - The Real Drivers Of Wealth

    12/11/2015 Duración: 08min

    The main driver of wealth in the world isn’t venture capital or real estate or anything of that sort. It is as simple as a great idea. When you find yourself at that intersection where your passion and abilities align, you are at the best possible place to launch a new idea or venture. View the full post and Video here: Summary: Even as times and technology change, there is a constant that remains true – ideas are the greatest currency. There is no substitute for original thinking – it’s why major corporations invest in patent lawyers to protect their intellectual property.  The wealthiest people in the world are those who came up with new and innovate ideas to delight and surprise their customers. How many recycled movie plots or promotions have you seen? Isn’t there something just completely arresting and intoxicating about a genuinely new idea? We all know that feeling of being stopped in our tracks by the power of a new and bold concept for a good or service.  You can actually train yo

  • Controlling Frustration

    27/10/2015 Duración: 08min

    Don't be bogged down by the negative energy of frustration and anxiety. Mitigate sources of stress and frustration in your life and show any toxic elements the door. Learning to to control your frustration and focus on the positive will make you more effective, happier and more able to achieve your goals.   View the full post and video here: 

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